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This will be my first successful Whole30!!


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I will be starting my third attempt at a W30 tomorrow.  Attempted a couple of unsuccessful W30 last fall.  Here are my goals:

Below are my general goals for the W30.  In my log I will make weekly SMART goals.


Sleep - 7 hours per night, asleep between 10-10:30pm and up 5-5:30am.


Fun outside (does not involve training) - Play outside with my girls a minimum of 2 times per week, walk or run with Susie (dog) 5 times per week.


Husband relationship - check in with him once a day on how things are going for both of us.  Spend one hour a week with him seperate from the girls doing something fun.


Media (email, FB, Pinterest, etc.) - none after 9pm, none before 7am.  Limit email/FB checks to 3 times during the work day.


Organization - Create a daily list of what I plan to accomplish for writing and work.  Spend a minimum of 6 hours per day working on dissertation.  Avoid procrastination by using the list.


Journaling - Food & Exercise on W30 Log.  Personal growth and bible study in personal journal.


Socialization - involvement in church, study group, weekly RD group, working out at the gym and with a friend.  Check into additional running groups.


Temperance- complete a lot journaling and reflecting to get and keep myself back on track.  Avoid procrastination and overeating. 


Eating - Follow W30 program for 30 days. 


Exercise - work with husband weekly to develop my training program for the 25k trail run September 29th. 


Recovery - ice and stretch food daily.  Saturday is day off from traning.  Complete yoga 1 time per week.


Weight and body composition - Weight as of 7/14/2013 is 139.8  (I put 3 pounds on in the past week.)  Body composition should be still hanging around 30%.  I have no specific goal in 30 days for this category.  I hope for change to be a side effect of me taking better care of my heath.


Overall- When I am done with the W30, I hope to have better control of my eating habits.  I want to no longer search for a constant level of fullness and use food as coping mechanism.  I also hope to find a balance in life without needing to strive for perfection.




Yesterday I loaded up my refrigerator with vegetables at the farmers market.  All of my dinners are planned for the week and still need to plan breakfast and lunches.  I have two crockpots going right  now, one with stew from the FastPaleo website, and chicken for chicken salad from the PaleoOMG website. I do have several non-compliant W30 foods in the house because my chidren and husband still consume rice and corn grains.  My more specific goals this week are to consume a minimum of 80-90oz of water per day, keep snacking to a minimum of one per day, and no eating in the evening after dinner.  In addition, I will run 12-14 miles this week and lift 3 times (more detail on that tbd). 

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If you find lists of goals helpful I can see that this might be a motivator.  In case, though, you're just doing it because you think you must, I will toss out there that some of us would find that list completely overwhelming and we'd be done before we got started.  (I happened to be one for whom simply "eat compliant foods in compliant combinations for thirty days straight" was almost too much. :lol:  )

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I know it may look overwhelming the others. Goals are motivating for me. I sat down the other day with Whole9 "areas of wellness" and thought about what I want to achieve overall or move towards. I tried to determine some things that I feel will contribute to my overall wellness. Being compliant to the W30 is my top priority, and I will work on these other areas as I move through the month. That is why I tried to not put too many measurements or timelines to them. But I am setting weekly goals that will hopefully work towards these overall goals.

Here is to goals and happy eating. :)

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So far so good.  Did not rise as early as I would have liked to but did manage 8 hours of sleep.  Does anyone else require 7-8 hrs of sleep?  Obviously we should all get plenty of sleep, but I know individuals who can easilty function on 4-5 hours.  How do people do that?   


Anyways, breakfast was a spinach/onion/avocado omlet (local farm fresh eggs) and blueberries (picked at the local blueberry farm) with coconut flakes.  I used coconut milk (canned) for my coffee but it is just not the same.  I hate coffee with out my creamer.  May be switching to tea or I need to get a better type of coffee that tastes great black!  Some of you might say, "hey, try giving up the caffeine all together!"  Nope, sorry, not going to happen this time around.

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Overall, I would say it has been a good day. Lunch was a spicy beef and vegatble soup with half an avocado, plus some cashews. I was home from working out at 4pm and was starving so I ate some eggs and bacon. Made dinner, bacon wrapped chicken breasts and cauliflower rice, but the chicken was not done before needing to leave for a concert. So, I had cauliflower, ham and sliced peaches. The concert was part of the local fair, so I was surrounded by corn dogs and funnel cakes. The great thing was that none of it sounded appetizing because I made sure to bring a snack with me. We will see if I am tempted when we are at the fair on Thursday and Saturday. I am laying in bed now with my stomach grumbling but ignoring the desire to eat more. Must go to sleep since I am running 4mi at 6am. Yeah! Day one is over!!

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Just a thought on the coffee -- this my third W30 and I just discovered this -- I brew my coffee as normal, pour it in my mug so I don't go over (or under!) and dump it into the blender with my coconut milk/cream. The blender truly helps the process and has made coffee completely drinkable for me again.

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Hmmmm....I like the coffee idea. I also really like iced coffee and I have a good bean I use. I just need to make a batch for the fridge. My husband makes a pot of folgers in the am, which is why it tastes nasty. The positive is that my mug this am is half the size it typically is.

On another note...this am has gone well so far, but it is only 8:30. I probably got about 6.5 hrs of sleep. I was up at 5:30am to run. Since I allowed my friend to choose the course, my 4 mile run turned into a 5 mile. Which has increased my volume more than I intended....which is part of the reason, along with dietary changes, I feel like I could go back to bed now.

After my run I had some sweet potato fried up with eggs and bacon. Plus, my coffee and 20 oz of water. I have a feeling that today will be more challenging.

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Very tired this morning. Tried to take a quick nap with no success. I don't want to drink more coffee to be alert and productive. Strong hunger is definitely setting in and trying to determine whether ill eat an early lunch. Off to TRY and have a productive 6 hrs.

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On Sunday I had my husband take before pictures and tape measurements.  Been debating whether to post.  I will hold off on the before pictures until I have some amazing post pictures.  ;)   But, here are my measurements (inches).


Shoulders 39 6/8

Chest 33 7/8

Abdomen 31

Waist 30

Belly Button (muffin top) 32 4/8

HIps 39

R. Thigh 22 4/8

R. Calf 14

R. U. Arm 11

R. L. Arm 8 4/8

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I just recently started drinking coffee after all the discussion about bulletproof coffee on this forum! Obviously I'm not coming from drinking "normal" coffee with milk or creamer, but I am really in love with coffee now (thanks W30 forum for a new unnecessary addiction, lol). After the first week I switched to cold brewing, which put an end to the 'bitter beer face' I realized I was making halfway through every cup of coffee. So I heat up my coffee with ghee (or typically grass-fed butter, since I'm not currently on a W30), add some coconut oil and cocoa powder, and blend it up (this step can NOT be skipped). I also think it tastes great with just coconut milk and cocoa. Either way, the little bit of chocolate flavor is a must for me. Maybe you could try that?

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Ooooo....that sounds good too.  Maybe I'll try cinnamon and cocoa.  Can't wait for my moring "cup of joe."  I did brew myself a jug of iced coffee today that is in the fridge so it will be easy to throw everything together in the am.  See...I'm transforming my coffee for the better.  Maybe I'll just stick with my new methods when I am done with the W30.  Thanks everyone!

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Dinner tonight went as planned...taco salad without the "taco."  And then about 1.5-2hrs later, I had a feeling of hunger, which I think is due to just my body's metabolism being a little screwed up.  I ignored it, I am drinking some herbal tea, and am good now.  I think tomorrow will be easier than today because I will be working away from home.  Meals are all planned and packed. 

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Yesterday was crazy busy, so logging went to the way side.  The good thing about being crazy, busy is that I have not time to think about the food!


Yesterday, I woke up at about 5:30am, and was able to get about 2 hours of work in before getting my kids ready for camp.  I tried a coconut milk/cinnamon/cocoa iced coffee.  Wonderful! 


Breakfast consisted of eggs and bacon.  Worked out at the new gym (20 min on the elliptical; 3 sets of walking overhead lunge, pull-ups, and scorpian twists.  2 sets of core work. 


Post workout was leftover egg and sweet potato mixture.  Lunch taco salad (lettuce, mango, taco meat, avocado, cilantro, salsa). 


Was traveling in the afternoon for work and was sooooooo very tired during my 1hr 45min drive to a health department a couple of counties away.  On my home, I ate some cucumber slices and olives.  Dinner was homemade paleo sloppy joes (beef and venison) and crockpot sweet potatoes (diced sweet potatos, raisins, cinnamon and olive oil).  Was hungry again around 9:30pm, but had some tea before bed, which was at 10pm.

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The word for day four is....TIRED.  I was up at 5:30am (7 hours of sleep) for a run with my friend and my sister-in-law who in town from NC.  We ran an easy 3 mile, which I was greatful for because I am sore from yesterday's itty bitty lifting workout.  That is what happens when you are inconsistent!!  But, it is a good soreness...


We ate breakfast: fried apples, eggs, and bacon.


I was falling asleep while at the stove, so, since my girls were going to sleep in and play at home with their aunt, I decided to go back to bed until they woke up.


WOKE UP at 9:45am!!!!!!  I went back to bed for 2 more hours!!  Once I brought myself out of what felt like a drug induced coma, I had some coffee and feel great. 


Lunch: leftover sloppy joes and crockpot sweet potatoes.  Now I am back to work, so I can go to the pool with my girls this afternoon.


Tonight will be another challenge, since we are going back to the fair.  Funnel cakes galore!!

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