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July 16th My start Day...why Tuesday?


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Today is my day to start this journey. 

I have spent a week researching this website and book "IT STARTS WITH FOOD".  During my research time I have ate everything in site whether I wanted it or not.....would have hated to miss out on anything.  I initially wanted to start on Monday, July 15th.  BUT unfortunately I suffered for 2 days with a migraine...throwing up, sleep deprived, light sensitive, etc.  I paid the price for eating recklessly.

ANYWAY, I am ready.  Not sure I can do this but giving it all I got.  Most of the time (excluding during my "research time") I eat gluten free.  So far today I have ate...



Some kind of egg & beef thing I found recipe on this site, tomato, cucumber, watermelon

Tried to drink Coffee black but decided I would go without :angry:

Drinking water constantly.


For lunch I'm planning....

Leftover steak from last night & sweet potato.  Maybe some almonds.  Still thinking.


I need this to work for me. 

Any words of wisdom will be greatly appreciated. 

I keep telling my self over & over "I NEED THIS".  Trying not to over think it or over analyze which I have a tendency to do............off.....& running.............................. :unsure:  :wacko:  :blink:

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I hate to hear how bad you have been feeling - hopefully with the program a lot of that will go away! :)

I just started today, as well, and wanted to say "hello!" and "you got this!"

I'm cooking some thin cut sirloin for both my lunch and dinner today to make it easier for me - I work as a nurse and I'm doing the ol' evening shift tonight. I'm going to make it with a salad for lunch and then with cooked vegetables tonight. Tomorrow, I'm off and will be doing some grocery shopping for fats and protein - I think I'll even try out a frittata.

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You've got this. My tip is to have a plan. For lunch Havinf some leftover stew with avocado, tomato cucumber onion salad, and some leftover bacon wrapped chicken. Tonight we are having taco salad, minus the taco. Best of luck on day one, I'm on day 2.

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You can do this! We are starting our next whole30 tomorrow, Wednesday, because that is when my CrossFit box decided to start a 30 day challenge...they had the kick off meeting last Saturday, and wanted to give everyone time to prepare and shop. SO looking forward to eating really, really well again!

I found it really helpful to plan, plan, plan! And be ready to cook, cook, cook! Summer is an awesome time to do this because there are so many yummy veggies to choose from and you can grill lots of protein!

Good luck!

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Hey... and welcome

This is my 3rd Whole 30 (sort of as my life changed after the first) and in terms of strictly applying the rules, I am currently on board since July 1st (16 days).

I am convinced that this is the right program for me and I hope your obvious concerns and trepidation are gone in a short time and are replaced by confidence and assuredness that this is great for you too.


- Considder if you have the budget for the Whole30 emails.  They provide tips, tricks, advice and humour to help you through the first - W30


- Plan your day the night before.  Knowing what you will eat and how it will work in your day ahead of time is key.  At 5:30 PM when you are hot and tired... is likely not the best time to ask the question "what should I have for dinner"?  This almost always leads to stress or off-program food choices


- Plan for much more time to do shopping for food.  My first few shops when I went W30 took 2-3 hours instead of 45 minutes.  There is nothing worse that planning out a wonderful recipie getting out all the ingredients and realizing that the taco seasoning has MSG or the burgers have bread crums mixed in.  Reading labels at the grocery store takes time and effort.  With eating gluten free, you are likely well on our way for this one


- Keep it simple at the start.  Making 25 different full blown meals from Well Fed or ISWF in the first two weeks is going to be a daunting task for anyone to do and sustaining this over the W30 and beyond may not work.  I found it useful to find one or two new recipies a week and focus on those speical meals.  Keep breakfasts simple, focus on leftovers for lunch and make good-well thought out meals for dinner.


- I used to like Fish done in bread crumbs.  Learning to W30 your normal meals is critical.  I substitute Ghee for the canola oil in the pan and I substitute almond flower for the bread crumbs.  The taste is similar and together with homemade baked sweet potato fries and a salad, you have a simple, tasty meal that is W30 compliant that does not take buying 14 ingredients I did not have in my house and I found a way to have a favorite while still being on my W30 program.


- Use this forum to your benefit.  My first W30, I posted daily with my food, expereinces, problems and successes.  It is important to keep yourself accountable and you don't know who you may help and inspire along the way.

I hope these things are helpful for you.  Find a way to make it your own but I am a big believer in sticking with the rules so Good Luck and enjoy the next 30 days and beyond!



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Thanks for all the positive feedback.  Needed to be pushed in the right direction.

I survived day 1.  I had a hard time working out my head wasn't "right".  My body was probably waiting on its sugar fix for the day.

Well, on to day 2.


BTW, tried a frittata....pretty good.

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Well, I am starting day 3.

I have decided to not let this be WHO I am it's just a short journey I am on.  It's amazing how food encompasses you...every aspect of your life.  We make too much of it.  It is fuel for our body.


Praying I can keep this attitude through 27 more days.

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Hi, Tahh. Good for you!


I'm re-starting today - with a better attitude. Coffee was my downfall, as, like you, I couldn't bring myself to take it black. I tried to give up on coffee, subbing in tea, but during a road trip (I was driving) I caved and bought coffee with a dairy-free creamer that had sugar in it, ending my 15 days of  Whole 30. Ironically, it was the road trip that taught me that I can, in fact, enjoy black coffee - actually I hate any sweetener in my coffee, so I ditched the creamer and decided to buy black and found, to my surprise, that it wasn't at all bad... turns out that my husband, who has been the barrista in our house for years, makes his coffee soooo strong that it is unpalatable without cream. But I can handle it fine now if I dilute it with about 1/3 cup water. Who'd 'a thunk it?   :huh:

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Day 3 & trying to adjust to black coffee myself.  It's not so bad BUT do miss my creamer. 

Good luck with your new start.  Also, a pat on the back to you for completing 15 days of Whole 30.  We live and learn.  I am so afraid I'm going to get 1/2 way through and eat something I shouldn't without knowing :huh:  :huh: .  I just got to relax and enjoy this journey :D


Good luck!


Day 3 Menu

BREAKFAST:  Frittata, tomato, cucumber, watermelon (this meal is a major adjustment for me....love my oatmeal)

LUNCH:  WHOLE30 approved Minestrone Soup (TASTY!) & 12 GRAPES

SUPPER:  Still deciding.....

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Well day 5 is coming to an end. Side effects: a lot of drainage in my head, tired but can cope with, a little on the edge.

Really can't believe I've come this far. Really missing my glass of wine at night.

I've come so conscious of food & what I would be eating instead of better choices I'm making. Makes me really think.

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Day 6 over half way gone. I feel like I'm talking to myself but it helps to post

I'm having my meltdown. I have felt good with manageable side effects BUT today is getting the best of me. I know it will pass.

Hungry but have ate my meals.


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I started on the 16th as well. Rolling through day 7 without too many issues. Was angry for a few days inexplicably and am feeling extra tired today but otherwise it has been a surprisingly easy journey so far. Missing my wine or post hike beer pretty fiercely, but making it. Biggest problem has been keeping leftovers!! The food is so good that my non-challenge housemates are eating my food. So I get hungry and go looking for my taco meat and its gone. :( was heartbreaking today(being dramatic) but really- now I'm hungry and have to make something and try not to be tempted by their toast or cheese or chips while I'm replacing my stash. Lol

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Thanks for the words of insight. Another rough day for me just in a rotten mood which is so not me. UGH!

On a positive note I do have lots of energy.

Melzy80, keep on getting it. Keep me posted on your journey

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