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Divin' in - August


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My first day went ok... I have tried a whole 30 before and didn't make it past the second week. I had planned on this one, had cleaned out the fridge and pantry, had a shopping list of sorts, had carved out time mid-week to get groceries and got scared!  I didn't get my whole 30 groceries on Wednesday like I planned, I bought ice cream and corn chips.  Talk about self sabotage!  Well, I just got myself up yesterday morning and said yes, you are going to do this, you deserve this!  So I fixed myself a good breakfast of eggs, didn't have any veggies to throw in. I had a couple of sweet potatoes so threw those in the oven to roast.  For lunch I pulled some green beans out of the freezer, doctored  them up with red pepper flakes, garlic and onion powder.  Grabbed a pouch of tuna and a half of a roasted sweet potato. Weird combination but it worked.


I stopped at a small market on the way home and got a few compliant foods.  So supper was a hamburger patty with carmelized onions in coconut oil with a sliced red fresh tomato, and a small bowl of blueberries, blackberries with coconut milk.


I know it's not following the template, not enough vegetables.  Drank lots of water. I wasn't hungry at all and didn't miss my before bed snack.

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Day 2 was a success!  Breakfast was a 2 egg, handful of homemade pork sasuage, peppers and onions cooked in some coconut oil.  Lunch was leftover hamb. pattie, carmelized onions in coconut oil and a sweet potato with grass fed ghee and cinnamon on top.  Dinner consisted of chicken breast spiced up cumin, garlic powder, onion flakes, pepper flakes fried in coconut oil with some peppers and onions topped with some homemade salsa.  And another sweet potato Finished my meal with blue berries, black berries, a couple slices of nectarine with cocounut milk on top.  


No real food cravings.  Feeling so-so.  


Didn't sleep well, tossed and turned all night, too hot, too cold, so planning on a low key day for today.  Went and got groceries this morning, so off to do a cook up!

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Day 3 is in the books!  Just closed the kitchen for tonight. Breakfast was sweet potato with some coconut milk and 2 eggs.  Lunch, a hamb. pattie with fried onions and some fried sweet potatoes.  For supper I roasted a speghetti squash, made some meatballs, served with a tomato sauce I made.  Finished it off with my berriies and coconut milk.  


I did some food prep for the week.  I made this http://paleopot.com/2012/02/hungry-man-sweet-potato-casserole/ , will be trying it in the morning. I have plenty of "speghetti and meatballs" left for a couple of meals.  Tomorrow I am going to put some pork and sauerkraut in the crock pot.  I'm going to spend the afternoon with my parents, so dinner will be ready when I get home.  I have a head of cauliflower that I want to fix, rice half and roast the other half.


No headache or queasiness.  My knees are stiff today havent' done anything out of the ordinary. Going to put a movie on and grab the kindle.  

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Day 4 - done, cooked, in the books!


I think I'm like a day behind the timeline. Woke feeling so - so.  Tried the sweet potato casserole mentioned above, I like it, needs some more spices, more sweet potatoes, little less meat. I think you could substitute any meat and it would be tasty. 


Put some pork chops and sauerkraut in the oven and roasted some sweet potato slices (left over from the casserole fixings).  That was M2.


Went to my parents with my DD and her hubby.  Had a good time, lots of people there.  Had grilled chicken, strawberries and watermelon for M3. Drank lots of water and had some green ice tea.


No cravings, not wanting to kill anything, just a general tiredness.  Not sure if it's from the dietary changes or the fact that the month of July was a work-a-holics dream.  But anyway, its over and the changes are taking hold.  I didn't feel tempted by the pies, cakes and brownies that were present this afternoon.  


Onto Day 5....

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Day 5 - Completed!  YAY!


My sleep was interupted by work, I work in emergency services, but was able to go right back to sleep after both incidents which is something new.  I would have been up all night before.  I like it!


Breakfast was the breakfast casserole referenced above with about 10 cherries.  Got a call from work and finished a cold breakfast.  Was scheduled to be in Office #2 (I work out of 3 different offices).  Packed my lunch for work- spaghetti squash, meatballs and homemade sauce.  Had a small bowl of blue berries and black berries with some coconut milk on top.  Passed on going to get lunch with my co-workers. Dinner was sauerkraut and pork chop with some sweet potatoes, berries with coconut milk.


I wasn't the most compassionate person yesterday, so not good for my clients, I don't think I really offended anyone. Relearning how to drive....no popcorn and arizona ice tea, but I don't miss it really.  More of a habit I think.   I am amazed that I'm not craving my before bed ice cream! Feeling good!





agreed!  I hope your day 5 is just as good. 



Have a great Day 5!!

Thanks so much!  It's nice to have support!


Moving on to day 6.

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Another day under my belt. M1 was the sweet potato casserole and about 10 cherries. M2 spaghetti squash, meatballs and tomato sauce. Ate my berries later in the afternoon cause I forgot them.  M3 was more of the sweet potato casserole as I had an evening meeting and not a lot of time. Probably didn't get enough water in.  


I got a lot of work accomplished at work, I just felt like I could power through anything.  My legs were very stiff, whether from sitting so much working or the diet change?  Need to make sure I get up and move every hour or so!  Slept well.  I don't have any cravings, and I'm hungry in the morning and at noonish.  Evening not so hungry.  Funny the way you can hear your body when you listen. 


On to day 7!  

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Day 7 completed!  One week in!  Done! 


I can't believe that it's been a week already.  My meals were all compliant today.  More of the same.  I typically plan 4 meals for the week and rotate them through out the week. I have never place a big emphasis on what I eat or if I eat the same thing day after day.  It has helped with planning, but I will admit by the end of the week, some of the meals don't sound nearly as appealing as they did at the beginning of the week. 


I'm pleased with the way that I feel, I still feel wiped out about 3 -4 in the afternoon, but push through till I get home and eat, clean up.  Then I can start my wind down.  I'm not able to nap in the afternoon as I'm at work.  I've been sleeping well. Feeling more energetic for the most part.


Onto Week 2!

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Day 8 - HIGH FIVE!!!


I rewarded myself for week 1 complete with a new set of pyrex dishes to keep my food in after my cook ups.  Can't wait to fill them up this weekend!


My meals were great.  Ate the sweet potato casserole for M1 and had the spaghetti squash and meat balls for M2.  For M3, I met a friend who I hadn't seen since before the flood in June and we caught up.  We ordered out and then ate at her new apartment.  When she called me to get my order, I couldn't think of what to order, so I ordered baked fish with just fresh lemon.  I wasn't thinking of veggies, and I know that restaurant that we ordered from will fix steam veggies.  So I just ate the fish for dinner.  Kept me full all night, next time I'll plan better.


This morning I ordered 2 glass pitchers and 6 glass bottles with protectors for my daily tea and water - another reward, but since they won't be here till next week I'll use them for my week 2 reward.  Planning ahead!

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Day 9 - complete!


M1 - sweet potato casserole, M2- sweet potato casserole, M3 - pork and sauerkraut, organic grape tomatoes and berries with coconut milk.


Feeling better, didn't notice a mid afternoon slump! Left work early, got a hair cut, and did my grocery shopping.  Found a store that has lots better organic produce and some grass fed meats - WOO HOO!


Menu for the upcoming week

Local free ranged eggs with spinach, peppers and onions.

Roast beef with carrots, sweet potatoes, onions and celery cooked in the crock pot

Cauliflower fried rice with chicken, bacon, and green onions.

Deconstructed hamburgers, with carmalized onions.

I have spinach, snap peas, cherry tomatoes to add to any meal.


This week I have a couple of social events that are going to test my resolve.  Today celebrating my son's girl friend's daughter birthday with a party at a pizza restaurant.  Planning on a grilled chicken salad.  


Then I have to travel overnight for work, will be eating out at least 3 meals.  Planning on taking some hard boiled eggs, Lara Bars, apples, tuna pouches, nuts just in case.  This is suppose to be a team building, fun trip and I'm dreading it!  Kinda sprung on me at the last minute as a meeting location changed.   Trying to change focus and be positive!


Then next saturday, I'm taking my parents to CT. to visit my sister, will be gone 5 days.  Not as worried about that trip.  I know I can find good food once there.  Again planning on taking some hard boiled eggs, Lara Bars, apples, tuna pouches, nuts while on the road.


Planning, planning, planning!

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