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Ravin' About Whole 30


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Today is the first day of my Whole 30. To make sure I was prepared, I took an evening walk to the grocery store to pick up some eggs, veggies, and coconut milk.


So far:


For breakfast (ate around 7; I slept in this morning!) I had coffee with coconut cream, cinnamon, and cocoa powder, and three eggs scrambled in coconut oil with a diced red bell pepper, salt, and pepper, some shredded carrot, and picante sauce.


Conclusion: The coconut cream in the coffee is palatable. I was hungry again by 10 AM, so tomorrow I'm going to add some starchier veggies or fruit to breakfast.


For lunch (which I ate at about 11:30), I had a tuna salad with 1 can of tuna, 2 celery stalks, some shredded carrot, 1 roma tomato, pepper, a chopped up pickle slice (compliant pickles!), and some olive oil drizzled on. When I finished making it it looked a little dubious (decidedly not my usual fare), but it tasted DELICIOUS! I also had some fresh pineapple on the side, and because I was still hungry when I finished it and the meal was weak on the fat (there was maybe a tsp of olive oil), a closed handful of pistachios. Next time I make tuna salad I'll probably add some diced green olives.


So far, so good. DH is making salad for dinner with chicken breast, and cooking up a bunch of chicken breasts so I'll have some left to eat tomorrow as well. I'm the only one doing Whole30 in the house, but he's being supportive and planning most of our family dinners to be something that is either compliant or that has non-compliant components easily left out for my portion.

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hi ravin :)


sounds like a pretty good day (maybe some hungry spots, but hopefully you can fine tune the portions over the next few days!), and it's good your husband is supportive even if he's not involved himself.


i'd definitely add some starchy vegies to breakfast (more likely to keep you full over fruit), and possibly more protein with lunch (as well as the fat you'd already mentioned) - i'm imagining a standard tin of tuna here in aus though, and know i'd need 2-3 to have enough protein! maybe adding some more vegies here wouldn't be a bad thing either?

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A can of tuna makes a palm-sized portion.


Day 2 is all but over. We had steak for dinner, DH did some veggies pan fried and my baked potato was a sweet, with coconut cream instead of butter. i had too much sweet potato today because I also had sweet potato with my eggs at breakfast.


The coconut cream in my coffee wasn't so great this morning. It got sour as it started to cool. I picked up some compliant almond milk (Silk unsweetened now has sunflower lecithin instead off soy or careenagen), so I'm going to try that tomorrow. 

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So far, so good. Today, Day 3,  is my first day toting a compliant lunch somewhere. I wound up slow out the gate leaving the house because of food prep, that's definitely something I'm going to have to work on.


Breakfast was 2 eggs with half a steak, mushrooms, and spinach, and a sweet potato hash which I didn't try and cook together with the egg this time. Much better mouth feel from it. I should have included more spinach in the eggs, but other than that it was the best breakfast yet.


When I got in to the office I had an urge to eat a snack, but when I ignored it I didn't grow increasingly hungry or really even stay hungry. I think it was more just the habit to snack--though usually, that snack when I get here is necessary because I'm crashing from a carby breakfast.


It's lunch time now and I'm not even really hungry, but I'm going to eat anyway. Not being low-blood-sugar-crashy-HUNGRY come mealtime without eating for six hours before hand is WIERD. I do like it though!


Today's lunch is tuna salad again, this time with bell pepper, red onion, celery, and mango, and again drizzled in olive oil, with jicama slices to "sandwich" or scoop it. I don't think there's enough fat to it, so I have a side of pistachios. I have no idea what will be for dinner, other than that we're not due for salad again.

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My husband made lettuce wraps for dinner last night. I have never seen my family go through an entire head of lettuce except for salad before. They were delish! The only problem was we ran out of veggies--and I love that even the picky kids liked it!


Last night I picked up some ground beef on the way home and browned it so I'd have it for makings the next few days. I also put together the meat/veggies for my breakfast (mushrooms, bell pepper, onion, and the last of the steak), so I'd just have to dump it all in a hot wok this morning. For lunch today I had chicken salad with olive oil, a pickle, garlic, salt, pepper, chive, and brown mustard in it. It looked wierd but it tasted great with the jicama I didn't eat yesterday because it overpowered the tuna salad. 


Breakfast was a couple of fried eggs, the steak/veggies, and some sweet potato hash. Dinner will once again be a surprise compliments of my husband.


I still can't get over how steady my blood sugar is. I don't really feel hungry until I've got my meal in front of me and either the smell or taste wakes up my brain to eat. And everything tastes so good!

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Lasagna meat and veggies for dinner last night, dumped into my salad. Same deal for lunch but with chicken instead of sausage + ground beef. I skipped the eggs for breakfast, since I had the leftover lasagna meat without marinara, sauteed with a calabacita, red bell pepper, and onion, with sweet potato hashbrowns. No headache today, huzzah!

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Still rockin' the steady blood sugar. I'm having a late dinner because when I got home I found out it was leftovers night. That means putting something together for myself, and since I'm in the mood for soup:


Thai-ish hot and sour soup


1 can chicken broth (Swanson's, compliant)

1 can full-fat coconut milk

1 in. piece ginger sliced

1 tsp or so garlic (from jar)

brought to a boil, then added:


2 pre-grilled  chicken breasts, diced

a cup or cup and a half of mushrooms

A large handful of bean sprouts

some diced jicama (instead of water chestnuts, to use the fresh stuff in the fridge)

1.5 tsp. lemon juice

Frank's Red Hot sauce to taste


It smells really, really good. I made enough that it'll be dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow.

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Day 6, and I'm coming down with a cold. Oh, joy. I hate drinking water when I'm sick. I'll sip on hot broth or tea...time to find out if my fave tea is compliant. No honey for my sore throat stinks though. Do ricola count?

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My Stash chai is compliant, I had some with almond milk and coconut oil before bed. Instead of my usual Nyquil, I took Sudafed and benadryl capsules at bedtime. Dinner was flounder and grilled veggies. The flounder DH pan fried and it was gross and mush.

My breakfast was lacking green. I had sweet potato, sausage, and onion hash with two fried eggs on top.I didn't feel much like fixing lunch, so I packed a couple of pickles, a grilled chicken breast, a can of green olives, a banana, and broth. Basically what was ready at hand and sounded good, though not necessarilyb in combination.

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My cold is starting to improve. This could be partly diet, or it could be the Sudafed. Every cold I've gotten in the last three years has turned into a sinus infection. I wouldn't take Sudafed because I'm breastfeeding. But DS is well over 2 now, so the hazard of a temporary dip in milk supply no longer concerns me much.

I sipped hot broth yesterday before bed, and plain hot water when I first got up this morning. I know I haven't been drinking enough water the last couple of days, but I had soup for dinner last night and lunch today, and I have made myself drink at least some water.

Tomorrow DH is roasting a turkey that's been sitting in our freezer for months. MMM...turkey.

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Day 11 and I'm bored with food. Something made me horribly gassy today and I did not feel well, so I ate rather small lunch and dinner. Tomorrow I'm having plantain at breakfast or lunch. I have turkey coming out my ears, but it's tasty.

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Still going here on Day 16. i made a casserole for this week's breakfast with chorizo, eggs, onion, green chilies, and sweet potato. It turned out tasty! 


Dinner tonight was meatloaf. Kind of dry, but noshing it with the accompanying cauliflower mostly solved that problem. I still missed me some Lea & Perrins.

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