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Feeling weak at day 11


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Hey everyone! I'm on Day 11 and experiencing some significant issues.

For one, my hair is falling out! This is not cool. I heard it's because of hormones readjusting? 4 years ago, I had a hysterectomy which put me straight into menopause (at 30 years old!). My hair
started falling out then, too, but once I started taking estrogen, the issue resolved. Will this eventually subside? My hormones definitely feel way outta whack, aside from the hair issue.

I am also losing a little weight. I really do not want to lose any more. Also feeling weak before half of the day is through. I feel like I am eating a lot. Are there other sources of food I should be eating? Here is what I have
been eating every day:

- eggs (lots of them!)
- chicken sausage
- tons of veggies
- sweet potato
- chicken/turkey/fish
- strawberries, banana, blueberries
- avacado
- cashews, almond butter

I don't eat red meat or pork, so that's out.

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I would maybe suggest to go easy on the nuts, and nut butters.  These cause some digestive issues for some.  Try use other fats - homemade mayo, olives, olive oil, coconut milk, coconut oil, etc.


I know you say you feel you are eating a lot.  But many people will feel like that and still be hungry as well.  If you are hungry, another meal.  Do not be afraid to eat.  If you need a snack make sure it follows the template and becomes like a mini meal.


As for hair falling out - yep this is your hormones adjusting.  It will stop eventually.  A time line I cannot give you.  I have had this problem as well.  Before I started my first whole 30 last year, my scalp was super itchy and my hair was coming out in handfuls.  I have had minor issues here and there since then but my hormones seem to have leveled out pretty good now. So any issues now I know are related to eating non-compliant foods.

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