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2 week long cycle and still going


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I'm on day 13 of the whole30 and the week before I started whole30 I did a supplemented liver cleanse by ortho molecular products. So my period started a week early. I have a non-hormonal IUD and I take BC pills (the IUD gave me such bad bleeding, was at 10+ pads a day, and cramping that the BC pills are used to help it). But I've been having a pretty heavy (for me at least - 2 pads a day) cycle for 2 weeks now. I'm starting to feel weak and tired and sometimes dizzy. In the past when I had period issues I would take Floradix iron supplement. I don't know if I should try that or wait it out. I'm afraid to go to a doctor and them tell me I'm not eating right since I'm doing whole30. I read through other posts but didn't see much about long heavy cycles. Any suggestions? I'm considering trying to eat liver... But doesn't sound good to me.

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Go to the doctor.  Take the iron.  Now.  (Your doctor isn't going to tell you that you're not eating right.  Your doctor will want you to get the bleeding stopped, and your doctor knows that it wasn't your food that made the bleeding happen.  Truly.)  Make the call, go see the doctor.  Right now.

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You absolutely need the iron.  The diet and the IUD might both be turning you into Carrie at the Prom, but Amy S is right... you are at the point where you need a gyno to help you out.  If you have to take the BCs for the IUD to be palatable, I would say why have the IUD at all?



PS -  I LOVE my non hormonal IUD and can't take BC pills...but it does make everything go longer and heavier :( 

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I do wanna be able to not have the BC pills, but don't think my body is there yet - hate to go through that embarrassing time again right now... I'll have to pick up some Floradix tonight at least till I get into see the gyno. Just confused cause it seems like longer periods do happen to some ppl on here.

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I'm on bc (nuvaring) and during my Whole30 I had an extra period that came two weeks early and stuck around for 18 days. My next cycle was a little more normal, and so far there haven't been any surprises this cycle. But I did go see my doctor just to be sure there wasn't anything more serious going on, such as an infection or miscarriage. She didn't make a big deal out of my diet changes at all, so hopefully your doctor will be just as cool with it!

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Went to Dr., she didn't see anything outstanding. Had blood work done and going to do pelvic ultrasound to see if something is making my IUD so bad. Might just get it out completely and do the burn thing. I don't want children, so might be my best non-hormonal option.

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