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Surprised myself and started yesterday


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Did a fun shop at Costco. Discovered that my local supermarket has started to carry Grass Fed Beef and High Plains Bison.

Yesterday's Eats:

Breakfast: Morning scramble (3 eggs, chopped sweet potato, mushroms, spring onions, leftover steak) and a bit of hot sauce.

I was so full that I didn't feel a need for lunch until almost 1:30pm

Lunch: Grilled organic chicken with olive oil mayo with grapes, and sugar snap peas

Dinner: 1/2 pork chop (which I honestly over seasoned.. blech) and riced cauliflower pilaf (OMG! This was just something I came up with based on suggestions from Well Fed and I LOVED IT! Heck, even hubby came back for more of this one),


Woke up at 4am thanks to my psycho cat, so headed to work to use the gym. 45 minutes on the treadmill at 3.3 mph and varrying inclines. Not bad for my first day back in months.

Breakfast: emergency protein (kind of like morning scramble but using grass fed ground beef and no eggs) , iced coffee with coconut milk (OMG, I didn't think I would like this but experimented with it on Saturday and discoverd that if it's super cold, I don't miss the sugar!)

Lunch: same as yestarday

Dinner: Still thinking about what to make.

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