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Copper IUD


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Is anyone currently on one or previously had one for an extended period of time? I've had mine for just under 3 years and for the most part I have no complaints.

But I also feel like my anxiety has increased substantially during this time and I can't help but wonder if it would be connected. Although, my life in general has become much more stressful too so maybe it's purely circumstantial. When I asked my Gynecologist about the possible correlation, she completely shot to down but I have read about anxiety being a side effect with some women online. Was just wondering if anyone here had personal experience with that or any other side effects. I have other issues like chronic fatigue I would love to be able to pin on my IUD.

I honestly hate the thought of this foreign object in my body and would really like to get rid of it but our love life is pretty healthy and I'm TERRIFIED of another pregnancy. That might send me right over the edge. So I'm very gun-shy to try a more natural birth control approach although I love the concept in theory.

And even though I'm like 98% sure that we're done having kids, I'm having trouble with coming to terms with completely closing the door at the this point. So the copper IUD seems like its my best option, unless its what's making me feel like a crazy person but I just can't be sure.

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Have you had your copper and zinc levels checked? Cooper IUDs can cause higher levels of copper in your system, causing your zinc levels to drop. Zinc is critical to just about every enzyme activity in the buddy. I was found to be low in zinc and supplementing made a HUGE difference in anxiety and fatigue! Look into it, it's a simple blood test, but most doctors don't think to check... May not be your issue, but it's easy to rule out.

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I had mine for 10 years and just got a second which will take me thorugh menopause.


I've suffered from depression, sometimes with anxiety, my whole life (pre iud and during) and I'm very sensitive to 'side effects'.  But I never once felt that the iud was in any way contributing to anything other than my longer (sometimes more crampy) periods.  Every other BC method I tried - which is almost all of them - were intolerable.  Hormones made me sick and barrier methods using spermicide or latex gave me a reaction.  It's fair to say,then, that I am grateful for the IUD.


Issues like 'anxiety' are incredibly difficult to pinpoint on a particular cause. I absolutely believe that you can convince yourself that that something like the IUD is causing anxiety and chronic fatigue... and that you can find plenty of people to corroborate that feeling on the Internet.  But it may be a lack of zinc, iron, vitamin d.... or simply support (Im' guessing you have young children).


Anti-depressants have made a huge difference in my life.  But if I read all the side effects and problems people report on the Internet (and believed they could be applied to me) I would make myself crazy and go live in a cave.


If you really can't shake the feeling that the IUD is the problem I would have it removed for your own piece of mind and come to the 100% decision about another child.  'Terrified' is a pretty strong descriptor btw... trying other methods may make you MORE anxious around a pregnancy


The reality (and great thing!) about IUDs is that you can remove it... and then get another.... pretty easily.  Only the cost is a factor - and it might be worth doing just to rule it out.


Good luck!

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Now that I'm not typing on my phone, I wanted to follow up with some additional information. 


There are multiple sources out there regarding high copper/low zinc, particularly as it pertains to Paraguard, but here's one from Chris Kesser since he's well respected around here: http://chriskresser.com/rhr-could-copper-zinc-imbalance-be-making-you-sick  It's a transcript of a podcast so it may be easier to just listen to the podcast since the transcript is very conversational.


Yes, anxiety can be caused by a lot of different things.  There are so many possible factors.  In your case, though, you have a foreign object inside your body that's sole purpose is to excrete copper, which in turn can precisely cause anxiety and fatigue.  It's SO incredibly correctable that it'd be foolish not to look into.  



Can I just tell you how relieved I was to learn I had a copper/zinc imbalance?  After tackling some other big medical issues, fatigue and depression/anxiety were my lingering symptoms.  And this was even after I cracked down my diet and became paleo.  Supplementing with zinc and bringing my levels up to normal made me feel like a person again.  That's all it took.  


So, yes, anti-depressants can help some people, and there are lots of other causes of anxiety out there, but there could also be a really valid reason for it, nestled quietly in your uterus.  Just taking it out won't correct the imbalance as your body can store the excess copper away.  You can start taking a normal dose of zinc now if you'd like, or eat more zinc-rich foods, but if you're really deficient, that won't be enough.  It's not recommended to take high doses of zinc without a deficiency, though, as that can tip the scales in the other direction (low copper/high zinc).  It's a careful balancing act.  


Again, this may not be your problem.  But, it's something really easy to identify and fix once you know what to look for.  I wish someone would have tested me for this years earlier - I wouldn't have missed out on so many things the past few years.  

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I appreciate the info. A couple months ago, I had a full panel of bloodwork and all my levels were fine. Then I had a second round of bloodwork and all that was fine too. I didn't see the results and I don't remember my doctor mentioning copper or zinc so I'll have to ask about it.

I have issues with anti depressants. I'm currently on one and I think I'm going to have to get off because I'm having a slight allergic reaction. Not life threatening but making me sneeze and have itchy eyes. And I'm pretty bummed about it because aside from that, it's the only one I've tried that I can tolerate. The rest just make me feel like a space cadet and completely disconnected and I can't stand it. For years I was stable enough to not need medication but its all gone downhill within the last few months.

One of my biggest issues is finances. We are in the middle of a financial crisis. I can't afford doctors visits or medication or to mess with my IUD and I definitely can not afford a pregnancy at this point, hence my use of the word terrified.

Do you think I could try to add a zinc supplement and just see if it helps, on my own? While keeping the IUD? I realize I'm asking medical questions to non medical professionals but as I said, I can't afford any more doctors visits so I'm pretty much on my own in this research.

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So, yes, anti-depressants can help some people, and there are lots of other causes of anxiety out there, but there could also be a really valid reason for it, nestled quietly in your uterus.  Just taking it out won't correct the imbalance as your body can store the excess copper away.  You can start taking a normal dose of zinc now if you'd like, or eat more zinc-rich foods, but if you're really deficient, that won't be enough.  It's not recommended to take high doses of zinc without a deficiency, though, as that can tip the scales in the other direction (low copper/high zinc).  It's a careful balancing act.  


Ok sorry, missed this paragraph somehow. Well... It doesn't seem like very any easy fix here. But thanks for info.

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Aack.....Sorry!  In no way was I suggesting anti-depressants for anxiety/chronic fatigue.  My (badly made) point was that if you read all the possible side effects of anything  you can make yourself crazy with that alone.


I'm so sorry this is such a challenging time for you.  While you weigh your options, there are a number of 'non-invasive / do no harm' things you can try:


starchy carbs - sweet potatos!  They have a natural calming effect.  If you have trouble sleeping or have anxiety attacks in the evening, I recommend them daily!  They also help balance serotonin levels overnight.


Natural Calm magnesium - nearly everyone is mag deficient (follow directions to add slowly or you'll end up with very loose bowels!)  If it's too expensive, buy Epsom Salts (super cheap) and take evening baths in it.  You absorb the magnesium through your skin - and it's also relaxing and good for physical cramps, aches and pains.


Try meditation.  Easy and free.  Zen Habits gives suggestions on how to get started.  At the very least try breathing techniques that will instantly calm you down when you feel an attack coming on - a favorite one is closing one nostril and breathing in, switching nostrils and breathing out through the other.  Sit comfortable with your eyes closed and take long (even) breaths while you do it and only a few are required to slow down a rapid heart rate.


Good luck!

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I appreciate the info. A couple months ago, I had a full panel of bloodwork and all my levels were fine. Then I had a second round of bloodwork and all that was fine too. I didn't see the results and I don't remember my doctor mentioning copper or zinc so I'll have to ask about it.


Zinc and copper are not tested as part of a normal blood panel.  They are separate tests and not ordered unless needed.  


Do you have a good enough relationship with your doctor that you could call to see if you can get the blood drawn to avoid a doctor visit?  Depending on your insurance coverage, you may still have a cost for the draw, but at least you wouldn't have a doctor visit on top of it.  I can sympathize with limited finances to address health issues.  :(  

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Miss lexes 42, please tell me more about these epsom salts. I see bags of them at the store - is one brand just as good as another? Are scented / other additive ones acceptable?


Most important of all - I hear about yeast infections and other nasty things brought on by bubble baths and the like and, well, just soaking your lady bits in a bathtub with something other than just water. Is this likely to be a reaction from epsom salt baths?

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Yes, the generic, no brand cheap-o stuff is the best in my opinion because all it is is magnesium sulfate.  Lady bit reactions are caused by the perfumes / additives / sulfates in bubble baths, so to avoid that get the most generic box you can find.  Definately avoid the preparations specifically for bathing in if you're worried about any reactions  (ironically).


Sometimes it's with the laxatives, sometimes with the foot / sprain stuff, sometimes both!  But always on the lowest shelf because it's cheap and heavy.  Ask a pharmacist if you don't see it.  


Like baking soda and vinegar, it's usefulness crosses all areas of life.. it's good for getting out splinters too!

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