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Well, I ended up taking my 3-hour glucose test yesterday and "failed". I'm not sure if I ate enough carbs the days leading up to the test. I plan on asking my Dr. to draw an A1C test to check my blood sugar levels over the past couple of months. I know that snacking is allowed when we are pregnant and breast feeding but should mimic the food outline (protein, carbs, and fat). Does anyone have any snack combinations that they like and are quick and easy? Also, I don't eat fish so tuna is out. Thanks for your ideas! I plan on going grocery shopping this afternoon.

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chicken salad made with paleo mayo and celery


hard boiled egg with sliced peppers and avocado


leftover veggie frittata


leftover paleo sweet potato meatloaf


grilled chicken or turkey burger with sweet potato topped with paleo mayo

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