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Triathlon Teacher's Post Whole30 Reintroductions


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Tomorrow will start my opportunities for reintroductions... I plan to go slow and only add back a few things for the foreseeable future. The food I am making is too good, and the progress too promising to add it all back. Wine, chocolate, some non-gluten grains, and some very selective cheeses. I know I will need to track the wine and chocolate CLOSELY to make sure they don't cause other slips.

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No crash... And more importantly... No will power degradation... A HUGE bowl of chocolate candy was placed on our lunch table and I passed it many times without issue. And no crazy binge choices. I came home and made a whole9 dinner and had my glass of wine with it!

Rode my bike to and from work today too.

Hopefully no bad reactions tomorrow....

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No bad reactions from the wine or chocolate. Not even tired or hung over... In fact woke up before the alarm. So the small amounts I had were within reason.

Also continued to pass up on the MANY stupid amounts of candy chocolate halloween candy that has already infected our school, including the bunch that was at every table at the staff meeting after school. I brought a safe snack incase I needed it, but didn't. So my biggest fear, that adding back some wine and sugar would impact my will power has not YET come to pass. However, I know I will still need to keep it in check, tightly!

But of course now I am home and the rest of my bottle of wine is calling to me. Might need to make alcohol " an only when out of the house" thing, so the bottle doesn't haunt me. Otherwise I will be back to drinking a full bottle over a couple of days.

I Made some wild rice to go with dinner for the hubby... And decided to try a bite. It was under cooked, so a bite was all I had. And I guess I will be tossing it, since hubby doesn't want it either. Also put a less than an ounce of the new organic goat cheese on my chicken, I used to serve it with feta, but it was not the right cheese and I am disappointed I added it. I probably should not have bought all my reintro stuff at one time, because having it in the house made it hard to space it out. Keeping it out of the house makes it possible for me to avoid, in the house... So much harder.

Nothing else I want to try for the week... So gotta keep it clean. 42 mile bike race this weekend!

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Whoops, put some of this in my whole30 log but I guess it should have gone here.

Yesterday I had my usually veggie, meat, egg scramble Whole9 b-fast, but had no lunch prepped. So I got one of my pre-whole30 sandwich favorites at the local deli. I ate it without the bread, so only off plan item was the blue cheese. It was OK. But I only ate 1/3 of it and then a bunch of carrots. Needless to say I was starving by dinner. Had a huge shrimp stir-fri totally clean and compliant and YUMMY! Makes me realize that my off-roading really needs to be more intentional so I don't waste it on dumb stuff.

This morning, after running to the clinic for a fasting blood draw, I made some nomnom paleo pancakes (allowed now that I am in reintro phase) even though I ate with eggs and some fresh raspberries, I would need to eat twice as many to get satisfied in the way that my veggie breakfast stir fries have been. So they will have to be a rare treat. As it is, I will probably need to fry up some veggies here in a min because I am still way too hungry :( or have an early lunch.

So far I have also had a few corn chips (thursday w/ my taco salad) and they did not sit well. Since pretty much all corn and corn products are GMO in the USA. I plan to steer clear of them. Not sure why I had them, other than they were there and I was "allowed" to have them again.

The cheese on friday, such a small amount in the sandwich I barely tasted it. The sandwich was so BLAND compared to the food I make myself. And I don't REALLY know what is in the deli meat for sure... So again, discovering what I make is always going to be better tasting and better for me. Luckily, I am not having guilt feelings about these off roads, but recognizing that the GOOD stuff is just way more GOODER!

Today, need to shop and plan! I am thawing a lamb roast for some stew or toasted lamb... Will need stewing type veggies to go with. Thawing some chicken thighs. Thinking about the nomnom green chicken. Hubby has requested a thai salmon dish I used to make, so going to tweak the recipe to make it whole9. By my recollection, I just need to make sure the chili paste is compliant and figure out what veggies to have with instead of the usual rice. Although he will eat it with rice. The trick is it is spicy and usually I use the rice to temper that. So what kind of starchy veg would go with thai... OH WAIT, I bet this would be a good chance to test out cauliflower rice again.

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So I returned my reward boots, since they didn't fit and decided to get refitted for bras and get some new sports bras. I am down a cup size, so that is cool. And getting new bras was more important that new shoes.

So all my errands and still had no food to eat, so I decided to pick up my first post whole 30 pizza. Found a place that does take and bake with gluten free crust. The crust tasted a little nutty, which wasn't bad. But it was too thin and floppy and the pizza gave me heart burn. I am guessing the cheese, since this is the first large amount of cheese I have had. Not something I plan to repeat in a while :( and wont go back THERE.

Now that I have eaten..I still need to get back out to the grocery. Bra shopping took much longer than planned and didn't get to half of the places I needed to go today. Still need to prep for my early race tomorrow too

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Hiya, Sheba.  Looks like you and I are pretty close on this whole9 thing, and we have the triathlons in common.  What have you come up with for fueling your workouts?  My favorite is to dump a container of baby food sweet potatoes in my sports bottle and top it with apple juice, a bit of salt.  Then I'll bring along some dried dates or homemade Larabars too.  Let me know how that 45-mile race went!

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I saw some super dark chocolate last night; I had to run out to the store late because my apple juice smelled a bit fermented.  LOL.  I decided this time to refreeze the concentrate in single serve portions in the baby food containers, since I apparently don't go through it fast enough.  Anyhoo, I walked past the chocolate, paused, and moved on.  Bravo that you can handle a small bit.  I think that's would be an ICY slope for me, not just a slippery one!

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Hiya, Sheba.  Looks like you and I are pretty close on this whole9 thing, and we have the triathlons in common.  What have you come up with for fueling your workouts?  My favorite is to dump a container of baby food sweet potatoes in my sports bottle and top it with apple juice, a bit of salt.  Then I'll bring along some dried dates or homemade Larabars too.  Let me know how that 45-mile race went!

Baby food in the squeeze pouch will be one of my new things today. I also make my own variation of the nomnom paleo liar bars... But I roll them into bite sized balls and roll in shredded coconut to keep them from sticking.


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I saw some super dark chocolate last night; I had to run out to the store late because my apple juice smelled a bit fermented.  LOL.  I decided this time to refreeze the concentrate in single serve portions in the baby food containers, since I apparently don't go through it fast enough.  Anyhoo, I walked past the chocolate, paused, and moved on.  Bravo that you can handle a small bit.  I think that's would be an ICY slope for me, not just a slippery one!

I will have to be very careful with the chocolate for sure!

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I have my monthly cramps today and thunder storms are on the way for my bike ride today... So despite being all packed up and ready to go, I want to bail. Just hate riding while on my heaviest flow day. Not sure if I will have the right/frequent enough access to bathrooms... Don't want to end up staining my chamois...... Sitting here trying to talk myself into going! It is a women's only ride, so I am sure it is going to be safe and fun. It has been a ride I have wanted to do for years.... But cramps on this day are usually bad enough that I am in bed with a heating pad. I HAVE done a short ride on a day like this, with a heating pad... And survived but it was unpleasant... So doing a long ride isn't sounding fun.


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At this point, I know I am not doing the reintros as directed. First off... I dont want to add back gluten period. (My brother has done well on GF for a few years now so following in his footsteps) So skipped that. Thinking I want to be mostly paleo... But missed that wine and chocolate. So added back a little of that, have already seen some of its consequences. They will stay but with strict limitations since they are both empty calories.

But the protocol calls for adding the eliminated category to every meal of the day.. Of course that cant make sense for wine and chocolate. but Like yogurt at b-fast, milk at lunch and cheese at dinner. For dairy, I only want to have some occassional cheese. But it doesn't make sense to me to have cheese in 3 meals in one day to test for reactions. I am also not doing a good job of eating clean for a full day in between.

I had cheese last night and had instant reaction. Heart burn and then runny nose this am. (Some constipation, but that might be my period, not the cheese) While I guess it could be attributed to the other grains in the gluten free pizza crust, I am certain enough that it is the cheese that I know that when I have cheese it better be excellent stuff (not the dumb motzo that was on that crappy pizza)

Today, hubby trying to be supportive, got some gluten free english muffins... They looked good and it sounded like a good idea.. Suddenly with them here in the house, I missed toast... Although I hadn't missed it before that moment. THEY WERE HORRIBLE! That and the pizza really grind the message home that I can not abide by lame substitutes. They are worse that sex with your pants on! They are like some kind of back alley forced senario... So any time I think I want to be having a "safe" substitute... I need to try to remind myself No means No!

The only other reintro I want to give a try at some point is some no gluten grains and legumes. Rainy day split pea soup is in my future! But with sugar free ham, homemade with my own ingredients.

I did bail on my 40m ride event. But made plans with my workout buddy for 2 rides this week to prepare for our next event ride that is in 2 weeks. Nursing my cramps and blah mood with tea and a heat wrap.

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I am really dragging today! Combination of this being the first monday after our first full week of school, and DRAMATIC shift in the weather from nice sunny 75+ to dark, rainy, foggy and low 60s in ONE DAY. Plus eating off road a lot this past weekend... And with cramps yesterday, so I napped in the afternoon and then didn't sleep well at night. All combining to put me at the point where I feel like I NEED an afternoon coffee! Which I haven't needed in 2 months! Not going to give in to that need... Because that might put me in a bad cycle.

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I am really dragging today! Combination of this being the first monday after our first full week of school, and DRAMATIC shift in the weather from nice sunny 75+ to dark, rainy, foggy and low 60s in ONE DAY. Plus eating off road a lot this past weekend... And with cramps yesterday, so I napped in the afternoon and then didn't sleep well at night. All combining to put me at the point where I feel like I NEED an afternoon coffee! Which I haven't needed in 2 months! Not going to give in to that need... Because that might put me in a bad cycle.

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