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Weight loss during W30 while pregnant

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I'm twenty weeks pregnant and halfway through a whole 30. I know one of the rules during a w30 is no weighing yourself, but its hard to avoid when going to the dr. and it seems important to know since I'm pregnant. During my first trimester I ate pretty bad (for me), lots of bread and bland grains were the only things that stayed down. I got terribly bloated and had some digestive issues, but finally the nausea went away and I switched back to paleo and now a w30 to clean my system. I feel great!


What I've noticed, though, is that I've lost about 3-5 pounds since I've started my w30. Making my weight gain in my pregnancy so far at about 8-10 pounds. I haven't talked to my midwife yet about it, I see her next week. I'd like to think my body is doing its normal thing on a clean diet and getting rid of the junk, but I don't know that it is good since I'm pregnant and should be gaining weight. Obviously I've got a ways to go and can easily see that I could be perfectly fine. I'm eating a ton of good food and know that my body can handle itself.

I suppose I'm wondering if anyone else has notice something like this and if I should be concerned and maybe eating more. Or just trust that my body will gain or not as needed as long as I'm feeding it good food.

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A lot of the early weight loss people experience on a whole30 is loss of inflammation/water retention, so I would not worry about 3-5lbs of loss at this point.


Do make sure you are eating enough, but it sounds like you are!  If you ever find yourself hungry, I would not worry about the 3-meals a day limitation. Given your situation eating 4 or even 5 compliant meals each day would be fine if you need them.

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I think I'm right about where I should be. My pre-pregnancy weight is between 125-130 (depending on how clean I'm eating) and I'm about 5'1". I don't know my BMI and don't really care about the numbers. But being pregnant, I want to make sure I'm gaining/staying at an appropriate weight. I feel really good about where I'm at, I wondered if it was ok or if anyone else had experienced weight loss during a whole 30 while pregnant. I think I'm at the point where I'm going to start putting on some pounds, clean eating or not. Time for baby to grow! 

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Good for you, heather!  I wouldn't be worried.  If you're eating whole30, you KNOW you're getting plenty of nutrients to your baby.  I've also heard that your baby takes the nutrients it needs first before even yourself.  Not sure how accurate that statement is, though :)  Congrats on your baby!

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