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So I'm at work and just found out that I will eating dinner out tonight.  Totally unplanned but it's something I need to attend for work.  I looked at the restaurant menu but even if I get steak and veggies I have no idea where the meat's coming from and they probably cook their veggies in crappy oil.  I'm thinking I should just not eat and wait till I get home?  That probably means I will be starving by the time I get home :-/  I'm only on day 2, I don't want to slip up!  Any ideas?

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ask for steamed vegetables and season them yourselves, and ask about the meat.  You can't always have 'perfect' meat when you're out, but choose something lean or cut away the fat.  Ask them to cook it the way you want it, most restaurants will honor your request.  You can also have a salad with lots of raw veges, maybe even some avocado and use oil and balsamic vinegar to dress it.  There's a way, you can do it!!

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Well I think I wound up doing A-OK!  So it was a bit complicated because I just couldn't order a steak with veggies.  I was there with co-workers trying out the food because we're thinking of having our holiday party there.  So we wanted to order the things we'd have for the party.  What I wound up getting was the bbq korean beef with steamed veggies.  It usually comes with a different korean type of salad along with sesame seeds covering everything.  So I changed up the veggies and asked for no sesame seeds.  Everyone else of course had very yummy looking entrees and then even yummier desserts.  But the looks on all their faces when they were done eating made me want to laugh. They all looked like they were either going to fall asleep or puke.  And I felt very energized and ready to go!  It was an eye opener for sure.  Day 2 in the books!  :D

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