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Day 1 oh my goodness!


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I just started my first whole 30 today! I am an absolute mess and am hoping this helps me hit the hard boot button on my relationship with food. 

I'm half way through my goal of losing 140 pounds (from 305 to 165 is my goal, sitting at 225 today) but have been stagnant for years. I started flirting with paleo in June and did great for about 3 weeks then started having 'off plan' sneaks and that's pretty much lead me to being  60% paleo 40% utter crap. 

I'd read and heard that the cravings would be intense....but I didn't think it would be THIS bad! What that tells me is that all of this processed food like product I've been eating is absolutely as addictive and bad for me as I feared. I don't want ANYTHING except maybe the love of my child and the need to breathe to have this much control over me. It's scary!!

I will click on the I DID IT link tonight though. I will make it happen!

Anyone else feeling this way?

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I just started my first whole 30 today! I am an absolute mess and am hoping this helps me hit the hard boot button on my relationship with food.

I'm half way through my goal of losfinding 140 pounds (from 305 to 165 is my goal, sitting at 225 today) but have been stagnant for years. I started flirting with paleo in June and did great for about 3 weeks then started having 'off plan' sneaks and that's pretty much lead me to being 60% paleo 40% utter crap.

I'd read and heard that the cravings would be intense....but I didn't think it would be THIS bad! What that tells me is that all of this processed food like product I've been eating is absolutely as addictive and bad for me as I feared. I don't want ANYTHING except maybe the love of my child and the need to breathe to have this much control over me. It's scary!!

I will click on the I DID IT link tonight though. I will make it happen!

Anyone else feeling this way?

Yes! I am on day 11 without even a minor slip. The first three days were the absolute worst. The end of day three I was a sobbing, pain filled mess. Day 4 started a different woman. It is small steps better from that point, but each day is a bit better.

I started my current weight loss journey at 261 (highest ever 288). I have been as low as 161, but usually hover 164-167. I started this round of weight loss Jan 1 2008. Due to stress, and a huge injury, I am up to 192ish. I have a slowly allowed myself to resume old eating habits, and my weight reflects it. Apparently even five years is not long enough to kill those old urges. I am here to break those habits, find peace in good food, and allow my weight to come back down naturally. With this latest injury the question has been raised of auto immune issues. I have lots of good reasons that this plan works for me. That doesn't mean that I havent fought this tooth and nail some days.

With the weight that you have lost, I assume that you read labels well. Be very strict with food choices. Even miniscule slips can keep the cravings going, as well as your bodies reliance on sugar as a fuel source. It took 10 days to breakfast sausage that I can have. So I didn't have any for 11 days. Don't give your body anything it shouldn't have, and it will stop asking for it sooner.

You can absolutely do this!

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I promise that it gets better- I am on Day 18, no slips but some sneaky foods have found their way in.  It will happen, it's the intention behind it that matters.  The first two weeks are hard- really hard- but after that you have a sense of accomplishment that is out of this world.

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