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Started Whole30 for first time today - September 18


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I am starting Whole30 for the first time today. I have been on and off following paleo/primal for the past year but have yet to put more than a few days in a row together. I have lost weight and felt better before with Atkins and I have lost right at 200 lbs over the last three years after lap band surgery. I still want to loose 50 more lbs to get me down to 180. Losing more weight is not the only reason I want to do this. I am a firm believer that this way of eating is the way we are meant to eat. I want to be strong and healthy for the rest of my life.


I crossfit, mountain bike, paddle board, hike, play tennis and pretty much anything else that keeps me moving and outside.


I live in North Georgia

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I don't crossfit every day, though I try to do something active every day. I have recently started doing crossfit on my own. I am still planning on going to my local box once a week though. I honestly don't think its a big deal if you miss a day.

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I started yesterday too and I am feeling kind of groggy today and have a headache and slightly blurred vision. Anyone else feeling wierd? Could this be from sugar withdrawal?

I have experienced the same thing with going with low carb or paleo style of eating. It is probably sugar related and possibly caffiene if you drank anything with caffiene before. It will pass if you stick with it.

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I am feeling a little off today(second day). I have a mild headache. I might not be getting enough carbs. I sliced up an apple and dipped it in Almond butter partly because I was worried I was too low on carbs and partly because I have been major hungry today. I had all the fluid pulled out of my lap band yesterday so I expected hunger to come back with a vengeance. I can tell I will need to up my portions of protein because of how hungry I am getting in between meals. I ended up snacking pork rinds some. I drank plenty of water(more than I usually do, though that's not much). 

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Scrambled eggs mixed with grilled chicken this morning was good. Ate a few Rasberries too and they were great. I ended up eating at Chili's for lunch and got a bunless bacon burger with guacamole and a side salad with no cheese or croutons and with oil and vinegar.


When the burger came out, it had cheese on it and I could not take it off so I went ahead and ate. I will need to be more mindful of that when I order next time.


How big of a deal is it during whole 30 that I eat unapproved meat like I did today? - at least I assume it was unapproved since I don't know the source. I am trying to organize my eating around eating the best quality meats, veggies, and fruits, but it is a little difficult where I live being a rural area - nearest Whole food style store is an hour away.

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Scrambled eggs mixed with grilled chicken this morning was good. Ate a few Rasberries too and they were great. I ended up eating at Chili's for lunch and got a bunless bacon burger with guacamole and a side salad with no cheese or croutons and with oil and vinegar.

When the burger came out, it had cheese on it and I could not take it off so I went ahead and ate. I will need to be more mindful of that when I order next time.

How big of a deal is it during whole 30 that I eat unapproved meat like I did today? - at least I assume it was unapproved since I don't know the source. I am trying to organize my eating around eating the best quality meats, veggies, and fruits, but it is a little difficult where I live being a rural area - nearest Whole food style store is an hour away.

When eating out, i'd be less worried about the quality of the meat, and more worried about whether it had unapproved seasonings, gluten, sugar, the oil it was cooked in etc. the same for the bacon and salad dressing.

For home, try to get the best quality meat you can - not everyone can afford grass fed, organic meat all the time. If you can't, I'd suggest leaner cuts, or remove as much fat as you can as this is where many toxins will be stored.

Make sure you stick to the template - your breakfast was low in fat, and you didn't include any vegies! Go for 2-3 cups per meal

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When eating out, i'd be less worried about the quality of the meat, and more worried about whether it had unapproved seasonings, gluten, sugar, the oil it was cooked in etc. the same for the bacon and salad dressing.

For home, try to get the best quality meat you can - not everyone can afford grass fed, organic meat all the time. If you can't, I'd suggest leaner cuts, or remove as much fat as you can as this is where many toxins will be stored.

Make sure you stick to the template - your breakfast was low in fat, and you didn't include any vegies! Go for 2-3 cups per meal

Ok. I cooked breakfast in about a tbsp of olive oil on medium heat - is that enough fat? I have avacado that I can add next time. I am at a loss for what kind of veggies to add that will seem breakfast appropriate or at least appropriate with eggs. I have added peppers and onions to my eggs before, but never 2-3 cups. I will be searching for breakfast ideas so maybe something will turn up there.

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Ok. I cooked breakfast in about a tbsp of olive oil on medium heat - is that enough fat? I have avacado that I can add next time. I am at a loss for what kind of veggies to add that will seem breakfast appropriate or at least appropriate with eggs. I have added peppers and onions to my eggs before, but never 2-3 cups. I will be searching for breakfast ideas so maybe something will turn up there.

I make omelettes with mushrooms, onion, tomato, capsicum, grated sweet potato or pumpkin, spinach or kale, loads of herbs - anything goes really!!

I usually have steamed or roasted greens on the side (broccoli, Brussel sprouts and zucchini are favourites, tossed after cooking in coconut oil and sprinkled with salt, or with mayo)

Don't think you need to eat "breakfast food". It's meal one! You can have whatever you like - since doing my whole 30, I've enjoyed salad with frittata for breakfast on ocassion!

I would add a little more fat on top of cooking oil - scrambled eggs will absorb more than fried eggs, but some will still be left in the pan...

Tomato salsa and guacamole goes great on eggs :)

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5 days in and I think I am doing well. The only slip ups I have had are related to not enough fats at meals and eating food from restaurants that I can't control how they prepare it - in both cases a hamburger steak with bacon and quacamole.


I like macadamia nuts but the only ones I have found locally are salted and roasted and that usually means they were roasted with some kind of oil(probably peanut oil which I think is not compliant). Does anyone know of a way to buy them raw and them roast them at home with an approved oil and salt? Speaking of salt, should I avoid iodized salt and go with sea salt or avoid salt(hope not)?


Also, I would like to figure out how to eat pork rinds with salads(and hopefully avoid snacking on them) to add some crunch. Has anyone found a source for them that were prepared in a compliant way<, i.e, the oil they were cooked in, the seasonings etc.

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You can roast nuts without oil - just stick them in the oven, or in a pan. Watch them though, they can turn quickly! They have plenty of natural oils, adding oil isn't necessary. Or...you could just eat them raw.

You could make your own pork rinds (I think we call that pork crackle) by cooking a piece in the oven til the fat renders and it goes crunchy and crispy. I'd pat it dry, then rub on oil and salt.

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