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Like-minded health practioners


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I know somewhere is a link to a website with a listing of, for lack of a better term, docs that are open-minded to things like the W30, but for the life of me I can't find it. Does anyone know? Can't recall if it was within the whole 9 website or external.

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I have seen the moderator, Tom, mention http://www.functionalmedicine.org/ . The website will give you an explanation of functional medicine. It is basically looking at the organism as a whole. I don't believe there is any link to Whole30 with these doctors; however, you will likely find that they believe good nutrition (whatever their definition of that is) is an integral part of health. With that said, I had not so stellar results with a functional medicine doctor i found from that website. The only advice he gve that had anything in common with Whole30 was "you might want to try gluten free. A lot of people feel better with that."

Paleo physicians network is a list of doctors that follow/believe in this lifestyle. http://paleophysiciansnetwork.com/

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