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Tummy feeling yucky...started on Day #10


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I am on day #12 and have been feeling really great on the Whole 30 program until Day #10. 


It seems after I eat, my stomach feels bloated and gassy. It is not every meal, but today is the worse. I felt fine after breakfast, but a while after I ate lunch, I have not felt right the rest of the day. I did not feel like eating dinner. I barely stomached a Larabar just to get nutrients in me a couple hours before bed. 


I am not sure if it is part of detoxing, a bug or something else...would love to hear if anyone else has had any similar symptoms. My body has just been feeling "off" in general, too.


I have been posting all my meals so you can see them in my posts.  http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/13672-my-first-whole-30-8-week-challenge/


Any suggestions??



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You could be just a bit behind the "normal" timeline - if you look at days 8/9 you'll see that bloat/gas/tummy issues can be extremely normal as your body is going through plenty of changes.

I'd try to stick to the template where possible, even for a mini meal if you can't stomach a lot of food. Try to stay away from smoothies and larabars. Perhaps try different vegie combos and different proteins?

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