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Samantha's October/November Whole 30


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Anyone starting their Whole 30 over the weekend or on Columbus day?


I'm going to get my fridge/pantry in order over the weekend and kick off my WH30 on Monday.  This will be my 2nd round, I completed my first in March.  I loved how I felt during and after the first wh30 and I want to clean up my diet again so that I don't fall further off track during the holiday season.


Can't wait to join all of you!



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Started plotting out my game plan today. 


The first time I did this I jumped right in and my first-timer enthusiasm carried me through the first few days as I scrambled to avoid using non-compliant pantry items that I still had hanging around.  This time around, now that I'm working two full time jobs, being prepared from day 1 is the only way I am going to be successful. 


So here are the basic items I am going to make over the weekend to have ready to go in the fridge on Monday Day 1:




wh30 compliant wraps

Pumpkin butter

Bone broth


And this is a draft of week 1's menu that I will tackle in one big cookup over the weekend


BBQ shredded chicken with roasted brussel Sprouts

Mustard Ribs with whipped apple sweet potatoes

Turkey Chili with sauteed broccoli 

Mocha Rubbed Pot Roast with whipped turnips and "creamed" kale

Shrimp and Avocado Zoodle Salad


Now if only 4pm would come so I can get out of work and start grocery shopping!

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Do you have a recipe for the W30 compliant wraps? I'd love to try them!

I have a great one - grab lettuce, pull of leaves, wash and dry them, fill with chosen ingredients and wrap up :) IMO, I don't see the point of (compliant) wraps - I'd just eat the food, probably on top of salad. I know they're "allowed" but to me it's like paleofying something.

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I step away from the forum for a weekend and I miss all the replies!


Sorry RunningLawyer for the delayed response, here is the recipe: http://stupideasypaleo.com/2013/08/23/simple-paleo-tortillas/


I, like you, never eat wraps or sandwiches in my regular life but wanted to have the tortillas handy to make quick lunch conversations from dinner leftovers.Though, after spending sometime brushing up on the "rules" I decided against making them because it violated the spirit of the project.  


Jml: yay glad to have contributed something useful!  How did day one go?

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Day 1:


Breakfast: Shirred (baked) eggs over coconut oil sauteed broccoli and a dollop of chili.


Lunch: microwaved sweet potato and leftover roast chicken


Dinner: BBQ shredded chicken and coconut braised kale


Success!  The funny thing about Day 1 in the whole 30 is that you're never quite sure if its going to be day 1 for real until its over. Thankfully, it was for me and I can officially say my month has started. 

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Day 2

Started couch to 5k yesterday and feeling it today. Need to look at the proportions on my plate because I only lasted 4.5 hours between breakfast and lunch and 5.5ish hours between lunch and dinner before getting hungry.

Breakfast: Brussel sprouts and chili (I know weird combo but I woke up late and scrambled for a quick thing to throw together)

Lunch: left over BBQ chicken and braised kale

Dinner: roasted cranberry sweet potatos with green beans and mustard glazed ribs

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Day 2

Started couch to 5k yesterday and feeling it today. Need to look at the proportions on my plate because I only lasted 4.5 hours between breakfast and lunch and 5.5ish hours between lunch and dinner before getting hungry.

Breakfast: Brussel sprouts and chili (I know weird combo but I woke up late and scrambled for a quick thing to throw together)

Lunch: left over BBQ chicken and braised kale

Dinner: roasted cranberry sweet potatos with green beans and mustard glazed ribs

Are you including fat with your meals? Whilst 4-5 hours is the recommended time between meals, you could last longer with more fat or protein to keep you satisfied. Also make sure you're aiming for 2-3 cups of vegies per meal.

If you're working out, you should also have pre/postWO meals - these are outlined in the template:


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Thanks Amberino! I realized after reading your post that I was not getting enough veggies with every meal. Also, I know I flubbed following the plan before my run on Monday. I struggled yesterday with what to eat pre- and post workout and ended up eating two tablespoons of almond butter pre-wo and eating what I listed for breakfast after. As for fats, I've mainly been relaying on cooking with good fats to count for that portion of my meal but I can definitely see if I can get more good fats onto my plate... 


Before I go running this afternoon I'll eat an egg and a handful of coconut flakes and some of my sweet potato mix and another egg after. 

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Today's meal breakdown so far:


Breakfast: two baked eggs, leftover BBQ pulled chicken and roasted sweet potatoes


Lunch: 1.5 cups of broccoli and chili


Dinner: Shrimp and avocado salad over 1.5 cups of zucchini cooked in coconut oil


Trying to drink lots of water but omg to I hate needing to leave my work desk every 20-30 minutes to use the bathroom

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The header for today should be "I have to eat how many vegetables?!?!"


I love veggies but so far in today's attempt to get more on target with the 5-6 cups a day we should be hitting I am getting really (almost uncomfortably full) at meals.  Maybe my stomach will expand and get used to dealing with more roughage as the month wears on.  As it stands I've been working on finishing my big-ass lunch salad for 30 minutes.  


In other news, now that I am on to day 4, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and for "carb flu" and other moodiness to show up.  But so far nothing.  I already feel more focused throughout the day and my evening energy has been better. So yay!


B:  1 cup Steamed zucchini with a pat of ghee and same 2 baked egg dish as yesterday


L: Shrimp avocado leftovers and a two cup salad with 1 cup grape tomatoes and coconut tahini dressing

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The header for today should be "I have to eat how many vegetables?!?!"


I love veggies but so far in today's attempt to get more on target with the 5-6 cups a day we should be hitting I am getting really (almost uncomfortably full) at meals.  Maybe my stomach will expand and get used to dealing with more roughage as the month wears on.  As it stands I've been working on finishing my big-ass lunch salad for 30 minutes.  


In other news, now that I am on to day 4, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and for "carb flu" and other moodiness to show up.  But so far nothing.  I already feel more focused throughout the day and my evening energy has been better. So yay!


B:  1 cup Steamed zucchini with a pat of ghee and same 2 baked egg dish as yesterday


L: Shrimp avocado leftovers and a two cup salad with 1 cup grape tomatoes and coconut tahini dressing


will you hate me if I tell you that the world health organisation recommends 5-9 cups of preferably raw and organic per day just to get the nutrients to maintain good health....that's not even for optimum health...

factor in our cooking, that we don't buy all organic, that the nutrient density of the vegies is getting lower and lower and that bumps up what we should get even more! (but then you also have to factor in getting too much fiber etc...can we ever win?)


(I think a lot about vegetables...and about how much we really need to eat...can you tell? :P)

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My mind just exploded Amberino : )


I hear you and it's why I am going to keep with it and add more and more veg to each meal. 


So Day 5 is halfway over and things are chugging along nicely. I did have a rough patch last night but pushed through it. The night was really stressful at job no. 2 and my knee-jerk reactions was to order some take-out.  The reaction was so strong that I was visualizing the boneless spareribs or french fries that I would get...  But I tried to work through the stress and not reward it with a treat and when things calmed down I heated up dinner and was happy with my meal. 


*sidenote my co-workers at both jobs are equally impressed and annoyed by how many things I store in the communal fridge everyday*


B: Three ribs (leftover from the start of the week) and zucchini steamed with ghee and 1/4 of a cup of roasted sweet potatoes.

L: Another humongous salad (2 cups mixed greens, 1/2 cup sliced grape tomatoes) with 3/4 cup leftover pulled chicken topped with a healthy drizzle of the coconut dressing from yesterday. 

D: Mocha rubbed pot roast, roasted sweet potatoes and broccoli steamed with coconut oil


I loved everything I ate this week but I am happy to wrap up with this week's menu and move on to something else!

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