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Sequence for reintroduction


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I know that it's not necessary to reintroduce groups that you're not curious about or interested in adding back into your diet. But if you do want to reintroduce all groups, does it matter what sequence? The book says dairy, gluten grains, non-gluten grains, legumes. Does it matter if you go in a different order?

And what about added sugars and alcohol? I planned my Whole 30 so that I'd be done on Halloween, thinking that I'd have a gluten-free pumpkin cupcake that day. :) Guess that will have to wait. But at what point should I reintroduce sweets? Do I wait until I've already tested the other groups?

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The order doesn't matter - you choose! Sugar and alcohol don't have their own, but if that's of interest to you you can do them separately.

I'd avoid combining foods - gluten and dairy in a cake for example - as you won't be able to identify the cause of any reactions. If you have gf cake with only dairy as the non compliant ingredient on dairy reintro for example, it may be ok. The sugar may cause other reactions though - cravings etc.

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