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Completed Whole30!


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There is something wonderful about saying that I made it 30 days within the guidelines of whole30. I think I didn't realize how proud I would be until after making it through the successes and challenges of this life changing experience. 


The week prior to heading into whole30, I tried to cut out sugars and that did seem to help the cravings of that first week. Overall, I'm thankful that I was introduced to this by a friend. I was drawn in by the amount of weight she lost over her whole45 and was desperate to loose my remaining baby weight. However, looking more into what this offers, I realized this could open a world of change for my life. It could open my eyes to when I'm eating, what I'm eating, and why I'm eating it. I had a little bit of knowledge that maybe I would even look at food differently (boy, was I in for a surprise). 



Positives: Week 1 seemed easy to me. I honestly felt like something must be wrong because everyone seems to comment on the first week being a craving-filled, headache producing, "I hate whole30" week. I was hyped up and energized. I was making new, delicious meals for my family (after being in a rut of "what do I make for dinner"). I was already sleeping more soundly at night (and have continued to throughout this process.)

Struggles: Initially I wasn't getting in the proper amount of vegetables at every meal which made me snack throughout the day. *Better after I upped my vegetables to 2C a meal.* I also didn't like the idea of not eating typical breakfast and felt like I was eating dinner all the time. This just took time, and it was helpful to be reminded that I could eat whatever I felt like within the guidelines at any meal was fine. 



Positives: This week also started off well with meal planning done and encouragement from friends and family. I began to see that there were typical times of the day I ate for comfort (during my children's nap times and later in the evening). I wasn't hungry, but rather drawn to the habit of eating then. I kept reminding myself, "Even if you want to eat doesn't mean you have to eat." Want vs. Need. I added some different vegetables that I don't typically eat and I was proud that I ate things I didn't like I liked. And my husband is loving all the fresh veggies.

Struggles: At the end of this week, I broke down emotionally. I was fighting a mental battle of "I don't want to eat like this anymore. I hate what I'm eating. I hate that I'm spending all this money for food I don't want. I don't want to look at labels. I don't want to know what I know." Yes, irrational, but honest. I also saw the real challenge of living in a small town where I don't have luxuries of Whole Foods and Trader Joes and being constantly bombarded by the "pre-packed" ease of what 90% of the grocery store has to offer. 



Positives: I pushed through those previous emotions and began to feel better about my physical body. I looked forward to the meals I planned. I tried ghee butter for the first time - delicious and dangerous. :) I realized, even when I don't want to eat leftovers, I do because I just spent a good amount of money on them!

Struggles: I was sick for a day or two and struggled to eat anything one day. I also hosted a bunch of friends and their children and realized that I had failed to eat enough because I was being the host. :) There seemed to be more temptations this week. Although I didn't give it, I just seemed to think more about foods I couldn't have. And I did have emotions of, "I deserve to eat what I want to eat."


wk4. to the finish.

Positives: I've had a lot of support and encouragement from others during this process. During this last part, I had more, "I can tell you've lost weight!" "Way to go sticking to it!" and that is definitely a boost (though not the whole point). And my self-esteem has gone up. I am more accepting of my body. I prepped all my vegetables at the beginning of the week, and this was a huge time saver!! Why did I not do this before?! (Thank you Melissa!) I've been okay with others eating foods I can't have and bringing appropriate items for myself. 

Struggles: Maybe thinking about having cream in my coffee a bit too much. :) Seriously though, I had a good week. I think I ate a few too many nuts and raisins in tempting moments. 


In conclusion, even if I didn't loose weight, I feel better about myself (probably would feel disappointed a little). I am more educated and will continue to make meals "compliant." I will be interested to see how my reintroduction goes as I've had past digestion issues. While I did miss a soda or two and want sugar occasionally, I missed dairy most - my cream, my cheeses. But I do see some long term changes coming and moderation in need. I want to set some realistic goals for the future and learn to enjoy more of what I'm eating. I'm looking forward to getting Well Fed 2 - reward for finishing this process and hopes to continue in it on a regular basis. And I know I found strength in God as I walked this up and down road! During those hard moments, I just said, "I can't do this on my own, Lord help me!" Whether you believe in God or not, have a support system, a friend, someone that you can share the successes and struggles of this journey. It helps to cope. I am thankful I made it through, and look forward to the future!

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I really like your approach. It's so wonderful to see someone going through something new and being honest about the struggles as well, yet still managing to pull through and be grateful for the experience. So, you've even made a perfect stranger on the other side of the world feel proud of your accomplishment! Thank you for sharing.

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