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Anyone from Christchurch? or Dunedin? (NZ) Help!


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I am flying into Christchurch (from oz) and heading straight to Kaikouras to go tramping. Then to Lake Tekapo and finally Dunedin. Its a pretty rushed trip with friends and I am anxious about fitting whole30 shopping and cooking in around other folks schedules - so am trying to at least have a plan!


I would really, really appreciate advice on the best one (or two) stop shops to stock up in Christchurch and Dunedin (or anywhere en route) 


To make it more complicated I prefer organics so may be a large health food shop/co-op is best?


Do kiwi supermarkets have good organic sections? are any supermarkets better than others?


(at least i am pretty confident of finding kumera!) 


Any brands that you have found that are whole30 compliant?


And finally any recommendations for cafes or restaurants? We are mainly staying in air b'n'b places so can self cater but would be nice to eat out a bit. 


(Just to be greedy on the advice front :) any thoughts on weather at Lake Tekapo?)


Thanks in advance!


Ps Can i still buy buzz bars? (not for me of course but my daughter thinks they are nectar from the gods)


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If you can have dairy (not Whole30), their dairy is usually grassfed, I get organic NZ butter in Australia if I'm buying butter.


I know there are kiwis on here, not sure if they're reading in here though.


I have never seen a buzz bar, but I think I remember seeing a post that they're a no-no, or not-good?, but I can't remember why.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Am I a bit late with this reply?


I've just done a brief road trip down south. You're best to stock up on organic or speciality food in the main cities. There are some farmers markets around, like in Dunedin. You should be able to find good fruit and veg anywhere though. It's cherry time down near Cromwell right now - yum!

You can still get buzz bars in supermarkets!  ;)


Here's a write up of our recent jaunt - 






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