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Started today 1/2/2013


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I committed today. I don't want anymore excuses! Nothing eminent standing in my way this month. I will start with 30 days. Gonna finish reading It Starts with Food book as my weekend homework. I have educated myself on the rules and on Gluten/Sugars, etc. I can drink my coffee black and plan my meals either at home or eating out. Keeping it real. I am at one of my heaviest weights I have been. I don't want it to be about weight anymore and I just want to be healthy and happy. Not just when I have a drink/drinks or stuff my face with unhealthy options and feel bad about it afterwards. I have also committed to Crossfit- 4 times a week so I have my scheduling down! I can do this and I will feel good about myself in the process. Another slice of pizza or vodka/soda will not do that for me anymore. I was bad over the holidays and have seen the repercussions of that. I don't want to feel this way ever again. I won't let it rule my life. Whole 30 here I come~! 

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I am doing good with food choices - last night I had a bout with thoughts and cravings just walking into Kitchen - haven't had that at all - so decided it was just stupid to listen to - and fixed some tea - I had bought some assorted teas this past week - so I had another cup of tea.  Went to bed early and slept well.  (I've been fighting a bronchial thing since Christmas??)  so also not feeling so well from that.   


Hope you are having success!!  Looking forward to seeing physical changes improve!!  Becky

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I'm also on day 6 today and what a ride its been! I quit smoking at the same time and I've been a mess.My awareness of how the nutritional changes have taken effect have been superseded by my detox from nicotine. I will say that last night was the first time I had no desire to have a snack in the evening. Which is amazing since that is one of the demons I'm looking to defeat on this journey. Best of luck to you all! We've got this!

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Today is Day 7!! I made it thru week 1! I feel very proud of myself, I am feeling so much better with a lot of energy! I was tired a bit this week but got thru it and it definitely helped to plan my meals ahead of time and cook some of it too pre- coming home from work. Lookingn forward to making some new meals on sunday and mixing it up a bit so I don't get bored. What I thought would be hard no alcohol/cigarettes really isn't! I have gone out to eat only last Saturday night and other than that been eating from home. Saving money and eating super clean!!!! Let's do this week 2!

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Congratulations on making it through week one! I also started on January 2. It's amazing the changes you can see just within the first seven days, whether it is in how you feel or how your lifestyle is affected (like saving money)! I'm really lucky to be doing this challenge along with an amazing group people people, but nonetheless I have a lot of skeptical friends who just think I'm insane for wanting to do something so "extreme." I'm using that as my motivation to push me through and make sure that at the end of this thirty days I can be totally proud of what I've accomplished. Here's to making week two even better than the first!


BTW, if you'd like to check out my challenge blog, please feel free!



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Congratulation!!!  I also am on day 7 and feeling victorious!!  Baking sweet polatoes and butternut squash in oven as I'm writing this - I cook ahead then can freeze or eat over next few days - have done that with meats also and finding it so much easier - (this is my 2nd whole 30).  Congratulations on such a victory!!!


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Day 13 and still going strong! I have had to deal with overcooking my pre-meals this week everything came out dry and not very tasty but dealing with it. Stomach giving me issues on Monday and had to just stick with Perrier and chicken broth and not caving in to bread especially when I was feeling so ill. I was very frustrated with it all. Yesterday had a hard time sleeping but ended up sleeping thru the night I think my body was just exhausted and needed to heal. Feeling better today and ready to get back in action. Gonna take one more night off or two from crossfit just to get my bearings back! Might take a walk tonight to relieve some stress! Friday afternoon is me time and gonna use it to my advantage maybe a little retail therapy and a possible Beach Volleyball morning on Saturday with my old group! I can definitely do this. Week 3 here I come! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Day 29 and I am almost to that finish line! The healthy one! I am down 15 lbs waiting for the final weigh in tomm! I can completely see a difference in my abs and overall everywhere especially my face. I am NOT bloated anymore!! The best parts have also been my sleep I am sleeping thru the night and wake up feeling refreshed not groggy at all! Ready to tackle my days. This last week has proven to be the hardest for me. Not wanting to give in and stay strong has been harder this week then any other week,  I think the Sugar dragon is rearing it's ugly head! I will stay strong! The thing I missed the most was my dairy. Didn't know how connected I truly was to it. I thought it would of been alcohol but nope it's dairy! Definitely want to keep it up with Almond milk as an option instead of soy every now and again. I am looking forward to a cheat meal here and there but overall I want to maintain the Whole 30 lifestyle. It is one that works, makes me feel great and I can maintain without a doubt whether I am out and about or cooking at home! I am so happy and proud to have made it thru and I am proof in the pudding that this is a complete lifestyle change for the better! Thanks Whole 30! You have a loyal member in me! 

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