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MaPat's TW30 #2 ... and away we go!


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Day 4 of my TW30 #2 and just found this tip on posting my food log online. I'll try and recreate what I did for the first three days:


Day #1: 01/02/14 (workday)


B: Eggs in a cup (2 eggs, chopped cooked bacon, chopped mushroom, handful of baby spinach) microwave 2 min. Orange. Coffee w/almond milk

L: Turkey soup. Spinach salad (baby spinach, shaved HB eggs, bacon, mushrooms, MaPat's vinaigrette)

D: Pan seared pork chop (seasoned with best chicken rub), thyme roasted sweet potatoes, baby artichokes w/homemade mayo


Day #2: 01/03/14 (Freeday Friday)

BS 126

B: Eggs in a cup (see above). Orange. Coffee w/almond milk

L: (none; breakfast too late) Note to self: must eat breakfast before 9 a.m. in order to get three meals in

Snack: (see above, because I was STARVING right before dinner) almonds, clause dill pickle, black olives, baby carrots

D: Spaghetti meat sauce (Mandy's homemade marinara, ground beef, tomato sauce/paste) spaghetti squash


Day #3: 01/04/14 (Saturday)

BS 131

B: 2 Egg muffins (for 12: 12 eggs, 1/4 cup chopped sweet onion, 1/4 cup chopped red bell pepper, 1/4 cup chopped mushrooms, 2 c chopped baby spinach, appr. 1/2 pound browned country style sausage bake at 350 20 minutes. Freeze. Bag it up.). Orange.

L: (again, no lunch, late breakfast...FIX THIS)

D: Rib steak (Safeway, tough and definitely NOT a rib eye steak.Disappointing. Note: it SUCKS to be disappointed in a food item when you're trying to hard to eat carefully and enjoy it, to keep from getting discouraged/unsatisfied). Mashed cauliflower with crumbled bacon, chopped green onions (try as I might, I'm still not lovin' the mashed cauliflower, it's something about the texture), green salad w/beets, crushed almonds, avocado, MPV

Snacks: (late night) Trouble sleeping, craving SOMETHING. Got up and ate some almonds (too many, I'm sure) and a banana. Had some "Calm" drink. That helped. Note to self: Have Calm every night before bed.



(1) Rough day, this Day #3. Headache. Feeling like I'm "fighting" something (could be de-toxing OR fighting Larry's cold).

(2)Really, REALLY, REALLY wanted wine! Chamomile tea DOES seem to ease this craving a "bit."

(3) Checked the Costco Fletcher's bacon, lo and behold, it does have sugar in it. Damn. Oh well. I'm not going to chase all over the globe looking, nor pay an outrageous price, for sugar free bacon. This is going to be one of those things that I let go of; I'm still going to enjoy my moderate amount of bacon.

(4) I "thought" the sausage I bought from Sherm was free of all of the crappy stuff; it was his own ground sausage. Not. It does have sugar. Albeit, not all of the other crap, nor sugar in the form of corn syrup, but it's there. I'm not going to toss the muffins I made, but I WILL be on the lookout for sugar free sausage

(5) Almond milk. Baby steps. I thought it was compliant until I read it has tapioca starch and carrageenan. Again. I'll let this go; huge step from Carnation Coffee Mate and even a big step from my Coconut milk creamer.



Day #4: 01/05/14 (Sunday)

BS (forgot to test it)

Walk 40 min. 2 miles

B: 2 Egg muffins. Orange. Coffee w/almond milk

L: (light because it was 3:00) Turkey soup

Snack: roasted almonds

D: Chile verde, wrapped in cabbage leaves, roasted sweet potato salad

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Looks good overall., including acknowledgements on what you would change.


A couple things:

- I wonder if you're eating enough at breakfast?  Make sure you're getting 1-3 cups of veggies per meal.  Looks like day 3's dinner didn't get any veggies at all?
- Also, check to be sure your bacon and sausage is complaint: no sugar, sweeteners, gluten or other nasties.
- Is your almond milk homemade/compliant?

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(3) Checked the Costco Fletcher's bacon, lo and behold, it does have sugar in it. Damn. Oh well. I'm not going to chase all over the globe looking, nor pay an outrageous price, for sugar free bacon. This is going to be one of those things that I let go of; I'm still going to enjoy my moderate amount of bacon.

(4) I "thought" the sausage I bought from Sherm was free of all of the crappy stuff; it was his own ground sausage. Not. It does have sugar. Albeit, not all of the other crap, nor sugar in the form of corn syrup, but it's there. I'm not going to toss the muffins I made, but I WILL be on the lookout for sugar free sausage

(5) Almond milk. Baby steps. I thought it was compliant until I read it has tapioca starch and carrageenan. Again. I'll let this go; huge step from Carnation Coffee Mate and even a big step from my Coconut milk creamer.


Ok, so here's the deal:

- consuming carrageenan merits a Whole restart, due to the potential gut disrupting properties

- sugar of any kind in any amount is not allowed on a Whole30

What I would suggest at this point is doing a Whole34 - add 30 days onto where you are now, and follow the rules 100%. Put the egg muffins, bacon, and sausage in the freezer for you to have afterward.

Aren't you and your health worth foregoing these off-plan ingredients for a mere 30 consecutive days?


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Day #5

Great night's sleep (note to self: remember nighttime vitamins and Calm); probably 7+ straight hours

Woke up clear headed. As shower, prep was underway, energy/focus definitely much improved. Yay! The Magic may have started already!

BS 126

B: 2 egg muffins, 1 orange

L: chile verde wrapped in cabbage leaves, roasted sweet potato salad

Snack: almonds

D: spaghetti meat sauce over spaghetti squash, green salad w/ MPV

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If you need to snack, that can be an indication that you need to increase your portion sizes at earlier meals.


If you make adjustments and are still hungry in between meals (hungry = you could eat steamed fish and broccoli), have a snack that is a mini-meal including at least a protein and fat. Save fruit for with or immediately after a meal.  Nuts are a fat source on a Whole30.

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BS 116

Felt like I was "coming down with something" yesterday. Hopefully, a false alarm and a symptom of TW30 cleanse. The flu is running wild around here and Larry has been sick for a week. Didn't sleep quite as well last night, tough falling asleep, but once I did, out like a light.

First "food dream" last night, except it was a "drinking dream." Dreamt I had a beer (mindlessly) and was devastated when I realized what I had done. Silly me. It was just a dream


B: 2 breakfast muffins, 1 orange, coffee w/almond milk

L: Meat spaghetti sauce over spaghetti squash, green salad, MPV

D: Baked hamburger steak, mashed cauliflower, steamed broccoli


Tough time falling asleep, got up and ate a banana to ease up the RLS.

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Day #7! One week!


Last night was rough. Incredible sugar cravings late at night. TOUGH time falling asleep, finally about 11:30. Didn't drink my Calm last night. Also suffering from RLS. Need to switch to a different sleep aid. Advil PM isn't working well (may be the cause of the RLS). Try Nightol.


BS 136 (hmmm, wonder why it crept up? Could it have been the banana late at night? Also, could the dip early in the week have been a result of walking? I need to research this a bit)


B: 2 egg muffins, 1 orange, coffee w/almond milk

L: Baked hamburger steak, mashed cauliflower, broccoli (packed)

D: Spinach, artichoke stuffed chicken breasts, roasted sweet potatoes, green salad (plan)

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