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Day 10...first day without caffiene

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I have no solution for you, only a fellow struggler. I'm on day 16 and decided to cut the caffeine (mostly - still drank a little tea) today and I was TIRED! I was feeling pretty good last week, but I was having coffee daily, so it could have been just the constant caffeine-induced adrenaline rush.

Anybody know if the energy improvements we're supposed to get from eating better will be enough to replace the awake and alive feeling I usually get by being solidly caffeinated?

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hobbitgirl, how is the caffeine withdrawal coming along? I'm on day 20 today, and finally felt human through the afternoon despite no caffeine today. It's only been 5 days since I cut it (mostly) out, so I'm super encouraged. I hope you have seen some improvements, too!

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I cut caffeine because I wanted to see if my energy levels would stabilize without help from caffeine. And they have! Praise the Lord! I have tried and tried to make it through a day without a nap for years, and the only way I could do it was with the help of caffeine - until now. :)

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