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JGiggly's Whole30 Log


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January 11, 2014

Day 1


I have cleaned out my cupboards. I have prepared food for the coming week. I am committed and cranky. I was doing what I thought was strict paleo for a the last 10 days... this kicks it up a notch. Because of all this preparation I missed lunch. I'll do better tomorrow.


B: Omelet- egg, b. olives, avocado, coconut oil to cook

     green drink- lots of spinach, water, banana


L: ------------------------------------------------------


D: Baked skinless chicken thigh w/ spices

     large cucumber

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January 11, 2014

Day 1


I have cleaned out my cupboards. I have prepared food for the coming week. I am committed and cranky. I was doing what I thought was strict paleo for a the last 10 days... this kicks it up a notch. Because of all this preparation I missed lunch. I'll do better tomorrow.


B: Omelet- egg, b. olives, avocado, coconut oil to cook

     green drink- lots of spinach, water, banana


L: ------------------------------------------------------


D: Baked skinless chicken thigh w/ spices

     large cucumber



Going forward, sorry but no green drink. Smoothies are discouraged on a Whole30. The idea is to chew your food instead of drink it, as chewing is more satiating.

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"Smoothies: We'd rather you didn't

This is a very popular question, with a very unpopular answer. Smoothies (generally made using lots of fruit) are technically compliant on your Whole30, but we strongly recommend against it. Food that you drink sends different satiety signals to your brain than food that you chew. So when you drink your meal, your brain isn't getting the feedback it needs to tell your body that it's had enough of what it needs. Plus, smoothies are generally really fruit-heavy, and starting your day off with a liquid sugar-bomb sets you up for cravings, hunger, and volatile energy levels throughout the day. In summary, we'd rather you just eat the food, and skip the smoothie."

Who knew?

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