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Hey everyone! Even though I've been thinking about it for about a year, this is my first time doing the Whole30. I found out I have celiac about four years ago and feel like I'm still recovering from nearly 20 years as a grain-pounding vegetarian (many of those as a vegan). I've been trying to do the low-carb / primal thing for the past couple of years, but have been WAY too reliant on dairy and have been wanting to try pure paleo for a while now.

I did a lot of crash dieting last year before my wedding in November and as a result, went on a total sugar / crap bender for several months after that. Lately I've been doing better, but have been finding too many excuses to dive gleefully fall off the wagon. I've finally decided that I really need to commit to a full 30 days of getting my ass back in gear.

I'm going to try to post here everyday, but I'm in the process of starting a business, so I might have to skip a day here and there. I'm logging everything I eat manually as well, so if I miss a post I'll come back and catch up later. Today is my third day, so days one and two are below.


B: 2 eggs cooked in olive oil

L: salad w/ chicken (cooked in olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder), mixed greens, green pepper, red onion, avocado, and kalamata olives w/ olive oil and red wine vinegar

S: okra roasted with olive oil and salt

D: steak (cooked in bacon fat, salt, pepper, and garlic powder); green beans w/ bacon

I felt pretty good during day one, but got a headache and a slight case of the "kill all the things" that night... I'm hoping that will be the extent of my crazy since my diet was pretty decent before starting.


B: 2 eggs cooked in olive oil

L: salad w/ chicken (cooked in olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder), mixed greens, green pepper, red onion, avocado, and kalamata olives w/ olive oil and red wine vinegar

D: salmon (cooked in olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, parsley, salt, and pepper); salad w/ mixed greens, tomato, red onion, kalamata olives, and red wine vinegar

S: too many Rainier cherries

I've been trying not to eat much fruit since I know I lean toward metabolic dysfunction... But I LOVE Rainier cherries and they were on sale for $2.99/pound! I mean, what's a girl to do? Fruit can definitely be a trigger food for me though, so I'm going to try to seriously limit it from here on out.

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You need some veggies at breakfast! I find they give me a little carb boost that protein alone doesn't give me and I'm full for at least 5-6 hours till meal 2. What if you portion out your cherries? If the whole bag of cashews or bowl of cut up fruit is in front of me, I'm likely to eat a lot more than I want or need. I found pre-portioned bags of cashews at Trader Joes and snagged a few of them-makes a big difference-they also last longer!

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Thanks for the feedback Colleen. I've tried to include veggies at breakfast, but I've found that I really just like plain eggs better. I don't notice any difference in hunger, energy, etc when I include veggies. For me, the trouble isn't worth the benefit... I'd much rather just eat them later in the day.

As far as rationing out fruit, I've found it's much better to just buy a little at a time, knowing I'll probably eat all of it. If it's in the house it calls to me! Thankfully, I don't have the same problem with nuts.


Hubby was working from home so I slept in and made a late breakfast. We snacked for lunch and then had an early dinner.

B: 2 eggs cooked in olive oil

L: handful of almonds

D: chicken marinara (chicken coated in egg w/ salt, pepper, garlic powder, and basil, dredged in almond flour w/ onion salt, garlic powder, pepper, cayenne, and cumin; Trader Joe's Marinara sauce with Extra Virgin Olive Oil); broccoli

S: cherry tomatoes and cucumber

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Late breakfast again today...

B: 2 eggs cooked in olive oil

L: handful of almonds

D: salad bar at Jason's Deli (mixed greens, 2 eggs, tomato, cucumber, broccoli, cauliflower, red pepper, artichokes, red onion, green and kalamata olives, with olive oil, red wine vinegar, sea salt, and pepper)

S: spoonful of coconut butter

I know I didn't eat enough protein today... I was REALLY tired and kind of achy this morning so I stayed in bed pretty late. By the time I ate breakfast it was almost lunch time, so I skipped having a real second meal today. I had a slight case of the "Kill all the things" this morning, but am mostly just dealing with mental and physical fatigue. That and I've been having some old pain stuff come up (shoulder, low back, etc). I thought I was reasonably fat-adapted, but this experience seems to be proving me wrong. I'm expected to feel similar tomorrow, but am hoping it will pass after that...

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B/L: salmon salad (leftover salmon, mixed greens, red onion, green pepper, tomato, and kalamata olives with olive oil and red wine vinegar)

S: plucot

D: chicken salad (chicken cooked with olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder; mixed greens, tomato, red onion, and kalamata olives with olive oil and red wine vinegar); sweet potato with coconut oil

Feeling much better today than yesterday. I've decided to try upping my carbs a bit, so I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it or not. I did discover after lunch that the red wine vinegar I've been using contains sulfites. I went to the grocery store this afternoon and found an organic one that doesn't say anything about them on the label. I've never had a reaction to sulfites, but I want to be as compliant as possible, so I figured it couldn't hurt to find one without them.

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M1: giant salad at Sweet Tomatoes (romaine, purple cabbage, cucumber, broccoli stems, cauliflower, beets, olives, zucchini, tomato, sunflower seeds, and egg w/ olive oil and red wine vinegar); sweet potato; iced tea

S: almonds and Rainier cherries

M2: chicken breast cooked in egg and almond flour w/ spices; asparagus w/ olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic; cucumbers in white vinegar

M3: steak skewers (steak, mushroom, green pepper, and red onion, grilled w/ cajun spices); carrots

I've decided to switch over to using the M1, M2, M3 format to designate meals since I haven't been great about eating a specific breakfast and lunch lately. My goal this week is to get better about timing my meals correctly. I went to a friend's house for dinner and they were awesome about making food that fit into my Whole30 plan. They ended up making skewers grilled without any oil and dusted with a safe homemade cajun spice blend. It was pretty great.

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M1: left over chicken w/ almond flour; salad bar at Jason's Deli (mixed greens, tomato, cucumber, red onion, green and kalamata olives, broccoli, artichoke hearts, and egg w/ red wine vinegar and olive oil)

S: almonds and Rainier cherries

M2: sirloin steak and broccoli at Chili's

S: carrots w/ coconut butter; pickles

We were out of town over the weekend, so I was eating out more than usual. We went to Chili's tonight, so I asked for all of their allergen menus and cross-referenced the ones for gluten, milk, and soy. The soy one was the most restrictive, so I told the waiter I had a serious soy allergy and ordered a steak, prepared without any oil or seasoning and plain broccoli. Everything looked fine when it came out, but I got a bit of a headache on our drive back to Tucson. It may've been totally psychosomatic, but then again, places like that are totally in the business of hiding crazy shit we shouldn't be eating in seemingly benign food.

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M1: 2 eggs cooked in olive oil

S: plum, rainier cherries

M2: salad w/ mixed greens, tomato, bacon, red wine vinegar, and olive oil

M3: salad w/ chicken, mixed greens, tomato, avocado, green pepper, onion, red wine vinegar, and olive oil; sweet potato w/ coconut butter

S: peach

I spent the morning dealing with red tape at the city zoning office. By the time I got out of there and stopped at the store to grab a few groceries I was really hungry. We got home late last night and I didn't think to defrost anything for today's lunch, so I ended up cooking bacon (the only non-frozen meat in the fridge) and tossing it in a salad. Probably not the best choice, but it did the job. I snacked on a little fruit on the way home from the grocery store.

I know shit's about to get crazy up in here... I should probably look into ordering some paleo jerky to keep on hand for times when I'm not able to eat a real meal on time.

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M1: 2 eggs cooked in olive oil; banana

M2: turkey

M3: spaghetti squash w/ meat sauce (TJ's Olive Oil Marinara, ground beef, onions, mushrooms, serrano chili, garlic, onion salt, pepper, oregano); rainier cherries

Another not-so-great eating day... I had an appointment in the morning, then more stuff to deal with at the city, then errands to run across town. I packed some turkey and an avocado as a snack, but the turkey turned into my lunch. Tomorrow should be better... I'm meeting a friend / soon-to-be employee for coffee in the morning and unless something crazy pops up (story of my life this week!) I should be able to make it home for a real lunch.

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M1: 2 eggs cooked in olive oil; peach

M2: left over spaghetti sauce w/ meat sauce

S: chicken and rainier cherries

M3: salad w/ chicken, mixed greens, tomato, green pepper, scallions, cucumber, red wine vinegar, and olive oil.

Ended up running all over this evening, so I quickly grabbed some chicken and a handful of cherries to make it through to dinner.

Other than my crazy schedule of late, I've actually been feeling really good. I've noticed a few health issues I was having are starting to abate and I've been feeling less... inflamed I guess, if that makes any sense. The random aches and pains that were starting to crop up have definitely lessened. The one exception is my feet... they've been really sore and tired for some reason, almost as if I've been running or hiking, which I haven't. Energy is good and cravings haven't been too bad... I usually stress eat (and get wicked sugar cravings) when life goes berserk, so that's definitely been a nice surprise!

Ten days down, twenty more to go!

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M1: 2 eggs c/i olive oil; peach

S: iced coffee w/ coconut milk

M2: turkey and avocado

S: rainier cherries

M3: salad bar at Jason's Deli (greens, veggies, eggs, red wine vinegar, and olive oil)

S: plum, almonds, coconut butter

I'm coming to a sad realization... As much as I LOVE rainier cherries, they don't love me back : ( Every time I eat them recently I get super bloated and gassy. No fun. I haven't noticed an issue with any other fruit so far, but I'm going to try to pay more attention to see if any of the others are causing me problems of which I haven't been fully aware.

In happier news, I can definitely see that I've been losing weight, even with all the fruit I've been eating. So far I've avoided the scale's siren song, but I'm really dying to weight myself. I know it's not the best idea though, so I shall continue to resist. Onward.

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M1: 2 eggs cooked in olive oil

S: iced coffee w/ coconut milk

M2: turkey with avocado

M3: steak; green beans, broccoli, bacon; peach

Didn't eat enough today and I felt it... I really need to get some stuff to snack on for when I'm too busy for meals.

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M1: 2 eggs w/ olive oil

S: iced coffee w/ coconut milk

M2: turkey; tomato; sweet potato w/ coconut butter

M3: giant salad at Sweet Tomatoes (lots of veggies, egg, red wine vinegar, olive oil); honeydew; grapes


M1: 2 eggs w/ olive oil; peach

S: iced coffee w/ coconut milk

M2: salad bar at Jason's Deli (veggies, egg, almonds, red wine vinegar, olive oil)

M3: bacon; roasted okra; peach

Super busy this weekend! I started renovations on my new commercial space. First order of business is buying a minifridge so I can keep healthy food on hand to eat during the day. Also, I know I need to up my intake... I'm definitely burning extra calories climbing up and down ladders, patching drywall, painting, etc. I've been trying to stick to three meals, but I'm probably going to end up doing more snacking during the day, eating smaller meals when I have time for breaks.

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M1: 2 eggs c/i olive oil; peach

M2: leftover almond meal chicken; banana

S: grapes

M3: premade taco meat from Whole Foods (all compliant ingredients); peach

S: almonds; peach


M1: 2 eggs c/i olive oil; peach

M2: left over almond meal chicken; grapes

S: more grapes

M3: chicken curry (chicken, onion, carrots, heirloom bell peppers, summer squash, jalapeno, serrano chiles, arugula, coconut milk, coconut butter, curry powder, coriander, salt, garlic); peach

Way too much fruit (three peaches!) and not enough veggies yesterday... I started my period and wasn't feeling great. I haven't really been hungry, but I've definitely been wanting to eat non-stop. Fruit has been the quickest thing to grab on the go. I've kind of been craving junk, but not enough to actually consider giving in. I should be mostly back to normal tomorrow.

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M1: 2 eggs cooked in olive oil; peach

M2: turkey; avocado; strawberries

S: grapes

M3: salad bar at Jason's Deli (veggies, eggs, almonds, olive oil, vinegar)

S: banana

Wow, my energy has really skyrocketed the past couple of days! I've actually been feeling really great... Well, other than the crazy amount of stress I've been dealing with.

I've had a couple of dreams recently that I've fallen off the wagon. One last week where I had some red wine, then last night I suddenly found myself eating ice cream. Before bed I was thinking that this is usually the point where I start making bad food choices... As soon as I start feeling really good I'm usually like, "Ok, I guess this eating plan has done it's job! Now I can eat crap again!" I think the fact that the Whole30 has a time limit associated with it is pretty brilliant. I'm excited that I have a reason to continue on for another couple of weeks and to see how it feels to keep eating well even after I've started feeling really good.

I do have a wedding to go to tomorrow, so hopefully I won't have too much trouble finding something to eat. It doesn't start until 6, so I'll probably end up eating something before I go and packing a snack in my bag for later, just in case.

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Wow, didn't mean to wait so long to update, so here's what I remember:


M1: 2 eggs cooked in olive oil; peach

S: strawberries

M2: giant salad at Sweet Tomatoes (veggies, eggs, almonds, red wine vinegar, olive oil); sweet potato

S: banana

M3: almond meal chicken w/ marinara; peach


M1: 2 eggs cooked in olive oil

M2: almond meal chicken; eggplant; tomato

Awkwardly didn't eat a bite at the wedding... It was a served dinner and nothing was safe. Just drank a ton of water w/ lemon.


M1: 2 eggs cooked in olive oil

S: peach

M2: salad bar at Jason's Deli (veggies, eggs, almonds, sunflower seeds, red wine vinegar, olive oil); grapes

S: peach

I was out of town for the weekend and didn't eat much. Today it's back to hard labor!

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Ok, things are starting to get REALLY busy for me... Since I'm not sure anyone is looking at this thing anyway, I think I'm going to abandon it for now. I'm still on track and feeling good, just too busy to post everyday. My 30 days will be up next Tuesday!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone! I finished my first Whole30 down 11 lbs and feeling amazing! Life totally got in the way though and things have kind of devolved quicker than I would've hoped! I've gained back a few pounds and have just been starting to feel generally crappy again. I accidentally glutened myself on Saturday night and have been in an immense amount of pain for the past few days. I was thinking about jumping back into another Whole30 anyway, so I've decided to make today my Day 1. Tomorrow is also my 34th birthday, so getting myself back onto a path toward better health will be my gift to myself.

I probably won't be logging my food here everyday, but am SO glad I have this log to look back upon to give me some ideas of where to start this time! I'll probably check in periodically this time around, but things are still pretty busy for me. My community acupuncture clinic is now open and I'm actually working on developing a diet and supplement protocol for fertility that is based on paleo principles!

So far today I've eaten two eggs and I'm headed out to the grocery store in a few minutes to stock up on paleo staples!

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