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mahalolo W30 log


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DAY 14


I'm almost halfway through my first W30. I decided to start journaling now because, well, it's getting harder to keep my focus.


A little bit about me. I will be turning 40 in May. I work full-time as a tech project manager, so lots of time in front of a computer, but I really love my job. I have two elementary school aged boys, so lots of time devoted to shuttling them around, but I really love being their mom. I also have a wonderful husband. This time of year, I'm a CPA widow, so I look forward to seeing him again in April. :P  


I have done various “reset†and “detox†plans over the past couple of years. Nothing extreme like juice fasting, but I have gone vegetarian for six months. I was strict vegan for about three months. I moved away from those eating styles as I was noticing that my hair, nails, skin was starting to suffer. I have also followed the Whole Living Action Plan which is similar in some ways to W30, but you move through reintroduction a lot faster. Since I have been paying attention to labels and eating more whole foods for awhile, I figured I could handle the strictness of the W30. It hasn't been too hard to adjust. 


I guess I should also talk about why I have had this kind of focus over the past couple of years. To be honest, I have really cruddy genetics. Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer (lung, breast colon) are all hanging out quite comfortably in my family tree. I was insulin-dependent during my pregnancies and was officially diagnosed with Type 2 after delivery. I worked hard to stay off medication and was eventually re-diagnosed as having pre-diabetes. Yay!


Since then, I've lost and gained the same 10lbs through various methods (see paragraph above) and have become more consistent with exercise. I run with a training team and I take group strength classes twice a week. All in preparation for doing a Tough Mudder in July. Yep, instead of a Corvette my mid-life crisis is a Tough Mudder.


All in all, I have been doing well with W30. I've hit the phases pretty close to the timeline. The good days have way outnumbered the bad, but I'm starting to lose motivation. I miss just grabbing a quick bite to eat between meetings. It's a lot of work to keep up with W30 prep. I'm starting to fall back on salads which is leading to boredom, which leads to feeling the need to break the W30 rules.


I'll be posting my eating habits for the rest of the month to keep me honest and focused. I need to up my veggies and cut back on fruit, I think. 


Breakfast: Three turkey sausage patties

Lunch: Beef taco meat, lettuce, fresh salsa, green peppers

Snack: Clementine

Snack: Cashew Butter and medium banana

Dinner: 2 Chicken Sausage, baby lettuce greens, guac


Training: TRX Cardio Blast (45 min)

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Day 15


Halfway through! I really really need to cook a ton of veggies tonight to help with planning. Work and kid schedule should allow me the time to get some prep work done tonight. Looking forward to the tiger blood phase.  


Breakfast: Two turkey patties

Lunch: Baby spinach, lettuce, carrots, pepperoncini, zucchini, yellow squash, onion, mushrooms, bacon, olive oil balsamic vinegar. 

Snack: 2 Clementines, cashews. 

Snack: Banana, cashew butter.

Dinner: Ground turkey tacos, lettuce wraps, onion, shredded zucchini, gauc, tomatoes.

Snack: Cashew Larabar


Thanks for the feedback! :)

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You're right - you need more veggies (lunch looked GREAT). Aim for 1-3 cups per meal.

Make sure the bacon and balsamic vinegar are compliant. No sugar in the bacon and no added sulphites in the balsamic vinegar.

Snacks, when you need them, should be a mini-meal including a protein and fat. Nuts are a fat source on a Whole30. Save your 1-2 daily servings of fruit to enjoy with or immediately after one of your main meals.

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Day 16:

I'm finding that I need less sleep. I used to be miserable if I slept less than 8 hrs, leaning more towards 9 hrs as a minimum. Now I find I'm waking earlier and still feeling rested. This really surprises me since it's still dark out in the mornings. Guess that tiger blood is starting to kick in now.

Breakfast: Turkey sausage link, roasted parsnips.

Lunch: Chicken breast, baby spinach, green olives, black olives, lettuce, carrots, pepperoncini, zucchini, yellow squash, onion, mushrooms, olive oil, balsamic.

snack cashews


Dinner: Apple w/ cashew butter, coconut larabar


Training: BodyPump (60 minutes)


I'm finding that I'm just not hungry. I had to focus myself to eat dinner, which I know is not an acceptable dinner.

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Day 17


Hungry this morning, which is good! 


Breakfast: Steamed broccoli, roasted parsnips, 2 turkey patties


Lunch: Salad greens, carrots, jicama, walnuts, grilled chicken, ginger vinaigrette. 


Dinner:  Chicken wings, hot sauce & ghee sauce, salad. 

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Day 18 (Saturday): 


Energy is through the roof. I'm finding it hard to sit still. I'm also slightly annoyed that I cannot sleep in anymore. I was up at 6am!


Breakfast: Chicken sausage link, sweet potato hash. 

Lunch: Apple with cashew butter, salad

Dinner: Grilled chicken, steamed broccoli, zucchini chips. 

Snack: Coconut larabar 

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Day 18 (Saturday): 


Energy is through the roof. I'm finding it hard to sit still. I'm also slightly annoyed that I cannot sleep in anymore. I was up at 6am!


Breakfast: Chicken sausage link, sweet potato hash. 

Lunch: Apple with cashew butter, salad

Dinner: Grilled chicken, steamed broccoli, zucchini chips. 

Snack: Coconut larabar 

Are you hungry??? Lunch looks like it was missing protein?  1 sausage link for breakfast doesn't seem to be enough protein either.


Watch the Larabars - much better to have a snack that is a mini-meal of a protein and fat instead.

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Day 19 (Sunday):


I'm having a hard time eating all my meals. I'm so afraid that I'll get hungry and make a stupid food choice, that I probably eat too much at breakfast. 


Breakfast: Uncured pepper bacon, gauc, roasted parsnips

Lunch: Baby lettuce greens, gauc, turkey taco meat.

Dinner: Two beef patties, grilled onions, grilled asparagus.


Training: TRX 45 mins

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