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I know this topic has probably been addressed, but I'm kind of confused why it would be happening. I've been spotting lightly the last few days (this is my first Whole30, I'm on Day 17), and this morning I had a whole bunch of old blood on my panty liner (sorry for the TMI). It was really odd, and I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone? 


Sorry, I will search the forum later but I wanted to throw the question out there as I have to rush out of the house now! 



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This sounds like a hormone reaction. Remember, one thing the W30 does is re-regulate your daily hormonal response. Depending on the time in your monthly cycle, this could have also been a side effect of middlesmertz. When the egg releases, it is bursting forth from the ovary, which causes some bleeding. For some women this can be a lot, for some it is not noticeable past being seem on toilet paper. I know I spot about mid cycle as a result of this.

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  • 5 months later...

My story is the same as many of the others: early spotting (~12 days early) on day 21 of my whole30. I have been on hormonal pill BC for years and have never experienced spotting.

If I am spotting, does this mean that my BC is ineffective right now? Should I abstain from unprotected sex?

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  • 3 weeks later...



not necessarily. Clotting factor, another element of when you bleed, is controlled in part by hormone levels too, so again in changing your food these might have a small drop in level which would mean you might spot of bleed.


I experience that a lot, despite being on bc for over a decade because I have an inherited bleeding disorder (my body doesn't produce enough of one of the clotting factors).


My story is the same as many of the others: early spotting (~12 days early) on day 21 of my whole30. I have been on hormonal pill BC for years and have never experienced spotting.

If I am spotting, does this mean that my BC is ineffective right now? Should I abstain from unprotected sex?

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  • 3 weeks later...


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