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OrigamiMom's Whole30


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Day 1:

Breakfast - veggie omelet

Snack - handful of nuts and 2 medjool dates

Lunch - fresh tomato soup made in the vitamix

Dinner - hamburger patty, sweet potato slices fried in coconut oil, green salad with oil&vinegar dressing

Dessert - handful of fresh raspberries

Beverages - Herbal tea, water, coffee (no sweeeners or creams)



Hit the grocery store to stock up.  Worked on identifying my goals.  Cleaned out pantry.


Looking forward to a successful Day 2!!!



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Do you have a copy of the meal template? Whole30 recommends that every meal have 1-2 palms of protein, 1-3 cups of vegetables, and the appropriate amount of compliant fat. 

Dinner looked good. It's unclear whether your breakfast had enough protein and veggies (when eggs are your protein, a serving is the number of eggs you can hold in your hand), and whether your lunch had enough protein and fat.

Also, have your portion sizes at meals be big enough that you rarely need snacks in between. Meals should satiate you for 4-5 hours. If you are truly hungry (you could eat steamed fish and broccoli), have a mini meal that includes a protein and fat.   Save your 1-2 daily servings of fruit to have with or immediately after your meals.


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Thanks for the advice, Chris!  My lunch was made with fresh chicken stock, but I don't know if that would qualify in the protein department. There wasn't any added fat, so that was a fail.  I can see that I have some work to do tomorrow.  Will need to tweak my menu.  I hadn't seen the meal planner until now, so I'll print it and use it as my guide.

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Day 2:

Breakfast - omelet with 2 eggs, spinach, green and red bell pepper, mushrooms, olive oil.

Lunch - half a left over hamburger patty.  Was on the run and hadn't planned well.

Snack - handful of cashews, 2 mandarin oranges, 1 mini apple

Dinner - pork roast, broccoli, carrots


Beverages - black coffee, water, carbonated water


Today's learning activities:  Reading this website


Observations - REALLLLLYYYY wanted to have some of the goodies at the buffet bar tonight.  Can't believe I walked away.  Strong cravings for a soda and sweet treats tonight.... 

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Breakfast and dinner looked good.


Watch the fruit: you get 1-2 daily servings where each serving is the size of your fist. Limit fruit consumption to with or immediately after meals only.

Again, make your snacks a mini-meal of a protein and fat. Nuts are a fat source on a Whole30.

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Day 3:


Breakfast - omelet with 2 eggs, spinach, green and red bell pepper, mushrooms, olive oil.

Lunch - Hamburger patty, large portion of broccoli, green salad with avocado.

Pre Workout - handful of pecans

Post workout - half a hamburger patty (getting sick of hamburger patties...), 1 raw carrot

Dinner - The LAST hamburger patty, green salad with 1 avocado slice, 1/4 sweet potato with 1 tsp coconut oil and sea salt (YUMMM!!!)


Beverages - black coffee, water, herbal tea



Reading this website continues to teach me sooo much!  The info regarding pre and post workout fuel is really helpful.


TODAY'S PHYSICAL ACTIVITY:  Lifted for an hour doing a total body routine with my trainer.


TODAY'S SUCCESS - Daughter baked cupcakes.  She's an awesome baker.  I didn't so much as lick a spoon!


TODAY'S ACTIVITIES - Spent some time in the kitchen:

1.  Chopped all the veggies for my morning omelets

2.  Made a huge jar of salsa

3.  Set up the crockpot to make a pot of beef stock

4.  Boiled chicken for using in lunches and post-workout snacks.

5.  Baked sweet potatoes for post-workout snacks.


Observations - SUPER tired yesterday...  headache today, but not as tired and energy level is pretty good.  Thinking about snacks way too much.

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Day 4:


Breakfast - omelet with 2 eggs, spinach, green and red bell pepper, mushrooms, olive oil.

Lunch - Green salad, grilled chicken breast, avocado, cup of chicken broth/stock, small apple.

Snack - handful of pistachios

Dinner - Spaghetti squash, 3 homemade meatballs, marinara sauce, wedge salad


Beverages - black coffee, water, herbal tea



1. Spent some time learning about Paleo eating/cooking by visiting various websites.

2. Label reading:  I learned that my favorite fresh link sausage at the meat market has MSG.  My favorite bulk breakfast sausage is made with SUGAR. 


TODAY'S PHYSICAL ACTIVITY:  Did not have time for a workout.


TODAY'S SUCCESS - I wanted a sweet snack so badly and had such a terrible headache today.  I consider it a success that I didn't rip anybody's head off.


TODAY'S ACTIVITIES - Spent some time in the kitchen:

1.  Made enough meatballs for 4 meals.

2.  Stocked my desk at work with delicious herbal teas and a bag of pistachios for emergencies.

3.  Made a list of a few exercises I can do at my desk for days that I don't have time for a workout.



What can I do to get to the gym for 5:00 am class?  I am NOT a morning person.  I can't imagine myself getting up at 4:30, but a morning workout would be so much better.  My after-work schedule is usually too busy for exercise time.


Observations - BAD headache all day.  Really wanted wine or chocolate badly.

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Day 5:


Breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs, spinach, green and red bell pepper, mushrooms, olive oil.   Already getting tired of this for breakfast.

Lunch - Green salad, spaghetti squash, 3 meatballs, cup of chicken broth/stock, small apple.

Snack - handful of pistachios

Dinner - Chicken taco meat on a garden salad with avocado and salsa (taco salad)

Beverages - black coffee, water, herbal tea, grapefruit carbonated water


TODAY'S PHYSICAL ACTIVITY:  Did not have time for a workout.


TODAY'S SUCCESS - I wanted a sweet snack so badly and had such a terrible headache today.  I consider it a success that I didn't rip anybody's head off.


TODAY'S ACTIVITIES - Spent some time in the kitchen:

1.  Made enough meatballs for 4 meals.

2.  Stocked my desk at work with delicious herbal teas and a bag of pistachios for emergencies.

3.  Made a list of a few exercises I can do at my desk for days that I don't have time for a workout.



Stay away from the sugar monster.  Chocolate cravings are driving me nuts!


Observations - BAD headache all day again.

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Day 6:


Breakfast - 2 cups Spinach with strawberry/blueberry/flaxseed/almond milk smoothie; Banana/egg patty with coconut oil.

Lunch - 3 meatballs, spaghetti squash, marinara sauce, green salad, vinaigrette.

Snack - handful of pistachios

Dinner - Tortilla soup without the tortillas or cheese, added sauteed zuchinni and freshly shredded cabbage instead.  Yummy!!!


Beverages - black coffee, water, herbal tea




Observations - BAD headache all day, feels like it's sinus related, even though I am not stuffy.  Actually, felt pretty good this morning, headache started around lunchtime.  By this evening, feeling tired and sluggish....  Just want to go to bed.

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Two things on your breakfast. Smoothies are discouraged on a Whole30. The idea is to chew your food vs. drink it, as chewing is more satiating. And the banana egg patty is a big no: sorry no Paleo pancakes or Paleo-ifying treats on a Whole30.

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