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Diggestive enzymes may help, also a natural probiotic may help. What you are trying to do is build up your gut flora in order to help digest properly.


Fermented foods, such as saurkraut and kimchi, contain natural probiotics which will help build gut flora.


Other than that - are you able to post a couple of days worth of meals to help more people to trouble shoot for you?

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Bacon, onion, tomato, spinach frittata 




Scrambled eggs, bacon, spinach and avocado


(Always with a serving of fruit- typically berries) 




Beef taco soup 




Salmon over spinach with steamed broccoli (plus one serving of fruit- typically an apple with almond butter) 





Steak, cauliflower potatoes, steamed lemon broccoli 


Chicken stir fry (loaded with veggies) 


"meat ball" (turkey) Spaghetti Squash 

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Hmmm. Just an observation - your meals look a little protein and fat "light".  Meaning it doesn't quite look like your eating enough.  For instance your Meal 1 - you don't mention how many eggs you scramble or might be in in your fritata.  And it looks like your semi avoiding carbs. 


Adding a starchy carb could help you out a bit with your "bathroom" issues.


As an aside - I can only speak from experience from how my body reacts to things - things get a little soft and messy in the BM department for me when I eat too many goitrogens - cabbage, kale, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, turnip, even strawberries.  I'm not saying to avoid these vegetables completely.  I just chose to pair them off with a bit of starchy veg (think root vegetables) so I can process them better. 

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I had similar results when I first started this way of eating.  I believe that when you drop all of the wheat and grains, your system has to adjust, as there is nothing in there absorbing and holding onto stuff and slowing down the digestive process.  Perhaps adding  sweet potatoes to your diet will help.


I also sometimes think that W30 is a natural cleansing, so if you're feeling well, you're probably fine. 


Your body should adjust over time. 


Make sure you stay hydrated.

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