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Sweet, sweet words...


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After harping on my husband (who almost solely eats donuts and soda) to change his eating habits, I finally had this wonderful conversation via gchat with him....


show me how
 me:  OK!!




Are there any sweeter words to hear for Valentines day?!  :wub:

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Shopping last night was really fun.  I set ground rules that anything he put in the cart I had to review and if it didn't pass my healthy food standards it was going back on the shelf.  AND...he couldn't get pissy with me about it.   I'm happy to say it went well.  The only argument was when I took his white potatoes out of the cart and replaced them with sweet potatoes. (But...but...BUT!) 

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So jealous!!! But good for you! My hubby will eat what I cook, no complaints. He is very supportive of me in every way and I am grateful for it. But when left to his own devices he lives on donuts and drive thru. Its so hard to watch, but I've known it since the day we met...

In fact I'm out of town for a week visiting a dear friend and already worries about what he will eat this week without me there

He comes shopping with me though puts nothing in the cart. He knows better lol. Sounds like a good time, have fun!!

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I'm so happy for you!  I thought I would never be able to convince my hubby to do a Whole 30 with me.  He's always the one the NEEDS bread with everything and HAD to have a sweet drink with every meal.  I tried for years to get him to change those habits but he wouldn't budge.  He was oddly agreeable when I brought it up though.  I think it's because he knows he needs to lose a few pounds.  So yeah!  Go you for getting him on board!  Once he sees how great it feels to eat well, he'll never want to go back.  :)  Just gotta push him through on the carb flu.  Thankfully, my hubby only experienced that for 3 days or so.  

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After harping on my husband (who almost solely eats donuts and soda) to change his eating habits, I finally had this wonderful conversation via gchat with him....


show me how
 me:  OK!!




Are there any sweeter words to hear for Valentines day?!  :wub:


So jealous! LOL... My boyfriend of almost 6 years is very supportive of my whole30 but did not want to join along... He keeps getting sick (full time fire/ems with partime job working for the state emergency management team) because of his crazy work schedule and bad eating habits. I can not push him which I know, however, he has enjoyed some of the whole30 meals I have made.. Which is a good start.. 

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My husband is also of the fast food drive-through persuasion, and when I started eating paleo about a year ago (two years? I can't remember), he was along for the ride because I was cooking and he wasn't. :P When he started working in the field, he had to start cooking for himself. I'm pretty proud of him to at least sticking to paleo (most of the time), even if he doesn't go Whole30. He has been very supportive of me doing Whole30s, though, and listened to more than one "I WANT CHOCOLATE" rant this last time through, lol.


It's nice when significant others can see the changes in us and then want to follow along.

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It has definitely been a year of transformation for my husband and I.  I have lost over 100 pounds since May, and he is 10 months sober today (after 6-7 stints in rehab.)  He also quit smoking.  SO- taking on this dietary transformation is another step in us being happy and healthy for years to come. 

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