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Might As Well Memorialize the Journey... even if late!


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Good Morning from Day 5!  This W30 experience (second time around) is very different than the first.  I have so much more confidence in the process and the whole "what to eat" question just seems much easier to answer!  It probably helps that I have been, despite not being on "the strait and narrow," at least mindful of the ideal way to move through the day living a W-9 lifestyle.  Snacking (specifically on sweets and chocolate) have been my downfall.  Managing the late afternoon and especially evening hours without diving into sub-par foods has been the biggest challenge. 

You'd think that the obvious benefits (Energy!  Better hair and skin! Decrease in bloating everywhere... even in places I didn't think I had bloating!  MUCH improved digestion!  No mood swings!  Feeling in control!  Decrease in joint swelling, pain and mobility! Feeling virtuous!) would make staying on the path easier.  My plan this time around is to re-introduce some foods with great intention and very slowly so I really get some feedback from my body about what isn't so helpful for optimum health.


Prior to starting, I took some measurements so I had some "hard data" about changes: 

weight:  115 (which shocked me, as I haven't weighed myself in at least 5 months and NONE of my clothes fit well... most of my "usual" muscle mass has morphed into fat as a result of lots of sitting, sitting, sitting and decrease in both "regular activity" that I usually have as a part of daily routines as well as a decrease in "intentional activity" (e.g. biking, running, walking).



From the top down:  bust:  33 1/4, waist:  27, widest point of hip:  363/4, l/r thighs:  21 1/8 - 21 3/9


I am hoping to gain back that better skin & hair, decrease swelling around finger joints, feel in control of managing emotions without using food for support, increase both active/intentional activity as well as decrease my sitting time (time to implement the standing desk!), feel comfortable in my clothing, get at least one massage and find a doctor for overall health management (it's been years since I have seen one and, "at my age" (51), I should have a partner in health!  This may be a long list for 30 days. 


Looking back:

Day 1: 

Meal 1:  Greens, 2 eggs, avocado, tea (okay, from now on it will be the "standard breakfast" since I love it (switching up the spices sometimes or adding onion, garlic or salsa) and have eaten it daily for about 2 years.  Apparently I don't mind monotony!

Meal 2:  I honestly can't remember (leftover Borscht?)

Meal 3:  Chili


Day 2: 

Meal 1:  Standard Breakfast, tea

Meal 2:  Leftover roast, carrots and beets

Meal 3: roast chicken and 1/2 sweet potato

Bone broth


Day 3: 

Meal 1:  1/2 sweet potato (with ghee and tzardust seasoning- yum!), leftover roast chicken, tea

Meal 2:  leftover chicken, saurekraut (sea vegetable- locally made and delicious!), olives, tea (tea and more tea as I was still fighting a nasty bug)

Meal 3: Beef Stew with an apple and nuts (happily using up all the parsnips and rutabagas languishing in the refrigerator!)


Day 4:

1- Standard Breakfast, tea

2- Forgot half the lunch at home; ate 2 hard boiled eggs at lunch and late afternoon ate the rest (carrots, apple, macadamia nuts), tea; water throughout (

3- Moroccean Meatballs and Cauliflower Fouscous (oh my, so delicious!)

evening:  bone broth


Ran about 1 1/4 mile- real slow


Day 5:   I woke up hungry this morning.  It is such a (sad American reality) odd thing that hunger isn't something I usually experience.  I'm Johnny on the Spot with my constant/over/unnecessary eating that that doesn't happen. Ugh.   I can thank my lifetime of activity and lucky genes (okay, and some sensible eating along the way) that I don't also have one hundred pounds to lose.  As much as I think about and consume food, it seems it should have been that way.


1- leftover stew, orange, tea, Vitamin D (which I have to include here as I have been intending to take it daily for the past 4 years and in reality so so maybe 10 times a year.  I think this is my third in the past week.

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Day 5 continued: 

Meal 2:  1 leftover meatball + sauce (family devoured these last night!) and leftover cauliflower fouscous with 2 harboiled eggs mixed in and a few macadamia nuts.

Meal 3:  A half ladlefull of red sauce (family having spaghetti) that also had mushrooms and spinach; plunked on top of about 1 1/2 c. uncooked spinach leaves (hot on cold, yum) and, this may sound unappetizing, but a can of Alaskan salmon mixed in to it.  It was delicious!  I ate a few more nuts- maybe too many?  How big is my thumb anyway?.. and an apple.  The apple was really not needed.  I was satiated and did not need it. 


I have been sleeping really well and going to be about an hour earlier than "usual" without intending to do so.  I think that being sick is helping to establish better habits!


My clothes are fitting better and my digestion is already much happier/quieter/not distressed. Ahhh.


Zero moving today, lots of driving and sitting.  Tomorrow will be better!

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Day 6 has been good: woke  up not too hungry (what with the eat-fest last night- apparently it was too many nuts!); scarfed down two hard boiled eggs as "part 1 of breakfast" followed by a quick ride to work (81/2 miles) and then finished the 1/2 avocado, some carrots and snap peas at work.  I rode 14 more miles (and zero water- so bad!) and arrived home really ready for food.... and didn't want to eat any more hard boiled eggs!

I dug deep for motivation and whipped up a very tasty lunch:  heated about 2T. coconut oil in a pan until pretty hot, added sesame, fennel and cumin seeds- about a teaspoon of the sesame and a bit less of the rest.   When the seeds started to pop, I added 1 1/2 onions (sliced thinly) & cooked them for a bit (5 minutes?), then added about 1/5 of a cabbage head and about 1 c. asparagas, cooked them for a while uncovered, then covered.  I tossed some garam masala on top, stirred in a can of tuna and once heated, dug in!  I almost ate the entire pan.  I finished up with 5 macadamia nuts... which I should probably stop adding to every meal!


I'm off to Costco tonight to get those VERY tasty green olives stuffed with jalepeno and garlic.  I think I could live on them!  Oh, those chicken (and apple?) sausages too.  I need more quick options sitting in the refrigerator staring back at me!


Dinner will be a pork roast (from a paleo site- kind of a combination of Nom Nom and another one- can't remember which)- rubbed pork shoulder with a bunch of spices and rested overnight; this morning I chopped onions and carrots & put them into the bottom of crock pot, put the roast on top (saving some onions to go on top to help it not dry out) and squeezed the juice of one lime and one lemon both on top and into the pot.  I snuck a bite before I had to leave the house and -wow!!- it's really tasty.


What a long way to say that dinner will be a pork roast, spinach salad with veggies, with an olive oil vinegrette.   Blueberrries in coconut milk will top it all off.  But I'm not calling it dessert!

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Friday, day 7

Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs with kale/spinach, 1/3 avocado (huge Costco one!) topped with salsa

Lunch: leftover pork roast + onions and juices from crockpot! carrot! a bunch of cauliflower and snap peas. Also ate about 10 pistachios.

Rode to work and throughout the day for business, totaling 24 miles. Ate an apple upon arriving home (I know, not the correct Post workout food...)

Dinner: Italian turkey sausages with the same onion, cabbage, asparagus deliciousness. Topped off the day with 8 macadamia nuts, some water and tea. Feeling tired (yikes, it's almost midnight!), but good. Even energy all day, just heavy legs after mile 15. I'm not yet used to these longer rides.

Day 8!

Woke up not particularly hungry, ate leftover roast with some compliant Dijon (Annie's) for dipping, 1/2 of a huge Asian sweet potato (white inside.... I prefer the orange varieties) with ghee and 3 cups of tea. My hands were rough this am- a sure sign that I didn't drink enough yesterday (and likely the day before). Taking vitamin D right now, then off to have a productive day!

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Day 8, continued:

Meal 2- leftover cabbage & onions with leftover roast, 1 carrot (trying to get about 1 1/2 c. veggies, olives, water and tea AND vitamin D!

Meal 3: delicious "casserole" from the "Paleo Slow Cooker" cookbook (I used bison; it has sweet potatoes, onions, basil, oregano, peppers, mushrooms and some tomato sauce). Mixed some olives in- tasty! Also ate some frozen tart cherries and macadamias....

Counted this time-7.

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Yesterday- Day 9- Sunday


Meal 1:  2 eggs on bed of spinach, avocado

Meal 2:  leftover bison/pepper/sweet potato casserole, nibbled on a sun dried tomato- dreamy!

Meal 3:  chicken coconut curry on fresh spinach - based on Nom Nom's.. at too much!


Sat and did paperwork most of the day- ugh!


Today- Day 10, Monday:


Meal 1:  two eggs and 1/2 sweet potato (the leftover huge one from day 8)

Meal 2: leftover chicken curry, apple

snack- 10 almonds (and I KNOW I'm not supposed to eat this for a snack... the only food available and didn't want to.... well, wanted to eat!  Wish I had a "real" excuse!)

Meal 3:  Last of the leftover pork roast, 1 carrot, 1/2 huge red pepper, some pineapple and 10 macadamia nuts.


What a leftover kind of a day!  Had a nice walk in the woods for about 20 minutes.  Need more of that.

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Tuesday, Day 11; a day of fresh food!

Meal 1: 2 eggs with lots of asparagus and a bit of kale, topped with avocado and salsa.

Meal 2: chicken curry (same recipe... But a fresh batch and subbed the veggies to include what was in the fridge- red pepper, cauliflower, asparagus), a Daikon radish for munching- I hadn't tried one before and was pleased with the mild flavor. Pineapple on the side too.

Meal 3: turkey sausage, roasted Kabocha squash and locally made sauerkraut (sea vegetable variety- yum!). I also ate an apple with almond butter on the side and my stomach is a bit bloats. Once again, maybe the nuts should go!

Took vitamin D- finally!

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Day 12!

Meal 1: 3 egg omelet with asparagus

Meal 2: leftover curry, a few leftover roasted squash slices

Meal 3: standing (! In a very "unwhole30-fashion!) here in the kitchen eating some leftover curry (not quite a meal's worth), a banana and sauerkraut while checking the forums...Have to head back to work and won't get back until late. It feels like I'm doing some sort of late afternoon binging!

Here's some information not for the faint of heart.... Very gassy today... The huge apple? The almond butter? Hmmmmmm

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I will, Physibeth. I ate less than 1 tablespoon, but the nuts are feeling "treatish" to me... Deep inside my twisted mind! It's Weird, since I never ate much of them before; and certainly not every day!

I ate nearly a portion of chicken, some olives and daikon. I really wanted to try this new chicken recipe - and evidently couldn't wait until morning! I Justified it by thinking that I didn't eat the recommended portion at the earlier "meal," but honestly, I wasn't truly hungry. Also, drank 4 cups of tea. I MUST drink more water during the day!

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Phew!! I made it through the "I NEED a chocolate cookie-stat! " phase this afternoon! Today was trying.

Meal 1: 2 eggs with kale (not much, running low!), tiny bit of avocado.. It was refrigerated and not very ripe- what to do about that?

Meal 2:yesterday's roasted chicken (cooked in the crock pot with schawarma spices), 4 garlic jalapeño olives, 2 big carrots, pineapple

Snack- during the aforementioned cookie crisis: 2 sundried Roma tomatoes

Meal 3 - bison stew with the last of the fall CSA beets with ghee and salt...yum! Coconut cream with blueberries. This last part didn't feel much in the spirit of W30; definitely on the edge of compliant for me, emotionally.

Made some mayo tonight and found a wayward sweet potato in the pantry- score!! I'm set for breakfast & lunch tomorrow.

I have had great sleep- tired at bedtime, up early without being awakened and feeling ready for the day. Lots more even energy throughout the day too. I drank lots of tea. I may soon grow tired of Good Earth bold -n- spicy!

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Glorious Day 14, am edition: 


M1:  2 chicken/apple sausages, 1/2 of huge sweet potato with plenty of ghee, water


biked to work, and it felt like enough of a workout to be considered one!  Upon arrival, I finished up the sweet potato and 4 macadamias..... even though I KNOW they don't count as protein; and I said I was going to lay off the nuts!


Note to self: the portion size of the blueberries and coconut was too big.  No more of that! (or, less of that!)  No major


Lunch will be with colleagues, cobblng a meal with shared ingredients.  I'm contributing tuna, homemade mayo, mint and some red pepper flakes...  I also brough an avocado and I think she is bringing greens and cucumbers.  It will be an interesting meal!


I also brought some sun dried tomatoes to keep in my desk at work.  They are pricy, but as I think about it, they're about the same price as a bag of potato chips (which Mr. Garden can down in a day!... Cuz he ran 11 miles and all....) and they last about a week- back when I ate snacks!

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Day 14 continued.....

Lunch was tasty! We chopped the sun dried tomatoes and made everything into a salad. Add two small oranges ("cuties") to the meal 2 list.

I ate the last 2 tablespoons of tuna mix before riding home.

Meal 3: in a real restaurant! Cobb salad ( greens, romaine, chicken, tomatoes, avocado and hard boiled egg). I didn't get the bacon or (obviously!), blue cheese or dressing ( that one because I couldn't think of what they might have that would be compliant) but they also left off the olives... And the server didn't return until I was almost done. Still missing those olives, I am! Lots of water today.

I feel strong, vibrant and very present for life at this time... The clothes are fitting much better too. Sleep has been great. And, last night I had a twinge of pain in one of my arthritic fingers.... Which reminded me that all of them usually hurt; and they just haven't lately! They still look funky big at the joints, but how odd that I would not notice and appreciate the notable improvement! Time for some gratitude here!!

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Wahoo!  Day 15!


Meal 1:  2 chicken/apple sausages with sauerkraut (locally made and delicious! ... this time it was the "Sea Vegetable" variety) and my latest favorite dipping sauce (which I think I forgot to add the last time I had the sausages)- Annie's horseradish mustard.  It's pricy, but really good.


Meal 2:  leftover roast chicken, 5 olives, about 1 1/2 c. of pumpkin (zapped it from its frozen state- a mystery Ziplock bag with no writing; I had hoped it was squash, but no!) i topped it with a bit of ghee and a generous portion of Tzardust seasoning.  It still felt like I was eating baby food- super pureed with a sweet floral-y something to it.  Finished it off with a bit of almond butter and a more tart variety of apple than I had last week.  No icky stomach so far (five hours later).


Meal 3:  I wasn't really very hungry, but out of duty (?!) I ate one ladleful of homemade minnestrone (minus the beans, corn, cheese and pasta... and the spinach since I didn't have any in the house when it was assembled into the slow cooker this morning)... but by the time mealtime arrived, I had some chard, so served the soup/stew on top of 1+ c. greens.  Also ate about 1/3 c. frozen cherries with about 1T. coconut cream--- very careful to examine the portion size here.  BUT STILL, it was dessert-ish and eaten after the minnestrone was gone. Hmmmmmm....


Hair feels really good today.  AND, the shower wasn't clogged with hair as is "normal!"  Even energy, feeling good and got some house tasks done (gardening was on the agenda but it' been pouring al day). so I spent much of the day online and running errands. 


Tomorrow am- run!

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YES!!! I did get in an am run and (close your eyes, TMI coming soon....) really didn't feel like eating anything- I was hoping the run would serve as a morning constitution boost (and it didn't :(  ). 


Ate breakfast on the late side- 9:30:

Meal 1:  a few baby carrots, cooked mushrooms and chard with one egg (last egg in the house), then immediately after, picked the meat off the chicken bones that were becoming broth in the crock pot overnight and nibbled a bit to call it "the full protein."


Spent the day away from any food and drink- zero planning on my part.  Due the oh so complete eating I've been doing lately and the lack of "movement," I wasn't hungry at all. I arrived home about 7pm and had a huge green salad with carrots, cauliflower, sliced almonds, olives and  a can of salmon.  For dessert, I had vitamin D.  All that tea, water and a good dinner did the trick for the, ahem, moving.  I had to make cookies (AGAIN!  I did it Thursday night too!) and I had zero interest in nibbling the dough or tasting a cookie (even though I had lots of questions for the family members eating them.. it makes me realize how much I, as a baker, rely on my own palate to guide me!).


14 hairs in the shower this morning  14!!!  I wish I had taken 1/2 hour to count them for a good "before" comparison! 


I got a few more dozen eggs from our neighbors with chickens tonight- I'm excited to get back to my usual greens-n-eggs-n-avocados tomorrow!

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Report from Day 17:


Meal 1:  lost 1/2 egg on the stovetop, so had 2 1/2 fried eggs with greens (chard) and mushrooms.  No avocado in the house.  :(


Meal 2:   I didn't pack anything (?), so stopped at a food truck and got scrambled eggs with mushroom, tomatoes and spinach.  I  have eaten there before and remembered that they add almost no salt to the dish, so I asked them to salt and pepper the eggs well.  Result?  Zero, zero salt!  It was the most bland dish I have eaten in, well, forever.  NOW I'm motivated to have a plan in mind when on the road for work!  Oh, they also left out the onions.  Boo hoo.


Meal 3:  Oh yum:  mixed up 1/2 # ground beef with some minced garlic, pepper and truffle salt ($$$ but delicious!) into a patty; lots of locally made sauerkraut (curry this time- spicy and good!) with baby carrots. Finished it off with 1 1/2 T. coconut cream and frozen tart cherries zapped in the microwave for a bit.  See how I'm not labeling this as dessert?  (but it really is!!)


Slept well and felt great all day. 

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Tuesday, Day 18:


Meal 1:  fried eggs, greens and mushrooms... sounding a bit like a broken record!

Meal 2:  Making up for the lack of fat in M1:  can of tuna, mayo, 1/2 avocado, huge handful baby carrots, banana, 5 macadamia nuts

Meal 3:  Cut up a lamb roast (into 5... 5 dinners!) and made an Indian dish with 1 1/2 bunches of chard, onions, garlic, billions of spices (okay, an exaggeration!)  and cooked it up in the pressure cooker... ate it with baby carrots.  My farmer's market is out of carrots until summer, so I bought a 5 pound bag at Costco.  I wonder how long it will be before I am sick, sick, sick of eating them?!  I'm appreciating the ease of grabbing a handful and ~voila!~ the veggie portion is taken care of!  I finished it off with 1 T. coconut cream and a fistful of frozen cherries- zapped to perfection.


Feeling realy full of energy all day.  I worked from 7:45 to 6pm and wasn't starving upon arriving home.  Dinner took me a while to figure out (so much for the weekend planning!) that it wasn't finished until 8pm.  It feels really good to not be wanting, expecting or "needing" to snack!  Having night time issues... off to talk with the ladies about that!

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OOps!  Forgot to note that I also had 1/3 of a small kabocha squash with breakfast (with ghee and Tzardust Memories from Penzy's) yesterday!


Wednesday, Meal 1:  2 eggs with asparagus and some leftover lamb/greens from last night (2 11/2  sized pieces).

Meal 2:  tuna,last of the home made mayo, olives, dipped about 3/4 c. of baby carrots in it; an apple, 7 macadamia nuts *drank all my water in the water bottle during lunch (and am)

PWO:  1 sweet potato (couldn't think of a protein... time to hard boil some eggs!), 1 cup water

Meal 3:..later


Biked to work with a detour to shop on the way home- 24 or so miles total.  Lots of eneregy today, legs dead by the end of the ride (which is the gradual uphill part.... totally normal since I'm not in tip-top biking shape).


Last night I woke up at 3 awake, awake..... probably was awake for 45 minutes.  Bad combination with heading to bed too late and needing to wake up early!

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And, Day 19 continued:

Meal 3: zapped sweet potato with ghee & salt, "The Most Delicious Meat Cubes" (lamb) from Madur Jaffrey's "Quick & Easy Indian Cooking." I haven't made a bad recipe from it yet. Also: green salad with pine nuts and tomatoes (more tomatoes than nuts!), coconut cream with cherries. I usually eat salads without any dressing, but I felt fancy today and stopped by a shop that sells locally made infused olive oils and balsamic vinegars. On the salad, I had Persian lime olive oil mixed with lemongrass mint white balsamic vinegar. Yum!

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Hello Day 20!

Meal 1:  2 turkey sausages and Sea Vegetable sauerkraut

Meal 2:  two bowl of curry lamb "soup" (no cauli rice... and I cooked it in the pressure cooker which kept those juices in)- tasty- had home made chicken broth -mmmmmm; also apple and almond butter

Meal 3:  one large bowl curry again, two pieces of meat from Day 18- zowie -it seemed to heat up sitting in the fridge!  I used the cauliflower bits I had left to mop up the tasty "greens" part.  Also had a fist-size bowl of blueberries- no cream (!!!)- didn't even want it.  Amazing.


Ran a bit, lifted lots of children, made two pies, mowed the lawn, and went to a class where there were chocolate bars, tortilla turkey roll ups, candy, candy, candy, miscellaneous juices and zero temptations.

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Friday, Day 21:

Meal 1: 2 fried eggs with kale

Meal 2: Didn't bring anything to work-??- nibbled on 5 macadamias and a handful of olives left in the little refrigerator.... But really wasn't hungry. Once home, ate two bowls of day 20 curry , an apple and almond butter

Meal 3:... occurred about 4 hours after #2- not long enough! 1 small sweet potato with ghee, 1 turkey sausage, a bit of half frozen cherries.

My desire for food is very, very low. I'm eating mostly to try to stay close to the template and to prevent any possible future hunger (as if that would be so terrible?)... It's as if that is anxiety-producing for me. I am really pleased that I am feeling more settled and in touch with my true hunger rather than responding to an urge to eat chocolate or whatever sweet thing is within arm's reach. I'm not yet responding to this awareness with appropriate portions, but I think that is what is next in line to be learned. I am feeling patient with the process.

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Instead of thinking of it as eating to prevent possible future hunger think of it as eating to make sure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs. Your body needs a certain level of nutrients every day and that is what the template is based on. Focus on getting those in at reasonable intervals regardless of hunger levels and hopefully the hunger levels will fall in line as well. 

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*forehead bonk*... but of course considering my body's nutritional needs first and foremost makes perfect sense!  I was sort of  playing out why I would eat when not hungry... my own weird food relationship. 


Yesterday was a day of not quite hitting the mark with regard to following the template. 


Meal 1:  kale, asparagus and green onions with 3 fried eggs  (eating after being up for about 3-4 hours... preparing for a memorial service, baking bread for others...  not at all hungry);

Meal 2:  This soup: 

Dice up one onion and cook in about 2 T. Coconut oil with about 1/2 t. salt over medium heat until translucent;
Add: 1t. ground coriander, 1 T. minced ginger and 2 cloves minced garlic... Stir a bit, then add 4 c. chicken broth, one big sweet potato, diced - it was about 1 1/3 pounds, cover and cook about 10 minutes. I used the stick bender to cream part of it at this point, Add 1/4 t. Chipotle powder and 3 T. Sunflower butter and one 14oz. can of fire roasted tomatoes; stir well, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about 10 more minutes. I had intended to add a bunch of roasted chicken I knew was in the freezer, but couldn't find it.
 NO protein in this lunch.  Ugh.  Planning really is essential here!  However, the recipe is a keeper- so delicious!  ... with chicken!


Meal 3:  Eating at 10pm after auction (where I ate and drank nothing)- same soup- again no protein and so very tired!


Slept well but woke up really wanting a template-based meal!


Today, Day 23:


Meal 1:  2 eggs with kale


I got really hungry after five hours- something I haven't felt lately... maybe it was the pathetic eating yesterday?


Meal 2:  big salad:  mixed greens- basil too!, can of salmon, carrots, avocado, home made mayo, broccoli, red pepper


Meal 3:  Nom Nom's Thai chicken vegetable curry.  I accidently opened coconut cream rather than milk... just used less than called for.  I doubled the recipe.  I'm so happy to have leftovers ready for tomorrow's lunch!


My energy level remains high and I have this nice inner calm.  There is a huge cake in our home (5 layers!) and I'm not even tempted.  Amazing!

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Wow, 24.... Practically 30, no?

Meal 1: chicken/apple sausage with sauerkraut & horseradish mustard, tea

Daytime: drank water and tea!

Meal 2: leftover curry, apple, a few roasted almonds

Meal 3: really bummed that I can't eat the traditional corn beef. :( I know could conceivable eat it, if I did the leg work to make my own, but it's not in the cards today. Instead, I will have: leftover curry, the cabbage & onion dish from day, uh, 8 or 10-ish- only it isn't old! I just made some more! I'm having an Indian-inspired St. Patrick's Day! Also: a few olives and half frozen tart cherries.

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Meal 1: kale & onion with 2 eggs, tiny bit of avocado;

Meal 2: Able to zip home for a bit and whipped up those Moroccean Meatballs (theclothesmakethegirl)... this time used bison- ate them with a lot of baby carrots and a few olives (really didn't need these... they were just looking at me from their little bowl in the fridge!)

Meal 3:  Meatballs and baby carrots,a different kind of olive (garlic/jalepeno), cherries with cream


Abusing the energy thing going on... staying up too late for the past.. uh... too many nights to count.  Time to give myself a gift of good sleep!  The trouble is I'm still sleeping great, but it really should be longer, as I'm not waking with that same *Hello, Morning* feeling!

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