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Vilde's W30 log


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Hi! I'm a norwegian girl, 20 years old, and a student.

I have been eating lchf-ish for about 3 months, but now I want to try a whole30 to see how it will affect my body! I hope to get rid of my snacking habit (it's pretty bad), and maybe see some improvement on my acne.

March 1st is day 1 :-)

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Day 1!

Late breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled with one sweet potato, 1/2 leek, 1/3 avocado, small slice of smoked salmon. And a cup of tea :)

Lunch: 1 dl coconut milk, with chia seeds, chopped almonds, coconut flakes, 1 small banana.

Dinner: Minced meat with bolognaise sauce, rutabaga/carrot mash, salad.

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Day 2. Feeling fine! No sugar or cheese cravings yet. Went for a long walk with my friend in the forest, love that spring's arriving so soon!

Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled with leek, carrot and rutabaga. A small leftover from yesterdays dinner (bolognese). Coffee with coconut oil and 3-4 walnuts. (yup, always hungry in the morning!)

Early dinner: Pork sirloin with sauteed champignon and leek. Peas and broccoli on the side. Some marinated garlic cloves.

Late meal: A banana mixed with 2 tspoons coconut oil, some blueberries, and chia seeds.

Now I'm staying up late to watch the Oscars! Maybe I'll roast some sweet potato slices to snack on.

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Day 3. A bit tired in the evening, and some small sugar cravings. Did 2 hours of hiking today - had an awesome time.

Breakfast. 1,5 sweet potato. Salad leaves, 2 slices of smoked salmon. Small handful of walnuts. Bulletproof coffee.

Early dinner: 1 orange (was sooo hungry after the hike). 2 eggs scrambled with 1/2 sweet potato, leek, red pepper, peas and carrot. 1/3 avocado.

Late meal: 2 eggs, carrot, a broccoli stem, 1/2 tomato. Half an apple and some frozen raspberries. A few almonds.

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Day 4. Bad meal planning led to some sugar cravings before dinner.

Breakfast: Salad with 2 eggs, 1/3 avocado. Some raisins and nuts, marinated garlic.

Lunch: 1 can of tuna, with some olive oil. Tomato, cucumber.

Post workout: Small banana, 1 carrot.

Snacking on nuts, raisins and apple slices with almond butter.

Dinner: Chicken thigh, cauliflower mash, oven roasted carrots.

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Day 5. Haha, had some pretty bad mood swings today. Not that fun. But I wasn't hungry/craving food between meals. Feels good!

Breakfast:2 fried eggs, 1/3 avocado, cauliflower mash and smoked salmon. Some grapes.

Lunch: Pudding made of coconut cream, banana, chopped almonds and chia seeds. 1/2 apple.

Dinner: Breaded (almond flour) cod, brussels sprouts, sweet potato, olive oil. An orange.

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Day 5. Haha, had some pretty bad mood swings today. Not that fun. But I wasn't hungry/craving food between meals. Feels good!

Breakfast:2 fried eggs, 1/3 avocado, cauliflower mash and smoked salmon. Some grapes.

Lunch: Pudding made of coconut cream, banana, chopped almonds and chia seeds. 1/2 apple.

Dinner: Breaded (almond flour) cod, brussels sprouts, sweet potato, olive oil. An orange.



Sorry, but pudding isn't really in the spirit of the Whole30. That would fall under Paleo-ifying a treat which isn't allowed. Here are the rules, for your review: http://whole30.com/whole30-program-rules/


Take a look at the recommended meal template, and look to design your meals to be consistent with that template to get the best results on your Whole30.


PostWO is protein and carb.


Snacks, if needed, should be a mini-meal containing a protein and fat. Nuts are a fat source on a Whole30. Save your fruit to enjoy with or immediately after your main meals.

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Not a good day. Lots to do at school, and I felt like crap (had some head aches). Felt better in the evening.

B: Tikka masala (vegetar), 2 eggs.

L: Tikka masala leftovers, 1/3 avocado. Thin slice of smoked salmon, 1/2 banana with almond butter.

D: Pork sirloin, sauteed leek and champignon. Ovenbaked carrots, some walnuts.

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Day 7. Nothing special. Went to a fun body pump class. And I think my skin is clearing up? At least a bit.
B: 2 eggs fried with zucchini. 1/3 avvo, pork leftover, smoked trout.
L: Tikka masala, sweet potato mash, a few thin slices of garlic sausage. Cashews.
D: Haha, an attempt at a lasagna. Tasted good though. Made with zucchini, meat, coconut milk and sweet potato mash. Salad with balsamico vinegar.

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Day 9

B: 2 eggs, chicken thigh, bacon, rutabaga.

L: Sweetpotato, banana, a sip of coconut milk, bacon. Some sausage slices.

D: Salmon salad, with egg and balsamico dressing.

Late snack, was hungry: Sausage slices, broccoli, trout, walnuts.

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Day 10. Booked a trip to Berlin with my friend today! So excited! Leaving in just 9 days :)

B: Trout, roasted cauliflower and broccoli, bacon. One orange.

L: Tuna salad with lots of olive oil. And some pumpkin seeds.

S: Coconut flakes, garlic sausage.

D: Pork sirloin. Roasted veggies, with some coconut milk sauce. And homemade mayo (yuuum)

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