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Michelle's first Whole 30


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day 1

I had a pretty good day.  Not everything went as planned but I still ate my 3 meals, walked on my breaks and went to spin class.




Vietnamese Chicken salad- chicken(dark and light), cabbage, carrots and daikon, vinegar.  was running late so there was no mint, cilantro. 




Beef stew- beef ( browned in olive oil) carrots, celery, onion, butternut squash and spinach




meat loaf- ground pork, ground beef, garlic and onion powder.  Salad- spring greens, roasted broccoli, grapefruit and homemade dressing- mustard, apple cider vinegar, olive oil. 


All I drank today was water.  

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Day 2

Today was a little hard. Trying to keep drama from work at work. It's hard, since I gave my 2 wks notice yesterday and I am trying to step my new home office. Crazy weather today, I only walked on 2 of my work breaks and just ate 3 meals.


Vietnamese chicken salad

Beef stew- with butternut sqaush and spinach


Vietnamese chicken salad

I love left overs.

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Day 3


Today was a little harder. I wasn't satisfy with lunch(it was a little smaller portion than yesterday).  I am following the AIP Whole 30- no eggs, nuts, night shade vegetables.   I haven't had eggs or nightshade vegetables since 2/11/14.   I am starting to miss salsa.  I will try and make pineapple or mango salad this weekend.   I am cooking 4 sweet potatoes right now.  I will eat one whole sweet  potato a day between breakfast and lunch.  I find them more satisfying with those meals.   


Vietnamese chicken salad



beef stew- with butternut squash and spinach




new York strip steak- salad with avocado, asparagus, mushrooms, mixed greens. dressing- mustard, apple cider vinegar and olive oil.

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Day 4



steak- sweet potato and sauerkraut



chicken thigh- sweet potato, sauerkraut


new York strip steak, salad with avocado. mushroom, mixed greens, dressing mustard, apple cider vinegar, olive oil.


I thought it was in the bag- but no.  My sweet son left an open bag of trader joes mixed nuts with chocolate. I finished the bag before I knew it.  I am still trying to pick my next start date.  I think Sunday.  I am disappointed, but it's not the end of the world.

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 Day 1 is today!



Asian beef spinach and sweet potato




steak, sweet potato and sauerkraut




chicken breast, spring mixed salad, artichoke, avocado with mustard dressing.



busy day- trying to plan next week meals-

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Day 2


steak, sauerkraut, spinach



steak, sauerkraut, spinach



streak, asparagus, roasted cabbage, grapefruit, grape



hike around Garden of Gods for 1.5 hrs.  Roasted cabbage, made Vietnamese salad, roasted sweet potatoes for next week.

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Day 4- I made it this time



chicken, cabbage, onion and spinach



chicken cabbage, onion and spinach



steak, avocado, grapefruit and sweet potato



My last day at work is Friday.  My  co-workers are going to have a salad potluck for me.  This is really kind, but I can't eat most of the  stuff they are making.  I am going t bring tuna and my own salad dressing. 

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Day 5



chicken, sweet potatoes, spinach



chicken, sweet potatoes, spinach


Vietnamese chicken salad, grapefruit


1 day longer than last time.  Out of protein.  Tomorrow I will have tuna  for breakfast & lunch.   In about 85 days, I can try eggs again.  But since it's so far away- I don't want to think about it.   

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day 6


tuna, capers, avocado



tuna, capers. avocado



pork roast, cabbage, onion, grapefruit


Tomorrow is my going away party at work.  They don't understand what I am doing.  I am bringing tuna, spring mix, mustard dressing.

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day 7


pork roast, sweet potato



tuna, capers, black olive, spring lettuce, mustard dressing, pineapple



pineapple-   it was my going away potluck at work.  my co-worker bought a white chocolate raspberries Bundt cake (which I  cut an serve), I notice the cake looked good but smelled too sweet.  But I made people uncomfortable because I wasn't eating.  So I had some fresh pineapple.     



chicken thighs, sweet potato, pineapple

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Cruising around here... Thanks for the idea of capers! I have some and never think of eating them! I'm glad you like leftovers and are tweaking your meals to make them delicious and satisfying. ! It reduces some of the planning/ kitchen time needed for a successful 30-day run. Good luck!

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Looks like you are doing great! Isn't it amazing how other people can feel uncomfortable by what you are eating or not eating. I guess food is so social that people feel insulted you are not participating with everyone else.


I don't see a lot of fat in your meal blogs. I am hoping you just don't want to write a novel about what your are eating. Make sure you are following the meal planning template. http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-meal-planning.pdf.  If you are not eating enough fat it could be why you had a moment of weakness during for first run. I don't see a lot of fruit either. Although fruit is not a requirement it can add some enjoyment to your meals. 

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After a full all day on the computer at work, I am pretty lazy at night. I cook everything in coconut oil or olive oil.  In my salad dressing I use olive oil and I don't drain the fat from the cooked meat.   I don't eat a lot of fruit, one because I am on a tight budget and my son doesn't eat fruit.  So I spend more money on veggies.  He does eat his veggies. 

Day 8


chicken thighs( bone/skin)  grapefruit



chicken thighs, turkey patty, spring mix, artichoke and mustard dressing( mustard, olive oil, apple cider vinegar)



pork stew- pork(browned in olive oil) onion, butternut squash, mushroom, spinach

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Day 10


chicken thighs and sweet potato



chicken thighs and cucumber radish salad



pork shoulder, cliantro sauce(cliantro, garlic, olive oil) grapefruit


today I was my 1st new job.  Too much excitement,   wasn't hungry all day. 

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Day 12


pork, sauerkraut, sweet potato



pork, sauerkraut, sweet potato



Vietnamese inspire bone broth,  turkey meatballs




day 13



chicken thigh, spinach, sweet potato, sauerkraut 



chicken thigh, spinach, sweet potato sauerkraut 



chicken breast, asparagus , grapefruit


work at home is going pretty good food wise.  But having problems getting my exercise.  I am used to walking on my 15 min break and 30 lunch.  Hopefully after training it will get easier.

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