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MarissaLinnea's August Whole 30


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B: three eggs, two egg whites and bell pepper, two black coffees

Workout: Tone 30 & Stretch 40

S: banana

L: spinach salad with bell pepper, chicken breast, evoo, balsamic, and half a sweet potato

S: pink lady apple with almond butter, black coffee

D: grassfed burger, sauteed brussel sprouts and yellow squash, 1/2 sweet potato

Last night was very hard for me. I had a very hard day with the kids, and they got worse into the evening. By the time I put them down for bed, the only thing I could think about is bingeing.....I wanted to binge so badly, I could hardly stand it. I distracted myself by listening to a meditation cd that I've been meaning to start for the last couple weeks. It actually worked!! Within twenty minutes I was totally relaxed, so much so that I went to bed early. The urge to binge went away, so this is good to know. Next time I'm feeling the urge to binge, I will try to remember to do this first. A few other changes, I didn't pump at all yesterday so I'm happy to know that my breastfeeding days are coming to a close. And, I'm ovulating for the first time since I got pregnant with the girls about two years ago, which means I will have a period about two weeks from now. It will be interesting to see how my PMS affects me in a week or so. I'm hoping that it isn't bad. I have also taken my workouts way down. I am doing HIIT's for 20-30 minutes, 2-3 times a week depending on how much I feel up to doing, and on the other days I will be doing combo of some strength training and Pilates/Yoga. No more strenuous cardio workouts for me, at least for the time being until I am able to get my binges under control. It's actually been nice to slow down a bit and do activities that are relaxing instead of pushing myself so hard all the time. I have also contacted a therapist that specializes in eating disorders, so I am hoping to get started on therapy maybe this week or next.

I had some blood work done about a week ago. Everything came back "normal" but I am a little concerned about my TSH. It came back at 3.14. I've had my thyroid tested many times over the years as I was hypo for a long time after having my first child. Normally my TSH comes back within .7 to 1.7, in that range. I've never had it be so high. I want to discuss with my doc as I'm wondering if this could be contributing to my weight gain (ten pounds in the last two months) and being so tired all the time. I think it's worth investigating a little deeper just to be sure, we'll see what she thinks.

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Sounds like you are making great steps.

fyi I found my first cycle after finishing feeding a doozy. Forewarned is forearmed :) Sweet potatoes on standby!

Yes, I remember my first cycles after having my daughter and first set of twins.....it's never a good time. I will be armed and ready with good foods to handle it! :)

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B: 2 eggs and 4 egg whites with bell pepper, two black coffees

S: banana

Workout: HIIT 25, Lower 20 & Abs 10

L: spinach salad w/ evoo, balsamic, bell pepper and 2 oz chicken, 6 oz grassfed burger, 1/2 sweet potato

S: apple w/ almond butter, some broc beef and chicken w/ green beans, green olives and a sweet potato

D: spinach salad with 6oz chicken, black olives, 1/2 avocado and balsamic

S: macadamias and walnuts (just a handful of nuts)

Feeling better and better every day!!! I found the culprit for all of my digestive distress.....it was coconut! I can't believe it, but I'm glad I figured it out finally!

Had a much larger than normal snack in the afternoon. Not sure what triggered it, but I got a very strong urge to binge today around 4pm.....I forgot to meditate but instead of bingeing on my daughters leftover birthday cake, which is what I really wanted, I binged on other foods. The binge was small, I was able to stop myself when I felt a little full which is major progress for me. It totaled around 650 calories so as far as binges go, it was much, much better than normal. Probably shouldn't even call it a binge, but the only reason I do is because it was preceeded by the urge to do so. But I didn't touch the cake, yay!!!!! :)

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Starting at day one again today with a few other folks. :)


B: Two eggs, four egg whites fried with sauteed zuchini, two black coffees

Workout: Fire 60

L: 6oz chicken breast, half banana, 2 tbs raw almond butter, organic granny smith apple slices

D: grassfed burger, sauteed zuchini

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