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Simdak's first time


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Hello everyone - today was the start of something big! Unfortunately, even though the food thing wasn't difficult at all (might have had more fruit than I should have), but I started out with a slight hangover so couldn't tell if my headaches were from that or from the sugar withdrawals. I'm thinking it was last night's last beer, because I didn't feel like I was really craving any sugar today - any more than usual anyway.

I decided that the time has come - so many issues with my health that I'm just not overcoming. I started running last December, and aside from a few accidents and injuries that occurred outside of my workouts, I was doing pretty good. Did the couch potato to 5K, then on to 10K pretty quickly - but then had a bad work injury that had me waylaid for about a month, and then it just seemed that my body went to hell - recover and healing was so slow; much slower than it should have been. Then new issues would spring up - developed foot problems; shoulder problems, my migraines were coming back; foggy headed, bad sleep, overweight, allergies...everything all at once! So, I saw the Whole9 page, and began perusing the information - seemed to really strike home; but really it was ISWF that drove it home. The old addage, "we are what we eat" - it's like, duh - what else would we be? As an anthropology graduate, the ideas of how civilization has outpaced our evolution makes perfect sense - and here I am. Day one down, the rest of my life to go!

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thanks Ladies - days 2 and 3 are done....funny that I have maintained that hangover feel from the beers the other night - but so glad to see that it's normal. That's really the only issue so far; no real cravings at all - just the side effects of headaches and nausea from the DTs. Going to bed to start investing in some energy for tomorrow.

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