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Rho's Excellent Whole30 Adventure


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I'd say it's probably both. Like I'm craving the yummy fats and the faint sweetness. They've turned into more of a comfort thing. I mean, it's all Whole30 compliant, but it's not...ya know? You know...

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I ended up falling asleep at around 11:30PM last night. I got in bed at 11, but my hellion dogs kept barking at every little sound they heard. I woke up at around 7:30AM this morning. Not bad!!!

I felt all right today. A little tired during my workout, but I toughed through it.


-5 minutes of speed walking at various inclines

-1 minute of jogging (5mph) @ 3% incline

-20 seconds of sprinting (9mph) @ 3% incline & 40 seconds of walking (3mph) @ 3% incline--repeated 11 times...I increased speed and incline for the last couple of sprints

-4 minutes of walking (3mph) cooldown

-2 minutes of planking on stability ball

-1 minute of side planking, each side

-Hanging knees to elbows (3X8)

-Static stretching



-Big A** Salad: mixed greens, heirloom tomatoes, cucumber, red bell pepper, balsamic vinegar

-Almond butter (not pictured)

-2 carrots (not pictured)


Dinner: Tried out a lot of new recipes tonight. I made my first ever pork tenderloin! This is huge!

-Big A** Salad: Skyphos lettuce, cucumber, heirloom tomatoes, balsamic vinegar

-Pork tenderloin

-Baby artichokes w/garlic (I hate artichokes because they're so much work for nothing. Baby artichokes are just as bad.)

-Beet greens w/bacon, onion, garlic & apple cider vinegar

-2TB coconut butter (not pictured)

-Post-workout buffalo jerky (not pictured)

-1 date covered in coconut flakes (not pictured)




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OK I totally forgot to add that last night I had a date covered in coconut flakes. So good! Adding that after this...

I got to sleep at around midnight last night and woke up this morning to a whining dog at around 6:45AM. Fabulous, just fabulous.

No workout this afternoon because I spent 4 hours after work moving boxes and furniture from my house into a storage unit. Looks like all that weight lifting finally paid off!

Lunch: Met my husband for a quick lunch at Wahoo's. I know it's not optimal, but I had to make do with what's available in the awful, little town I am HAPPILY moving away from...

-Wahoo's Salad: lettuce, fish (Wahoo? Ono?), tomato salsa, guacamole

-1 packet of almond butter (not pictured)

-1 iced cold brew coffee (not pictured)


I stopped in at the little coffee shop by my house for an iced Americano, but I saw that they have cold brew coffee now. I ordered one of those because I heard it was less acidic and less caffeinated. Well, I ended up WIRED AS F**K the rest of the day. Like I was shaky and had racing thoughts. It was a good thing I was moving after work because I needed to burn off that energy.

Dinner: We ended up finishing the move at around 9:00PM and neither of us wanted to cook. We went to Chipotle. No pictures!

-Carnitas salad: carnitas, tomato salsa, hot salsa, guacamole---I think that coffee affected my appetite. I could only eat 1/2!

-1 date covered in coconut flakes

-1TB coconut butter

-Some cantaloupe

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This weekend was pretty much nightmarish as far as being healthy goes...


I had a lot of trouble falling asleep on Thursday night. I think I managed to doze off at around 11:30PM. I woke up at about 1:20AM totally nauseous (was it the cold brew coffee?). Anyhow, I vomited and the stomach pain went away enough for me to fall back asleep. I woke up at about 7:00AM.

My workout was incredibly lackluster. I made the INSANE mistake of doing a barbell bench press workout even though I was lifting/moving boxes like a maniac the night before. Needless to say, I had to dump the weight at one point... Rolling 70lbs off my abdomen and onto the floor didn't feel very fun. Major bummer.

-Warm-up: 5 minutes of jump roping, dynamic stretches

-Warm-up barbell bench press sets (40/60/80% of max): 30# 1X5, 45# 1X5, 60# 1X5

-Working sets: 75# max 1X7, 70# 1X6, 60# 1X12

-Air squats: 2X25

-Push ups: 3X10

-Assisted pull-ups: 1X5

-Band pulls w/red band: 3X10

-Cool down w/static stretches


-Leftover Chipotle carnitas salad

-1 carrot

-1TB coconut butter


-3 pieces of bacon (not pictured because I ate them like a monster)

-1 carrot (not pictured)

-Wild-caught cod (pan-fried in bacon fat)

-1 sweet potato (pan-fried in bacon fat w/pumpkin pie spice, ground ginger, salt & pepper)

-"Big A** Salad": mixed greens, heirloom tomato, red bell pepper, balsamic vinegar



I slept in till around 8:30 or 9...can't really remember, but I know I got a solid 8 hours of sleep. My husband & I woke up and immediately started moving furniture & the rest of our house into our Uhaul to take to the new apartment. We were way over our heads with what we were capable of! Spending all week moving things combined with my rough workout the night before meant my body was SPENT. My husband was super tired too. We decided to call some movers last minute to help us finish. WISE DECISION. We're definitely paying people to move us next time too. It's so worth it!

Because I spent about 12 hours moving on Saturday, there was no time/energy/desire to get a workout in.

My meals were very dysfunctional too...


-3TB coconut butter (SEE I TOLD YOU!)


-Sliced deli ham

-Buffalo jerky

-2 carrots


-1 big ribeye steak




Fell asleep on the couch in the new apartment on Saturday night. DID NOT FEEL LIKE MOVING. I probably got around 8 hours of sleep. I spent Sunday morning getting all the little stuff left in my house either packed for storage or moved to the new apartment. Our new place is on the 2nd story so that was fun running up & down the stairs with heavy boxes & crap all weekend. Needless to say, there was no workout being done that day. I did take my dogs for a long walk around the "new" neighborhood.

I met up with my parents in the morning and my mom brought over giant trays of lumpia (deep fried Filipino egg roll goodness) and my dad brought me homemade preserves he canned. AWESOME (note sarcasm). Like I need that temptation right now! We all went out to brunch, which was delicious!

-2 egg scramble with veggies: zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach, onions & bacon (oops)

-Fresh fruit salad

-3 dates covered in coconut flakes


-2 chicken breasts pan seared in coconut oil

-"Big A** Salad": mixed greens, carrot, heirloom cherry tomatoes, green bell pepper, cucumber drizzled with balsamic vinegar & olive oil

-3TB of coconut butter throughout the day (not pictured)


LAST WEEK! I think I will be extending my Whole30 or at least staying compliant 90% of the time.

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Day 27 started off pretty poorly. Because of the move, I've been exhausted the past couple of nights. I just want to lie on my couch and watch TV until I pass out. I don't want to walk 10 feet to the bathroom to get ready for bed, then another 10 feet to my bed. I ended up passing out on the couch at midnight and waking up at 2AM to get ready for bed, then waking up again at around 6:30AM to get ready for the day. GOOD JOB, ME.

I went to the dr to figure out where my period went. She couldn't find it. I had some blood work done to check my thyroid, to ensure that I am not pregnant at all (immaculate conception, much?) and to make sure the inflammation of my liver went away (thanks, rhabdo). Everything came back negative/good. So what the hell? My dr thinks that it could be stress-related. Physiological stress from IF? Low carb? Mental/life stress? I am still toying with the idea of 3 meals a day, but it's so hard for me to get back into the groove. I'll just keep on waiting for my period to show up. Tardy for the party...

No workout again. Slacker! Right after work, I went back to my old house and moved more stuff then swept out the garage and the front porch. By the time I was done, it was 8:30PM. Grrr...where does the time go?

I'm pretty bummed out that it's getting dark early again. Time to up my vitamin D!

Lunch: Ran a bunch of errands and ended up grabbing food from Wahoo's...

-Wahoo's Salad: lettuce, grilled fish (ono? mahi?), tomato salsa, guacamole

Dinner: Got a nice bunch of stuff from our local farm's CSA

-2 pan-seared chicken thighs

-“Big A** Saladâ€: arugula, Hakurei turnips, small amount of speck, carrots, heirloom tomatoes, green bell peppers


-2TB coconut butter (not pictured)

-Ali Baba heirloom watermelon (not pictured)


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I managed to fall asleep on the couch again on the night of "Day 27." Not optimal! Woke up at around 1:30AM and got ready for bed then woke up for the day at around 7:00AM.

I did squeeze in a workout at the end of the day...Tabata sprint intervals! Fun!

-5 minute warm-up of walking, speed walking & jogging @ 4% incline

-20 seconds of running @ 8mph on a 4% incline followed by 10 seconds standing on the sides of the treadmill repeated 4X

-20 seconds of running @ 9mph on a 4% incline followed by 10 seconds standing on the sides of the treadmill repeated 4X

-4 minute cool-down of jogging, speed walking & walking @ 10% incline (2% during the last minute)

-2 minutes of planking on stability ball

-1 minute of side planks, each side

-Static stretching cool-down


-2 chicken eggs scrambled in coconut oil

-1 can of skipjack tuna w/balsamic vinegar, salt & pepper

-Leftover eggplant

-“Big A** Saladâ€: mixed greens, Harukei turnips, heirloom cherry tomatoes, carrots, green bell pepper, cucumber, balsamic vinegar & olive oil

-Ali Baba watermelon (not pictured)

-1TB coconut butter (not pictured)



-1 bison burger

-3 pieces of thick cut bacon

-Roasted cauliflower w/diced ham, cumin, red pepper flake, salt & pepper

-“Big A** Saladâ€: mixed greens, 2 Harukei turnips, carrot, heirloom tomatoes, balsamic vinegar & olive oil

-1 small scoop of Mango Goji Fire sprouted trail mix

-A few pieces of Ali Baba watermelon

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Still struggling to get into bed! I fell asleep on the couch for about one hour then woke up and got ready for bed. I fell asleep again at around 1:30AM and woke up for the day at around 6:45AM. I had to wake up early to drive to the title office and sign away my house. So it's alllllll over! House is sold, money is in the bank. Hooray! Now I'm stuck in an apartment that looks more like a storage unit because it's so filled with boxes! I am anxiously waiting for real estate inventory to start picking up again.

Day 29's workout consisted of nice, heavy barbell deadlifting--my favorite (sick, I know)!!!

Warm-up: 5 minutes of jump roping, dynamic stretches, 20 air squats

Barbell deadlift warm-up sets: (40/50/60% of max) 50# 1X5, 75# 1X5, 100# 1X5

Barbell deadlift working sets: 125# max 1X8, 115# 1X10, 105# 1X12 (I get to move up in weight on all 3 next week! Ahhhh!)

Split lunges w/dumbbells: 20# 1X20 (10 each leg), 25# 1X20

Walking lunges w/30# dumbbell overhead: 1X20

Decline leg raises: 3X10

Static stretches

Lunch Day 29 8/29:

-2 lamb t-bones

-Green beans

-Cherry tomatoes

-1 carrot (not pictured)

-1TB coconut butter (not pictured)



-1 bison burger w/Frank's red hot sauce

-Cauliflower w/ham, cumin seed, red pepper flakes, salt & pepper

-1 sweet potato fried in coconut oil

-1 Granny Smith apple (not pictured)

-1 carrot (not pictured)

-1tsp coconut butter (I'M ALL OUT AND I AM NOT BUYING ANYMORE!!!)


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DAY 30 WOOO HOOOO! I made it. We (?) made it. I'm feeling great and managed to pick up some healthy habits. For example, now that I don't have a microwave (it was built in to my old house & there isn't one in the new apartment), I've learned how to reheat food by steaming it. It's awesome. Usually when I was microwaving, it didn't give me much time to do anything else. Kind of leaving me tethered to it. Now I can boil some water, throw my food into a steamer & have 10 minutes to do lots of other stuff!

I've also been getting used to going to bed when it's time rather than procrastinating on my couch until I pass out. I'm also making an effort to not buy any sort of "butters" (almond, coconut, cashew, etc) except for grassfed butter. I'm just way too addicted and they're messing me up! It's the little things, guys.

I didn't workout yesterday because I had to run some errands. I will definitely be playing catch up this weekend.


-Roasted chicken

-Collard greens

-Cherry tomatoes

-1 carrot (not pictured)



-Roasted chicken

-Collard greens

-Cherry tomatoes

-Cauliflower w/ham, cumin seed, red pepper flake, salt & pepper

-1 carrot (not pictured)

-Small amount of salami (not pictured)

-A few bites of steak: beef & lamb (my husband brought some home from work--not pictured)


I noticed that my mood has gotten quite a bit better this last week. I wonder if it's because of the decreased stress from having sold my house. Regardless, it's awesome. I've also been a lot more social. I like talking to & meeting people. I don't feel as self-conscious. It's all very awesome. I hope those of you wrapping up your Whole30s have seen some significant changes too, physically and/or mentally!

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Thank you, ladies! I just finished my jar a few days ago and I seriously passed by the nut butter aisle in the grocery store yesterday and looked longingly at all my old buddies.

GOOD LUCK! It's absolutely delicious--which is why I can kill a jar in just a matter of days. My waistline appreciates my new, sad attempt at self-control.

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