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Start date, baby!


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^ I was just thinking the same as I was reading through the timeline. Doing well so far. The toughest part for me is going to school online which means I am home a lot. Trying to stay busy and drink lots of water :)


Excited and scared are good words for this challenge! I'm nervous about slipping up without even realizing it. I'm trying to really slow down and be very intentional with what I'm eating. Hope the first day is going well for you all!

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Got through the first day with no slips - yay. I have done a few so in theory its easy but am also a bit worried I might slip up due to not thinking enough (corn in stir fry, sugar in dried fruit etc), automatically eating an easter egg someone hands me at work.

I have been eating junk through boredom so my trick will be to keep busy and make my meals interesting.


Hope you all had a good first day

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