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Starte date- April 23rd

Lauren M

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Last night I dreamt I ate cheese and tried to purge. Ugh. I'm not starting off well. I am struggling to find foods I enjoy eating and then making myself eat the recommended amounts. I'm also dealing with a migraine and nausea. I hate feeling so discouraged so soon. Any advice, suggestions, words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks! :)

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What are some of your go to foods when you are not doing a whole30. Have to tried to make them compliant? Can you eat Applegate Farms Natural Beef Hotdogs without the bun? How about a bunless hamburger with homemade mayo and complaint mustard, lettuce, tomato and onion. Spaghetti squash with meatballs and tomato sauce. Sweet potato hash with eggs (I am addicted), Grilled Chicken, steak, ribs, chicken wings, pot roast, pork roast, baked chicken. Now I am getting hungry.


Have you searched for some recipes that excite you? Check out Nom Nom Paleo, The Clothes Make the Girl and Stupid Easy Paelo for some inspiration. There are tons of options. Good Luck!

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Tina, I have to confess, I wasn't as prepared as I should be. I also live in an are of the country where it's not easy finding organic foods.  I have been scouring the internet the last few days and I have found some recipes that look appealing. I decided today to travel to a bigger city to hopefully find some ingredients. Thanks for the suggestions!

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Hi Lauren,


You are starting out like I did.  Two days in and I was nauseated with headaches.  It didn't last long though.  By about Day 4 I was feeling better. I'm on Day 18 now and feeling so much better. Are you getting the Daily 30 every day in  your email?  It costs $15 but is well worth it.  It's the first thing I read in the morning - I look forward to it.


I've kept my Whole 30 really simple.  My breakfast is an egg scramble:  Two eggs, some hamburger, string beans, sweet potato (about 5 slices), some green olives and green olive juice.  I serve it with a side of greens, either swiss chard or spinach.  I cook the string beans (from frozen) and the sweet potato ahead.  I use coconut oil for the pan so there is no messy pan to clean.  It doesn't take much time and is delicious.  I love it.  Lunch is usually (always) a green salad but I put my favorite things in it.  Cabbage, romaine lettuce, carrots, celery, avocado (1), 1 hardboiled egg, some diced chicken breast, a beet and some cashews tossed on top.  The dressing is olive oil with lemon juice.  I make the base of the salad ahead of time (cabbage, lettuce, carrots and celery) and add the rest the day I'm eating it.  So it doesn't take long at all.  Dinner is the easiest meal for me.  I usually have a chicken thigh with 2 different types of green vegetables and some sweet potato.  I bake the chicken ahead and use my steaming pot to heat everything up.  It's usually a one-pot meal that takes minutes to warm up.  


I keep lots of frozen vegies in the freezer.  I fix fresh too but it's easy to fix the frozen up in a pinch.  Every few days I cook up some chicken breast and chicken thighs.  So there's always something to eat.  I have Well Fed 2 cookbook for ideas.  The secret for me is to keep it simple.  If you love to cook you can get very creative with all of the recipes out there.  


Hang in there and I think you will be feeling better in a few days!



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