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Started 5 days ago on 4/28/14

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I decided to use my first and last name to motivate me to own what I am doing. I've told people at work and friends about Whole30 despite the fact that I have received some serious questions and some support. Although my partner is not joining me on the Whole30 he is being so supportive. I'm pretty excited since I just did a 2 day conference out of town and brought a huge bag of food and made it through! I am personally battling with being so fat phobic, but just trying to follow the guidelines for now, but feeling tired despite my eating being pretty near compliant before...other than SUGAR. I am a active and ride about 20 miles a day and have been good about watching my diet for the last year, but now not tracking weigh on the scale and calories is scaring me... Anyone else worried they could be eating too many calories?

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I have the same concerns as you about tracking calories and weight. NOT keeping track goes against everything I've ever read about getting healthy and losing get weight. I'm afraid if I don't monitor those two things I will find myself at the same weight at the end of the 30 days. I understand the Whole 30th concept, but it still doesn't jive with my eat fewer calories and exercise to lose weight mentality. Good luck to you! (Today is my Day 1.)

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Guys! This is about so much more about losing weight! Reclaim a healthy relationship with your food and let go of calorie counting and making food choices (and/or self-shaming) based on caloric load.


It's only 30 days. Try something new. Try it out, 100%, then reevaluate your results


Good luck!

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