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Starting May 12 and concerned about chocolate


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Hi everyone!  I'm excited to start my Whole 30 tomorrow and I'm getting ready.  My biggest hurdle is emotional eating of sweets, especially chocolate, when I feel really down.  I have some tulsi and linden tea I can drink that tastes sweet.  I'm making my shopping list now. Any good solutions for distracting me from my chocolate craving?

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Eat well and eat your fill. (My new motto: "Whole30 is an anti-hunger program" :-) This won't entirely remove your cravings, or distract you from them. But it will be much easier to overcome them if you aren't hungry or deprived.


Good luck!

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Read ingredients carefully for flavored coffee and tea, they can have artificial sweeteners, stevia and soy. I would get the chocolate out of the house if possible. Search the forum for bulletproof coffee. I believe it is blended with ghee and coconut or something. Enjoy!

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For me, one of the biggest hurdles is also emotional eating combined with mindless snacking. I started my Whole 30 yesterday. This is my second try at the Whole 30. My first time, I kept tripping up on Day 1 and couldn't get past it. I also allowed myself to overeat because they were "healthy" foods. Nothing is healthy in excess. So, although eat to feel satisfied, don't stuff yourself, or your emotions, with food. I have been known to eat ungodly amounts of chicken to the point where I was sick. This is not healthy- even if it's paleo.  Here's my advice for you


1. Take the focus off of food. Keep meals simple and filling. Just enjoy food thoroughly while you're eating it, but don't pour your life into researching about elaborate paleo meals and meal planning. If you do obsess about food, it will keep your focus on food. Food is a great part of life, but only a very tiny part of life. Someone said on a paleo blog once that if you eat paleo, your emotional eating will disappear. Bull sh*t. If you've struggled with overeating, anorexia, or bulimia, doing some diet will not cure you of deeply rooted psychological issues. It can help though so that the reward trigger of unhealthy foods is taken away-- and then you still have to deal with the emotions that compel you to look for those reward triggers. Yoga, meditation, therapy, journaling, etc can help with this part.


2. Enjoy life. Make a plan to experience something fun everyday-- or just get out of the house and look for the unexpected. Take up a new hobby like photography or a dance class. Do something that isn't related to getting your body lean and mean but rather something that awakens your mind and makes you happy. La vita é bela!


Good luck. I'm on day 2 myself so I'm with you! Also, I would love to find a buddy if anyone wants to team up!

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