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Julene's August Whole30 Log


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08/01 - Day 1: Woke up craving sugar - going to blame this on Ronnie for posting a photo of a pint of coconut-based ice cream on Instagram. Pulled one Coconut Larabar out of the freezer to have with lunch as a result... proceeded to spend the entire morning coveting the idea of eating it at lunch.

  • B: Black coffee (hazelnut), 3 eggs & ground beef w/ onions, guacamole
  • L: Coconut chicken curry on top of veggies & half an avocado
  • S: Lara bar
  • D: Broccoli & julienned zucchini w/ coconut chicken curry

08/02 - Day 2: I feel horrible and hungover - why? I've been assured this is normal, but I haven't had processed sugar or grains or any of those things in nearly a week. I did kill a 4.5oz container of raw macademia nuts between breakfast and lunch (which the package said is 6 servings, at 220 calories each, ugh ugh ugh) but I'm trying really hard not to think about that.

  • B: Black coffee (hazelnut), 3 eggs w/ onions & garlic, 1 chicken/turkey sausage, zucchini half avocado, macadamias
  • L: Salad (1 can tuna, arugula, red onion, blackberries, little yellow tomatoes, half avocado, macadamias
  • D: Skinny steak, small sweet potato with cinnamon and coconut milk, remaining chix coconut curry w zucchini, spoonful of coconut manna, handful organic green grapes (f*** you, it was leg day!)

08/03 - Day 3 - Got 4-5 hours of sleep last night, and I felt like crap. Still sugar-starved and crabby. It was hot, and then I ate a lot of fruit. Whatever.

  • B: Black coffee, 3 eggs + ground beef w/ salsa & black olives over julienned zucchini
  • L: Cucumber/tomato/red onion & tuna salad w/ pesto, small organic fuji apple, lemon Lara bar
  • D: Sauteed tomatos with ground beef over arugula w/ avocado & pesto
  • S: Frozen grapes, spoonful coconut manna

08/04 - Day 4 - Slept 8 hours, which is a rarity for me. Not sure if this is because of the heat, the humidity, or legitimate insomnia. Not going to bother finding out. ZWOW #27 w. 2 extra rounds, and two excessively long walks over the course of the day. I overate at dinner, which was a bad move but I was waiting 20 minutes between and STILL FAMISHED.

  • B: 4 eggs w/ black olives, onions and salsa over baby spinach.
  • S: Iced black coffee #1. Iced black coffee #2 went into the Magic Bullet with 1 frozen banana, coconut milk and cinnamon for a frosty afternoon treat.
  • L: steak, half an avocado, steamed baby bok choy w/ coconut aminos & chinese 5 spices
  • D: Sauteed tomatoes with ground beef & pesto over baby spinach, organic Fuji apple & frozen grapes w/ coconut manna, a too-big handful of almond... and 3 Larabars.

Day 5 - It was so damned hot out... I did a lot of walking around, but couldn't bring myself to deal with the gym in the humidity.

  • B: 4 eggs, leftover steamed bok choy, avocado and salsa
  • L: Pesto olives, sauteed tomatoes/onions/ground beef with pesto & avocado
  • S: Couple frozen grapes, iced coffee.
  • D: Herb-stuffed chicken breast, baked okra fries

Day 6 - Long day!

  • B: Sauteed tomatoes with ground beef, 2 eggs & pesto olives
  • L: Herb-stuffed chicken breast + salad (spinach, tomatoes, red onions, olive oil & lemon juice) + 1/2 an avocado
  • S: Remains of my lunch that I wasn't hungry for.
  • D: 1/2 sweet potato with coconut manna, zucchini noodles, 4 eggs & avocado-pesto

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Did you find there was one that was a bit easier to start on than #1? I love her workouts

Yes! Honestly, I love Zuzana. I've followed her stuff since she was still doing BodyRock.

She just launched a website but I'm not crazy about the way it's setup. Here's some chick's fansite that breaks down all the exercises, complete with videos and lists of how Z did on everything: http://warriorz.us/

Honestly her first few installments were really rough - I'd suggest sticking to one of her 10 minute AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) routines after warming up. I like to extend them to 12-15 minutes, because I'm tall and the lever length of my appendages can cut down on speed, then I feel bad... and nobody wants to feel bad about exercise.

Personal favorites for me are #3 & #27, since they absolutely THRASH your legs. (In a good way, really.)

I'm going to have to start freezing my Lara bars & fruit. You're really opening doors for me.

Dude, I will kill an entire case of those things if I don't stop myself. Potentially breaking teeth is the only option!

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Day 7: 5 hours of sleep was not enough. I repeat: NOT ENOUGH, SELF! Did ZWOW #28 after work - I feel like the humidity has really cut down my desire to go do big heavy weight things. Considering I walk a million miles a day and am eating really well, this is probably not something I should care about.

  • B: Zucchini & 3-4 eggs + avocado pesto. (Are you seeing a theme yet? I really like pesto. Also, I am cooking for 1 most of the time so it's Leftover City up in this bitch.... Delicious Leftover City, though.)
  • L: Baby spinach salad with a can of tuna. Red cherries.
  • S: 1 packet Artisana raw cashew butter (I suspect I am not "supposed" to eat the whole packet but it was just so. damn. good.) Pear.
  • D: Chicken leg/thigh baked with onions, garlic, sage... spices & steamed baby bok choy.
    1/2 sweet potato + 1/2 frozen banana, cinnamon & coconut milk.
    + some almonds with coconut butter & cinnamon.{sex with my pants on?!}

Important to note that I was positively exhausted by 11pm. As in, laying in my bed reading and book and dozing off. This never happens; I am really bad at sleeping on the whole. I didn't want to get out of bed in the morning either. However, 7.5 hours in a single night is a big deal for me, so I'm feeling really good about that.

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Also, I think I'm going to keep a running tab of FREE things people in stores, coffee shops, the market, etc. keep giving me despite me saying no... and then I give away. Because yeah dude, can't keep that stuff in the house!

  • 2 bacon caramels
    From the butcher. The candymaker at the stall across from them had used some of their [organic, pasture-raised, etc. etc. ad nauseum healthy creatures] bacon. These suckers are sitting in my freezer, waiting for the Whole30 to end. (What? I deserve to know if they're good!!!!)
  • 1 really doughy, delicious looking chocolate chip cookie
    I only wanted a coffee, the card minimum was $5... I did not want this cookie. They did not want to charge me $5 for an iced coffee. I agreed to take the cookie, which I then gave to the person I interviewed with. (I had a job offer 7 hours later. Coincidence?)
  • 2 bakery-fresh mini baguettes from the butcher
    So that butcher with the caramels, up there? Yeah, apparently the second half of their stall is a devoted to making delicious sandwiches with their meat. Anyway, I was picking up chicken for dinner and they wouldn't take no for an answer. They are currently sitting in my fridge because I have immense guilt about simply throwing them away... I need to find a homeless person to give them to.

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Day 8: I might've slept 7.5 hours, I think. I worked out, though the heat/humidity makes it really hard to approach exercise with any vigor. Kinda feeling like I'm over cardio entirely, and lifting is just wearing me out. Boohiss.

Everything was fine (food-wise) until post-dinner because I was still famished, so I made that smoothie.. Also, had several drags off someone else's American Spirit while we were hanging out. I quit smoking like 6 months ago - why? WHY? Won't be doing that again; my sinuses were so stuffy and awful within 15 minutes that my ears started to feel like I had cotton in them.

  • B: Eggs +... veggies? Can't remember though I know it was totally W30 compliant.
  • L: Chicken leg + thigh in a lovely salad. 1/2 avocado.
  • D: 4 eggs + 1 sweet potato with coconut butter.
    Then a smoothie (1.5 bananas with coconut milk, cinnamon, water + ice cubes)

I want your butcher!! And those bacon caramels... There are ZERO good butcher shops in CO. You have the meat, I have the veggies. Let's meet halfway & feast.

Did you know the midway point is Sheffield, IL? I mean... yes. Let's do this. (I'll bring the candy/meats, you handle that pesky organic produce. I swear I could get diamond encrusted everything easier than affordable, quality produce in this town.)

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<p><strong>Day 9: </strong>Maybe 5.5 hours of sleep? Not enough, evidently, because I woke up with an incredibly shitty, hungover headache. Reason? THE CIGARETTE! Damn you, cigarette! Good news: I won't be doing that again.</p>

<ul class="bbc">

<li>B: 4 eggs with chives, 5 Chinese spice & coconut aminos, served over zucchini + olives.</li>

<li>S: 1 packet Artisana coconut butter</li>

<li>L: Spinach salad with tomatoes & zucchini + tuna + the remaining olives from breakfast (nowhere near a full serving).<br />

5 clementine oranges.<br />

4.5oz of raw macademia nuts (I read the package, I'm sorry.) which was probably too much but seeing how I already ate them... little too late to cry about it.</li>

<li>D: Moroccan pork chop, steamed broccoli, 1/2 sweet potato with coconut manna.</li>


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Day 10: Welp, I slept well and I did great until some insane late night sad-girl binge eating. I just could not feel full... then I slept for 9 hours.

  • B: Ground beef with red bell pepper and onion, 1/2 avocado
  • L: "BBQ chicken" with cucumbers & tomatoes, olive oil, 1/2 avocado
  • Post WO: 4 eggs, salsa & chives
  • D: 1/2 sweet potato, 1/2 frozen banana + cinnamon +
  • "BBQ" chicken (recipe from clothesmakethegirl)
  • ... binge: 4 larabars, 2 handfuls of almonds w/ four heaping spoonfuls of coconut manna. Had a lot of guilt about this? Especially when I woke up this morning.

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Day 11: Man, weekends kinda suck when I don't even nurse 1 drink one or two nights a week. I'm 26 and I live in New York; booze is truly the foundation of all social interaction. It's not like I even drink that often, but not being "allowed" to have it means that it's all I think about.

  • B: Morroccan pork chop & sauteed zucchini
  • L: Shoestring okra fries, 1/2 avocado, 1/4 baked kabocha with cinnamon & coconut butter
  • D: I know I had a W30 compliant meal but now I can't remember what it was. LOTS of protein.

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I totally sympathize with you on not being able to drink. I feel like some sort of alcoholic because I long for the social connection of drinking with my friends. It sucks to be totally sober while everyone around you is buzzed & trashed. It's like...what's the fucking point of going out? Hermiting...

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Day 12: I am SO tired when it comes to working out. Like - I used to be so into it, I didn't have any problems during my first Whole30... but this time around I just don't have the energy. I try and halfway through I'm frustrated, cranky and exhausted. Unsure if it's the heat or my food intake? Hmmm. I feel like I'm eating healthy -- if not big -- portions.

Did not eat "square" meals today; was on the go, got busy and simply didn't have time to go home to get food. So ... I just kinda made do with what I had access to, which thankfully involved strolling by delis and farmer's markets. God bless the weekend?

  • PWO/B: 4 eggs w/ salsa
  • S: some little UFO peachy things
  • L?: 3 hard boiled eggs.
  • D: Chicken thigh/leg, tons of broccoli w/ homemade baba ganoush (omg how did I not know what a miracle of the kitchen this shit is? LOVE.)

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I totally sympathize with you on not being able to drink. I feel like some sort of alcoholic because I long for the social connection of drinking with my friends. It sucks to be totally sober while everyone around you is buzzed & trashed. It's like...what's the fucking point of going out? Hermiting...

Exactly. Or, alternately, people feel uncomfortable with me in social situations? Like if I was in AA or something it wouldn't be a big deal, but choosing not to drink is? Part of me thinks I won't undertake another W30 until the really shitty winter months (February?) just to avoid the social-factor making me uncomfortable.

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Day 13: Didn't get enough sleep last night, but I did go to the gym and smash out 20 mins of cardio and... weights. Hmm. Also had some minor (but unexpected) oral surgery today so we'll see how the next few days go, food-wise. My mouth is totally throbbing right now.

  • B: Ground beef with onions and bell pepper, 1/2 avocado
  • L: Broccoli with chicken thigh/leg, 1/2 avocado, mango
  • Pre-WO: 2 hardboiled eggs
  • Post-WO: 2 hardboiled eggs
  • D: 1 steak, 3/4 large sweet potato with coconut manna
  • Post-Dinner (I was still hungry): 1 1/2 frozen bananas with coconut milk, ice cubes, water, cinnamon & 1 big spoonful almond butter (had to use the last of it to make room in the fridge for the pork chops, veggies and so on that I picked up today)

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I just did some math (sorry, not supposed to - I know) and I think I'm not getting enough protein. I should be getting roughly 1g/lb of body weight. But when I did the math, yesterday I clocked roughly 100g -- I need to be pulling closer to 150.

Suggestions? Do I double my meat intake? THERE ISN'T ENOUGH PROTEIN IN EGGS! Fewer veggies? Dammit.

Day 13: 5ish hours of sleep. I am having a really hard time staying asleep; also noticed I have extreme difficulty breathing through my nose over the last 2 weeks, which could have something to do with why I'm feeling so exhausted. It's especially bad when I lay down or am in any type of reclined position.

(See: yesterday at the dentist when I couldn't breathe as they were working on me, or when I woke up "choking" because I tried to fall asleep with my mouth closed.)

  • B: 4 eggs, 1/2 red onion, 1/2 yellow onion, 1/2 bell pepper, 1/2 avocado, 1/2 orange & some dried banana puree leather (it was so so so so SO gross.)
  • L: one delicious Moroccan pork chop, cucumber/red onion/tomato salad with mint something or another I made last night, 1/2 avocado, 1/2 orange
  • S: 4.5oz of raw macadamia nuts (that's roughly 4x as much as I should've had according to palm measurements - I have enough stuff to rage out over today without worrying about this), 2 hard boiled eggs

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I've spent a lot of time thinking critically about W30 over the last two days, and here is why: I am stressed out (put in my 2 weeks at the company I've been at for almost 2 years, shit storm has ensued) and not sleeping more than 5-6 hours a night, I feel hormonal and I feel weak when I look at my workout.

Besides all that, I looked at the photos I took in my skivvies from day 1 of Whole30, and the ones I took 2 days ago that I share with a long-distance exercise friend. The consensus: my booty is getting bigger (in a good way) and my fat deposits are going nowhere. NOWHERE. Also, there's more padding (obvious to the naked eye, at least to me) on my left hip than my right.

I get that this is not a "diet" in the usual sense - it's a lifestyle. But this lifestyle, in this moment, is making me feel like sh*t/sad/tired/fat and I don't understand how to fix it. I do, however, know how to get mad about it--an entirely counterproductive exertion of what little emotional energy I have.

I need more protein: 4 eggs or 1 porkchop or 1 chicken breast + veggies + fat -- my problem is that I don't think I can fit more protein, plus veggies, plus the fat in my stomach. Not without the uncomfortably full feeling.

I eat too much fat: no seriously, I think I do. Coconut manna, raw macadamia nuts, cashews... I have no self control. I just am SO HUNGRY. Half to a whole avocado per sitting. A whole can of olives.

I am so sick of eating meat right now. I miss protein powder (as a post-workout supplement) and I miss not feeling like crap. (Or fat, if we're being honest.)

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Day 14, revisited: 5ish hours of sleep. I am having a really hard time staying asleep; also noticed I have extreme difficulty breathing through my nose over the last 2 weeks, which could have something to do with why I'm feeling so exhausted. It's especially bad when I lay down or am in any type of reclined position.

(See: yesterday at the dentist when I couldn't breathe as they were working on me, or when I woke up "choking" because I tried to fall asleep with my mouth closed.)

  • B: 4 eggs, 1/2 red onion, 1/2 yellow onion, 1/2 bell pepper, 1/2 avocado, 1/2 orange & some dried banana puree leather (it was so so so so SO gross.)
  • L: one delicious Moroccan pork chop, cucumber/red onion/tomato salad with mint something or another I made last night, 1/2 avocado, 1/2 orange
  • S: 4.5oz of raw macadamia nuts (that's roughly 4x as much as I should've had according to palm measurements - I have enough stuff to rage out over today without worrying about this), 2 hard boiled eggs
  • D: BBQ chicken (Roughly a breast and a half worth's I'd say - it was shredded) with 3 pcs of baked kabocha with cinnamon & steamed zucchini, small handful of almonds.

Clearly I went a little cray with the nuts thing yesterday. But it gets worse.

... Apparently I woke up in the middle of the night and got into my frozen Larabar stash in the freezer. I say apparently, because I don't remember doing this. I did, however, wake up this morning on my couch with five Larabar wrappers strewn around me. I can't say I've ever "slept ate" before, and I'm trying not to think about it too hard -- today is the first day I haven't felt like shit in a long time. Also, I went to bed at 10:30pm and didn't wake up until 6:30am, which is when I had to pee desperately and discovered my little LB-stash was done-zo.

Day 15: 8 hours of sleep; I needed it, obviously. I don't feel nearly as crappy today as I did yesterday, though getting out of bed this morning was difficult.

  • B: Zucchini & 1 pork chop, black iced coffee: It took me longer than expected to eat my breakfast (I'm usually up around 7:30-8am but not eating until a little after 9am when I get to work) and I wasn't famished. Probably has something to do with the great LB massacre that happened last night. Also noting that I am hungry but not dying as we come up on 1pm. More animal fat (instead of avocado) may be key to morning meals for me.
  • L: BBQ Chicken + cauliflower + 1 avocado.
  • Post-WO: 2 hardboiled eggs
  • D: 2 spicy chicken/turkey organic sausages, 2 eggs. Hefty pile of baby spinach with cucumber, red onion, olive oil & lemon juice. 2 TBS coconut butter.

After work I went to the gym; arms and back day. Did okay, all things considering. Felt markedly less tired over the course of my day... this is probably the best day I've had so far this W30 following yesterday's freakout/breakdown/Larabarmageddon.

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I'm sorry it's not going well for you :-/. Hopefully a mod will come and offer some constructive help. Hugs to you.

Thanks for the support. I hate being frustrated by doing the "right" thing when it's supposed to lead to me be happier/healthier.

A friend of mine (male) pointed out I may be avidly pursuing health for the wrong reasons (hotness) lately instead of... less superficial reasons.

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Day 16: Another night where I got somewhere between 7 and 8 hours of sleep. No workout today, though I did notice I didn't get hungry for lunch until closer to 2pm -- usually around noon or 1pm I am starving.

  • B: Porkchop, shredded zucchini, 1 can black olives, iced black coffee
  • L: Salad of sorts... lots of cucumber and red onion with baby spinach plus the remainder of my "BBQ" chicken & 1 avocado.
  • D: Went out to eat with a friend; lots of stipulations at the restaurant but made it work with my W30... black coffee, water, un-dressed salad, grilled beef burger and roughly 1/3 of an avocado. Got home and had 1Tbs. of coconut butter, which I didn't even finish.

Funny I was having this mental breakdown, got my W30 email this morning saying "oh hey, this is when it starts to get better" and you know... it is. Made plans to do a barbell instructional session on Sunday which I'm really excited about, and I am going to go do heavy legs tomorrow after work.

It's totally almost midnight and I need to passsssssss out. Good signs all around, I'd say.

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