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Babsie95 Whole30 #2


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Day one of Whole 30 round two


Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, chicken broth, cantaloupe and pineapple (no veggies but I am gonna fix that)


Lunch: large bowl of gazapacho with a diced avocado and tuna salad


Dinner: (planned) cracklin chicken with stewed tomato, okra and squash

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I am bad about keeping a log but this is day five for both me and my husband and no major issues except boy did my husband go through a nasty bout of KILL ALL THINGS, but its evening out now


saturdays food was

breakfast -- sausage and cantelope

lunch burgers with fresh tomato and onion and plantain chips (homemade)

Supper:plantain lasagna and left over squash and okra



Meal 1: homemade sausage, hard boiled egg catelope

Meal2: burger with guacamole and tomato

Meal 3: grilled steak, portobella mushroom and onion



Meal1: Sausage squash

Meal2: roasted chicken, cantelope, green beans, avocado

Meal 3: roasted chicken, cantelope, squash, almond butter, tropical slaw


Today: day 5

Meal 1:  Sausage, bone broth, cantelope

Meal 2: roasted chicken avocado, tropical slaw, cantelope

Meal 3: not sure either leftovers, or creamy mushroom pork

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yesterday meal 3 ended up different. I made pan fried(in coconut oil) tilapia crusted with mustard and seasoned almond flour, yellow squash and roasted sweet potato and onion.  I will make the pork later in the week but forgot to pull it from the freezer


Day 6

Meal1: 2 hard boiled eggs with homemade mayo and mustard, 2 cups homemade chicken bone broth

I have a hard time even eating breakfast. I am stuffed after this. I am trying to find a way to get veggies in there. I think I will make some soup to add to the routine

Meal 2:  Almost hte samd as yesterday except I switched out cantelope for red bell pepper

Meal 3: not sure...

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Day 6 supper ended up being pork roast over salad of romaine, spinach and grapes with bone broth later in the evening.  I seem to start and end my day with warm bone broth yum... but cant seeem to make it fast enought lol


Day 7:

eggs and bone broth

chicken, apple with almond butter, zucchini squash

mushroom pork chops broccoli

bone broth


Day 8: (today)

squash soup with chicken and almonds

mushroom pork chop, avocado, lettuce tomato and onion salad with homemade mustard vinegrette

supper is planned to be steak and mushrooms


today is challenging becasue I feel awful. I am starting my cycle and bloating more by the minute. I started the day with a victory of being able to wear jeans I havent been able to wear in years and now as i bloat more and more they are cutting me in half. But i also feel headache, achy, nausea and general yuck...

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Sorry you are feeling bad and hope you are feeling better soon - just imagine how those jeans will fit in another week!


I noticed that you are not getting your veggies in a breakfast - and encourage your suggestion for soup.  Try making a big pot of veggie soup or some kind of blended soup (carrot, tomato, zucchini, broccoli, asparagus, etc).   I found those are the easiest to eat first thing.  Another thing that I found easy to eat in the mornings is a baked sweet potato with a little ghee and cinnamon sprinkled on top.

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