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A few quick questions.


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I am new to the Whole30...today was my first day! I had a couple of questions and wanted to know if anyone could help. Thanks

1. How many cups of caffeine a day is allowed?

2. How often is the "occasional" fruit serving suppose to be as well as my "Dense Carbs"?

3. Is it ok to keep eating the same dish for a couple consecutive meals as long as it follows the meal plan? (i.e. Chocolate Chili) I like it and don't have to put too much thought into my next meal.


Thank you in advance!



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You can have 1-2 cups of caffeinated coffee or tea before noon, so that caffeine doesn't disrupt your sleep. Also, eat your Meal 1 before you drink your coffee/tea, as caffeine is an appetite suppressant.


Occassional fruit is 1-2 servings a day, where a serving is a whole piece of fruit the size of your fist. Don't let fruit push vegetables off your plate. Have fruit with or immediately your main meals only, not as a snack.


Carb-dense vegetable intake varies. Energy levels, monthly cycles for women, and high intensity exercise are some of the factors. You could start with including one carb dense vegetable daily as part of your meals and experiment.


And yes, you can keep eating the same meals as you described.

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