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Day 5! - First Whole 30


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Hi! This is my first time on the forum; I started my first Whole 30 Independence Day! July 4th. Today is Day 5. I feel GREAT! I was already eating VERY low sugars, and very low on processed foods at all so I think I may have slipped by on experiencing the horrible headaches.

This morning I was very tired and opted out of going to the gym, my body was telling me to rest for sure. My jeans that I wore last Thursday are way looser today and I couldn't put my finger on it but when I looked in the mirror this morning I looked way different to myself. ??? Not sure if my eyes are brighter or my skin color is better or if my face looks thinner, just better.

I am all in on this; I am so excited to see the opportunity of going through this and acheiving something that I once would have flagged as "too hard". 

I am gaining a new outlook on life and this came along at the perfect time and fits into all the life changes I am trying to accomplish.

I hope to find time to read some of your stories and ideas here on the forum and I wanted to take time to say Hi! I'm one of YOU now and we are all worth it!


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Way to go, littlered!  I'm on Day 7, and I noticed right around Day 5 that my skin tone seemed more even.  Along with the pants feeling looser, it was a nice piece of motivation.  Onward and upward, right?  :)

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Sarabeth & Bethany, thanks for the comments... this is so weird, I went from wide awake to total crash! I just took a nap on my lunch half hour! I was so tired I was dreaming.

I am glad I read the timeline to be prepared as this stuff happens.


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Ok, Day 8 here I go! The napping on day 5 carried over two more days, fell asleep day 6 as soon as I got home from work and sat down, I woke up an hour and a half later renewed and full of energy; went for an 8 mile bike ride, came home and ate then tired and went to bed. Day 7, came home from work starving, ate, went to bed for an hour and got up for 3 more hours but no energy.

Also on day 7 my face looked different to me in the mirror again and once again was not sure what the difference was. My jeans I wore day 4 were looser on day 7.

This is the easiest and hardest eating plan I've ever done, how is that possible? Well, it calls out my procrastinating side and forces me to plan ahead, that's the hard part, the easy part is that there are so many good food to eat AND I don't have to track!

The scale! So glad I took it to a friend's house, I have been going to weigh myself out of habit every morning still, but the scale is not there, if you always weigh yourself I say get that thing out of the house before you start!

I can't believe I've completed a week already! This is awesome and I can't wait to see what today brings!

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Just starting Day 11! This is great, I can't put in words how good I feel. It's like an amazing cleanse... complete with the zits (probably the only negative ;) ...I can handle a few zits)

Clothes feel better for sure, much more comfy! I can see it in my face and collar none a lot, for sure thing, healthier looking!

Just packed all my healthy foods for work for the day. :) complete with an apple cut up to dip in homemade almond butter that I made yesterday.

If you are on the fence about starting Whole 30 or struggling along the way, I can only say JUST DO IT! This is something you will never regret!

~ littlered

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Littlered--so glad I read your thread because you're like my twin. I'm on Day 3. I ate really healthy pre-whole and I have yet to have a hangover feeling, but my energy has been a rollercoaster ride. One minute I'm ready for a marathon, the next I'm ready for a hundred year nap. I thought maybe I was doing something wrong until I read this! Thanks for sharing!

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It sounds like you're doing great.  I just found Whole30 and am doing my research, deciding when to start.  Did you read the book 'It Starts with Food'?  I am going to buy it tonight and read over the next week.  Might be ready to start on Monday.  I'm not looking forward to the energy swings.

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   Stick with it! You won't be so tired for too long, I'm fine today. Tomorrow is day 12! The only difference today I notice is the pimples, I think it's due to the cleansing nature of the foods we are eating. Thanks for comment, you motivated me to keep sharing!

~ littlered

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Hey there! Day 13 here! This is like a whirlwind... time is going by fast and this is so doable!

I had to share today! I woke up this morning and thought... well, my jeans have been getting pretty baggy, why not try on a smaller size.

I tried on 3 pairs of jeans that are one size smaller and they fit! They just went right on and I am wearing a pair today. What?!?

I am so glad I don't have the scale at my house to mess with me, just eating, no idea what my weight is and I lost a pant size... Loving Whole 30!


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