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Hi All,

Does anyone have any tips to cut out sugar, mostly chocolate? I did a successful 20 days, however I am affraid to start again because I don't know how I can cut out chocolate. I crave it a lot and love it!

Any tips on staying motivated and helping getting past the horrible headaches that come with the first few days?

Thanks :)

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I love chocolate a lot too, and don't think I could give it up for life (at least not dark chocolate). I remember reading something in the Everyday Paleo cookbook that really stuck with me. I'm paraphrasing here, but it basically said to take one day at a time. Don't think about down the road that you'll never have any more chocolate, or whatever it is you might be craving. Just get yourself through one day, and then the next until you get to 30 days, and then after that decide what you're going to do.

To stay motivated, get the chocolate out of the house. Stay as far away from it as you can. And then just be strong. My kids had Easter candy from egg hunts all over the house when I was just a few days in, and even though I was a mess, I didn't cave. If I can do it, you can too! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on day 4, and I feel the same. I'm such a fan of chocolate, but I was getting to the point where I was eating way too much chocolate/junk food (other things with chocolate in them) every single day. (Emotional eating - blah!) When I've done strict paleo before, I refused to have anything with chocolate in the house the first 30 days, and then after that I'd let myself have a little square of dark chocolate a day, if I wanted.

This time, I didn't do a full fridge/freezer/cupboard clean to get rid of all the chocolate. I definitely have jars of Nutella, ice cream, probably other chocolatey stuff too. I'm just trying to stay too busy to have time to even think about the chocolate.

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Sounds like you know the answer as, in the past, you did the full fridge/freezer/cupboard clean out. It's either time to do your clean out or be ok with the constant temptation and occasional off roading until all of your chocolate supplies have been depleted. If you are not going to do the full clean out, at least put all of the chocolate stuff in the least visible places in your fridge/freezer/cubboard. the last thing you need is to see it every several times per day.

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