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Day 1 - Going to finish this round!


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Happy to report I made it to day 20 :) I've done well; however, I did skip a few days in the log. All days were compliant, just maybe not the best structure.


Thankfully, today has been a slow day. I was able to eat a nice breakfast/lunch that has left me satisfied all day(until now, getting a bit hungry). I had a green bean omelet, bacon and hot sauce. For dinner my husband is preparing citrus chicken. I'm not sure what is accompanying the chicken, he says a surprise. I love it when he cooks for me - its always delicious.

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Day 22 -- not sure why i'm skipping to every other day with my log. I need to stay consistent because this is when I usually fall off the wagon. I am pretty confident this round (my sister is helping, big time), and I think that may be why I'm slipping on reporting my meals.



Breakfast: bacon, eggs, and potatoes.

Lunch: Leftover Chicken with green beans

Dinner: zuchinni boats filled with ground beef, mushrooms, green peppers and onions. I made a sauce out of cocount milk, tom paste, beef stock and coconut aminos. They were alright... The zuchinni boats turned into rafts, but still tasted good.



Breakfast: green bean omelet

Lunch: leftover zuchinni rafts.

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I had to be at work early today, only enough time for coffee, coconut milk, and a banana. That’s all I’ve had, but I am heating up my lunch right now. I made pan-fried steak with white potatoes – side a green beans last night.  This is what I’m eating for lunch.  I have a busy night and I've instructed my 19 year old nephew to make something compliant with the chicken that is thawing out...we will see ;) 


Update: Chicken was not thawed. I had to run to the store and it was late - so I took dinner back. I might let him run with it tomorrow.

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Day 24 :)


Last night I made chicken cutlets, cabbage and asparagus. I had 4 large chicken breasts and cut them into bite-size pieces, sauteed them, added chicken stock, coconut aminos, lemon juice, and various spices - after that cooked down I added an entire red cabbage (sliced) right on top and let the chicken juice steam it. It was outstanding!


Breakfast: banana and coffee (I know this is a horrible breakfast)

Lunch: Leftover cabbage and chicken, watermelon and maybe some carrots.

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Day 25!


Another early morning coffee and banana. Maybe the next round I will focus on breakfast....but, one thing at a time.


Last night I made a Sweet potato hash, but I wasn't impressed. I usually cube my sweet tats and they are amazing, but this time I shredded them. They definitely didn't get crispy enough. I also added a zucchini into the mix to give it different flavor and texture. It was good enough to eat - so I had it again for lunch today. I'm not sure what we are having for dinner. Making Whole30 meals is exhausting! 5 more days and I can ease up  :)  This is a lifestyle and I do not intend to go back to my old ways - but there will be some flexibility.


I was asked today how much weight I've lost - I told her I had no idea. She looked at me like I was crazy. I really, really want to weight myself, but I feel if I do -- it may not meet my expectations and then I will get discouraged, have chocolate and the cycle will repeat.

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Day 27


Days are flying by in this last week. I no longer have cravings, which is making this much easier. I am still on the fence about weighing myself on day 31. Since I really want to - I might hold off!


Yesterday breakfast: eggs with  sw tat hash

Lunch: green beans, carrots, ham.

Dinner: Stir fry and spaghetti squash. This was my first time trying spaghetti squash. I think I cooked it a bit long - but, it was good and everyone ate it.

I'm still snacking on fruit, but no more trail mix. I haven't had that for a week, or two. It was making my stomach hurt - it still hurts, so no more.

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I’ve arrived – day 30. It is very surreal. I almost weighed myself this morning – and I can’t stop thinking about ice cream… this tells me I need to make this a Whole60 (maybe 1 day off – so a back-to-back Whole30). I haven’t posted in a few days – and I don’t want to bore everyone with the details. I’ve been complaint, just not the most organized. School has started back up and it’s been a bit hectic at my house this week.  


I don’t have anything special for food today – no celebratory meals or anything like that. I made a breakfast bowl with leftover veggies from last night and 4 eggs (they were small eggs!) I am going to get into trouble at lunch time because I didn’t bring anything from home. Planning is so important and I am not prepared this week. I think I will make the bowl my lunch and eat my snacks for breakfast (ham and sugar snap peas).  


I already figured out I can’t do dairy. I can’t believe it took a Whole30 to figure out it was causing the “IBS” I was diagnosed with. What a simple fix – much easier to cut out dairy than spend money on probiotics each month (at the direction of doc). This log has been crucial in my success. My pants are baggy, I’ve been jumping out of bed in the morning, sleeping better at night, and this list goes on and on. Thank you everyone for reading and commenting. I picked up great tips from the other logs and it was nice to know others were going through the same thing. My sister has also been crucial – having that accountability worked for me. I dreaded telling her I went off plan – and this is truly why I stuck it out. She has decided to keep going, without a break!

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