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Very excited about today!!!

I have had quite a few health scares lately - and I need to do SOMETHING. I am extremely overweight but that's NOT why I am embarking on WHOLE30...I want to FEEL better.

My daughter told me about whole30 - and I believe I can do this.

Wish me luck!!! :)

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Good Luck! The best advice I can give it to be prepared. If you have compliant food that is ready to go you will be less likely to fall off the wagon. There will be days when you want to quit and order a pizza. If you have some tasty chicken wings, ribs, spaghetti squash and meatballs ready to go, it will be easier to stick with it. You Can Do It!

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Thanks Tina!!! :)

The "habits" are worse for me - then the food.
I made my lunch and almost carried it in the living room (in front of the TV) - I had to stop myself and sit at the kitchen table.

I am going to do this - I know there will be hard days - but I am determined!!!

A few months ago (April) I fell and broke my ankle.  5 days later I was in the hospital in "intensive care" because I had a Dual Pulmonary Embolism (a HUGE blood clot in my lungs).

I was lucky I got to the hospital when I did.

I think it was a "second chance"... 

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