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How much fat per meal?


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In the guidelines it mentions how much oils, avocado, etc per meal - but do they mean only one fat per meal? 

If I have an avocado in my salad with olive oil as dressing, and I cook my meat in ghee have I eaten 3x the amount of fat I should eat per meal?


I'm at a healthy weight, but I'm body is out of balance...so I've been focusing on eating the right foods and not worrying so much about fat...but I am curious.



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You almost can't eat too much fat. Cooking fats almost don't count because you wind up eating only a little of it. Dressings are usually pretty modest. Mostly only added fats like avocado or coconut milk in curries that you actually eat really counts. Just make sure when you compose a meal it has enough fat to be tasty and moist and don't worry about it. 

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