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day 5 - going strong

Tina Marie

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Saturday was the wine and cheese weekend.  I had a total of 1 glass of wine -if that much.  The samples they give you are 2 sips at the most, and I had split some of my choices with a friend. I only tried the ones I knew I would like.  I ate a good breakfast before we left and didn't get hungry until 2ish. We then went for lunch at a place that served organic beef... (bonus) it was chilly out and we had to eat outside - The food was good I had a burger w/ lettuce and then ordered a side salad.  The salad came dressed, but with a vinegar of sorts. So I'm am sure it had sugar in it.  Dinner was Chinese bbq pork.    (from well fed - put I put it in the crockpot)
Sunday was cutting and stacking wood for my parents.  Good M1 before leaving.  Mom made her sloppy joes (homemade) which I know had some sugar in it (not much - but had sugar) and some potatoe salad (again sugar) and fresh veggies.   Tonight is going to be a sw potato and white potato hash with eggs I think - or more of the bbq pork.
I didn't feel anything from the wine  - but that really was a 'small' test.  I bought some Lovely onion/garlic gouda.  Just waiting for it to be a special occasion. Did not have some last night - even though I was extremely tempted.
Mom made her delicious apple sour cream coffee cake.   I would love to have a bite - but after these 2 days I am going to save it and have a bite on Wed.

 I have been having some pretty bad leg cramps lately.  More than ever before.  I had compartment release on my left leg almost 6 yrs ago.  The cramps started right after that. Extremely painful. So bad that they turned my foot out !   over the years they lessened -slightly.
I asked my surgeon and he couldn't explain it.     I have tried bananas, and recently coconut water.  I can not figure what what is causing them. Wake me up in the middle of the night.   I do have some homeopathic oils that I use - it does help loosen the muscles a little quicker.
I was hoping - eating better would help - but honestly it has seemed to get much worse.


I looked at the forum for medical conditions - and found a post about leg cramps and restless leg syndrome.  Says to take magnesium and drink spring water, or mineral water.  Also Epsom salt baths are good too.  I will most definitely try this.


DAY 40 !

M1  eggs w/ fried white potato & sw potato, onions and red pepper

M2  left over Chinese BBQ and sw potato

M3  taco salad


I really don't feel any side affect of the sugar I had over the weekend.  However - it was what it was - and I am not going out of my way to include extra sugar. 

I didn't get sick from the flu shot - thank goodness !!   I am feeling good, and want to continue eating healthy.  I got some new recipes - making a sw potato bake w/ pork, onions, peppers.  I baked a spaghetti squash, for making a spaghetti/pork 'frittata' tomorrow  Make more breakfast meatballs.  No deviations from the recipe (except omitting bacon/maple syrup) this time.  Last time added gr turkey.  That dried them out too much.


My fridge is in limbo - haven't heard from the maintenance man - which it typical ~ never know when he comes and goes. Which I have said Numerous Times (to mgmt.) for him to leave a note, work order or something, so I know he was there.

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DAY 41 .... nothing real exciting on this homefront...  just moving forward


Today I decided to try some hotdogs I put in the freezer - specifically to try after my 30... but I decided to keep going. BUT today I really didn't have any food - and I thought why not try the dogs  They are nitrate free, msg free, no corn syrup, gluten free.. and according  the label less than 2% sugar.  so besides being processed, they seem to be almost compliant.   We will see how I feel tomorrow.   I did not have them with my normal cole slaw - ran out of mayo so just had them w/ a little mustard and sw potato.  Nothing I will have multiple times during the month.  Just a once in a while - Want a Hotdog Now- kind of day.  Maybe I would like them better w/ cole slaw.


M1  breakfast meatballs and 2 eggs
M2   small salad, 3 meatballs and small serving of sw potatoe/sausage bake

M3 1 1/2 hotdog and sw potato


Tomorrow is babysitting for grandson - my daughter made a minestrone soup that I will have for dinner - seems like she made it complaint (without even meaning to !)  M1 & 2 tomorrow will probably be the same as today.


Tomorrow was going to be my day to eat my mom's cake - but now with eating the hotdog today - I think I will wait - I want to see if I will have any sort of reaction to the dog.  Before I try sugar/flour and frosting ! LOL


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I am doing some minor off roading - some re-intro -  so I guess I am technically not doing another whole 30..  I would say 98% of the time I am.


I am going to re-intro corn.  It really doesn't have much nutritional value - actually probably none.  But occasionally I like to chew on a cobb or two, and I like it in some meals.  So my plan for re-intro for corn will be having a egg burrito in a corn tortilla for M1,  M2 & M3 will be another serving of corn.. I want shephards pie and will add corn to that  and then probably like a burger or something like that - with some corn that I froze from the farmers market.  I don't know when I will do this... When ever I get around to it.


I am also going to re-intro dairy - but only the items that I miss  and then only Occasionally will I partake (if there are no issues)  - cuz I really don't miss it - much.  Cheese every now and then. I really am doing it to see if it has been the cause for all the inflammation I had prior.  I suspect it is the culprit but will do a formal reintro for dairy.


I read the reintro part of W30... I think that I will reintro specific dairy items individually.  Like cheese, I will add to all 3 meals and then see how I feel.   I decided to go this route - because if dairy is the true problem, I want to see if the things I like cause problems on their own.  like yogurt, cream, butter, cheese.   We will see how that goes. I think I will start that intro after this 30 is done.  which is 11/3.

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I had the 2 bites from my mom's cake (daughter almost ate it !) and it was DE-LISH !  I savored each moment.  and it was very sweet... and I probably wouldn't be able to eat another bite. 


I used to love McD's French fries - and tonight they were screaming at me to eat them, just 1 - it won't hurt -just one.  But I made it through, didn't eat any - not a single one.  The main reason is due to the pants I was wearing... they fit fine last week and this week they were loose.  So my brain took charge and took over and my stomach was left to grumble !


I ate a burger w/ onions, mushrooms and cauliflower.  Meat out weighed the veggies tonight - mostly because I didn't want more veggies.  Simple as that.  but for M2 I did have sw potato bake and a salad.  also had an apple for a snack.


The next fews days will be spot on for compliance.   Besides the cake - wine - and dressings  everything else has been compliant.


This Saturday will be the 1st time that I will be able to get to the farmers market - crossing my fingers that it is not cold and blustery. I really want some veggies !


Still haven't made the spaghetti squash bake -  I'm burned out on baking - BUT I have to !  or there will be backsliding.


Ok - later

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