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W30 Canuck -- 1st Log post (Day 7)


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I am brand-new to Whole30, just working my way through 'It Starts with Food' (and reading all the science-y chapters).  I just finished day 7.  I am following the AIP due to chronic inflammation and multiple conditions.  So far I am finding this way of eating has improved my sleep, my energy, my stamina, my clarity, and my mood.  


I am focusing on nutrient-dense foods: offal 4-5 x's/week, seafood 4-5 x's/week, homemade bone broth, fermented veggies and 8-10 cups/day of vegetables.  Due to my health challenges (and the list is too long to type out), I am supplementing with Betaine, Digestive Enzymes, PE Nutrient 950, FCLO, Vit D and natural calm mag.  


Prior to starting Whole 30 I mapped my action plan for the 30 days, developed strategies for the 4 social events I would attend (today was one of those), filled my freezer with pasture-fed meats, etc and scheduled time each week to batch cook to ensure.  I feel that this planning is the foundation of my success this first week.


Also, I have had minimal discomfort with the transition to Whole30 which I feel is due to following the Auto-immune protocol  for about a month prior to doing the Whole30.  I did have some nasty detox stuff going on the first 7-10 days of AIP.


Today I was at a pot-luck celebration and I didn't event glance twice at the tables ladened with non-whole30 foods.  I swept past the dessert table and was happy to munch on my coconut ribbons.  I feel satiated and energized after each of my meals.  I met a lady today who is trying to follow Dr Terry Wahl's program but she said she is only 70-75% successful and often falls back to dairy and grains, for me these hold no enticement.  Grains for a long time have caused me to feel horrible, and I do prefer not eating them.  Cheese is something I consumed a lot of…but am not missing the gut issues nor the chronic sinusitis. 


Breakfast:  Clam Chowder Soup & 20 red grape

Lunch: Beef Stew (carrots and sweet potato) & green beans, black olives and coconut ribbon

Supper: Beef Stew, 1.5 cups of Kale, 1 cup brussel sprouts, 1/2 cup avocado



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